Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Paul said: "The die is gain." This type of language is quite foreign to our modern spiritual vocabulary, D. Wilkerson

die is gain
Paul said "To die is gain" (Philippians 1: 21). This type of language is quite foreign to our modern spiritual vocabulary. We became the kind of worshipers the life we desire to leave shortly to join the Lord.

Paul said: "I am a strait betwixt two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (Philippians 1: 23). However, to edify the believers, he thought it was better to "stay in the shell." Or, as he said: "abide in the flesh."

Paul Was Morbid? Was it an unhealthy fixation on death? Did he demonstrated a lack of respect for life and God blessed him? Not at all! Paul lived life to the fullest. For him, life was a gift and he used to fight the good fight. He had conquered the fear of "the sting of death" and could say: "I find it better to die and be with the Lord that remain in the flesh."

Those who die in the Lord are winners, others are losers. The final healing is not death is the resurrection. Death is that way. Sometimes this transition can be painful. But regardless of the pain and suffering that ravage the body. They are nothing compared with the indescribable glory that awaits those who must endure this passage.

messages concerning death bother us. We try not to think
. We tax those who talk about being morbid. From time to time
we talk about what may look like paradise, but most of
time, the subject of death is taboo.

Like the early Christians were different! Paul spoke many
death. Our resurrection from the dead is also invoked in the New Testament as
"Our blessed hope." But nowadays,
death is regarded as an intruder that separates us from the good old
life to which we are accustomed. We have so filled our lives with material things
that we got stuck in this life. The world we
trapped with materialism. We can no longer bear the thought of leaving our beautiful
houses, things we like and which we are attached
. We seem to think: "To die now would be a great loss
too. I love the Lord, but I need time to enjoy my
current state. I'm married. I still have to prove myself.
I need more time. "

Have you noticed that speaks very little these days, paradise, or the fact
to leave this old world? Instead, we are bombarded with messages
us how to use our faith to get more things. What vision
truncated projects eternal God! It is no wonder that so many Christians are afraid
at the thought of death. The truth is that we
are far from understanding Christ's call to reject the world and everything it implies
. He has called us to come and die. Die
without us build the memorial, without bothering about what we leave behind
us or how we will remember us. Jesus did not leave
autobiography, or headquarters, university or institute
Bible. He left nothing to perpetuate his memory, except the bread and wine


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