Remember Lot's wife!
This thought, that of a sister in Christ, is published on facebook .
Today we are so anxious and eager to make plans, make plans and devote himself that perhaps we have lost sight of the most important
return our Lord and Master Jesus.
we believe it will not return not in a week, we plan things well in advance may be forgetting that we will never the opportunity to enter the realization of our wishes.
not make plans is not prohibited, nor bad in itself, but what is damaging that is to forget that Jesus comes back and tells us about his imminent return. Events rush, doors are wide open we are the Christians should evangelize rather than thinking about an entry on live for comfort.
live a quiet life, a good life or seed of faith we cherish, our security in God or live aware that Christ is at the door and we request to cause the greatest number of to life path?
And many believe that it is a question of being a Good Christian faithful, with his Bible, his little prayer, morning and evening;
But more than that!
Be ready when he returns because if we're not where we are busy with worldly affairs, we may fall into the condemnation and not leave with the church (2thess 1:8)
His church, while the Lord invites us to work with fear and trembling to our hello to watch and pray Jesus.
The sins are not condemned because of the number but the nature of sin, it is small or big sins, which bring the man and woman to rebel against God
, to the opposite of what he asks us you can hear the gospel message, and do your best to escape the destruction of this world.
if your eyes fixed elsewhere that his Jesus Christ and his word seriously you walk on the road to perdition.
sing hymns, but the stand, pray even, if faith does not turn you did not change your heart, you're going to hell. . .
Lot's wife was out of town but his heart and soul living in Sodom and just as perverted as the wicked people of the plains, but it was inevitably linked by love of the world.
can be separated from the world, its practice, to become religious and not be saved (héd10 :38-39).
God had commanded unto Lot, and each member of the family,
"Do not return to your life" (Gen19: 17).
Lot's wife never looked back if she had kept her eyes fixed on the mountain that stood before her.
Jesus said:
"Whoever my hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God...
Whoever wants to protect his life lose!
It is important for us to go to the front and not be part of those who are constantly running back, as not recovered in the past by what they opposed.
Jesus is coming soon, and he returned to search those watching step back!
watch this world becomes like the city of Sodom! look and see what happens anyway watch this world that lives completely in the debauchery.
Regarding the return of the master, we know neither the day nor the hour but we know that God thousand years is like a day and a day is as a thousand years ... get ready!
Receive dear brothers and sisters all the blessings of God supreme in our beloved Yeshua our Rabboni glory to God Amen.
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