"He is a liar and the father of lies ..." John 8 / 44
- In Corsica, I spoke with a man in his thirties, computer, who told us he had practiced "Phosphenism" occult technique of setting a long light bulb until later, we had hallucinations. It was this extraordinary process, because he could do after several months of practice, an "astral travel" (allegedly out of his body) during the night.
- In the student district of Paris, a woman has on a mini-stand the benefits of Kabbalah, and offers courses on passersby.
- In a high-circulation women's magazine, two large pages tout the amazing effects of Transcommunication. This technique communication with the dead, invented by a priest of the Catholic Institute and researchers in electronics, can receive messages and apparitions of deceased loved ones in photographs, audio or video.
- A recent film, the USA, presents high school girls who engage in the occult and practicing magic powers on others.
- In France, a film about two witches that was once the poster
- I also knew this woman, drawn to a New Age cult, after meditation sessions and anointing oil to receive "light" she had disabilities severe enough demonic origin. She was freed after putting his faith in Christ.
- "Occultism" comes from the Latin Occultus = hidden.
- At a time which is also "scientific" and "rational", it is surprising to see the occult as much progress. We thought it was obscurantist practices of the Middle Ages, and yet millions of people around the world, West and East, South and North, practice the occult in all its forms.
- Some are directly Satanism (Satan worship), but others go by statues, idols, and still others, more sophisticated in appearance, talk of "parapsychology" (study of psychic phenomena unexplained) or "psychometry" (clairvoyance technique that identifies an individual by an object belonging to it) ...
- here I show why the occult is so popular, then in a second step, show what God says about all these practices.
A great need.
- The official churches, both Catholic and Protestant, have not responded to questions and needs spiritual men.
- For this man has more on animals, he needs to worship, he knows there is something above and what he seeks. If religion does not meet his expectations, he is tempted to turn to spirituality occult.
- Psychoanalysis, some considered the greatest discovery of the century, leaving a big disappointment: few results and even more problems to solve!
- Materialism has disappointed us and leaves a great void in his heart.
- Politics and Humanism did not managed to make us happy and make us live in peace. They provide no answer or no comfort regarding death and the afterlife.
- Despite current technical means overpowered the man is distraught and does not know how to cope with life.
- Where is the Good, which is Evil? Why is there injustice? Why evil seems to dominate us when we would do good? Our loved ones can they help us connect elements? etc..
- Occultism came with dramatic responses.
A great revolt.
- But beware: the attraction to occultism is also a great revolt against God.
- In a survey on television witchcraft, you saw a witch who chose the immediate happiness and power with Satan rather than obedience to God ...
- There is in us a morbid curiosity, a desire of power, seduction and easy wealth (the Lottery does not reply ...) instead of purity and self-sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ ...
- Teens are stuffed with things occult and fed in their revolt against all authority and, beyond, the highest authority, God.
- Here are some titles raves organized for them: "Journey to Hell", "Land of Dreams," "In the city erotic," "Hell Revealed", etc ...
- We want EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW ... As the saying goes: "Eat and drink for tomorrow we die ..." The devil makes us believe that we can offer the world now, if we do trust him . This he did with the Lord Jesus: "I'll give all this power and glory of these kingdoms, for it was given to me and I give it to whoever I want. So if you worship I think it will be all yours. Jesus replied: Begone Satan: for it is written: 'Thou shalt worship the Lord your God and serve him alone. " (Luke 4:7-8)
- Do not be fooled by the mirage of power, wealth, seduction. For the pact with Satan leads to hell. Do not believe him when he makes you believe that life with God is sad, gloomy, monotonous, uninteresting. Religion gives this picture probably but life with Jesus Christ is anything but boring! "Jesus said," If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink. Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water flow from within him, as Scripture says. He said that of Spirit were to receive those who believed in him. " (John 7:37-39)
A great diversity.
- Many believe that it is only Occultism Satanism, deliver his soul to the devil, make a blood pact with Satan, etc. ... It exists but there is something else.
- + To attract the large numbers of Occultism took all forms, clairvoyance, astrology, psychics, turntables, the ouija board, tarot cards, lines of hand, spiritualism, white magic, hypnosis, mantras, sects and Eastern practices, and all superstition!
- Everyone, or nearly, was hit by Occultism. Some consult regularly seeing or astrologer. It works! they say. Yes, it works, but at what price ...
attracts many people, especially if one has lost someone dear recently ...
- A medium supposedly puts you in communication with the dead. There may be, a materialization of the dead, a trance medium, a dialogue through the ouija board.
- Actually, this is not the dead who speak to you, but a demon who is impersonating him. This practice always leads to serious psychological disorders.
- In an article in Le Figaro in 1990, it said the suicides of two teenage Swiss (13 and 14 years) as a result of séances with a Ouija. The spirit was said that one of the girls died in the month ahead. They were so impressed by the prediction that they committed suicide the same day, but their separate ways, leaving a word of explanation. They jumped out the window of their building ...
White Magic
is a practice in vogue (see the French film) that is "beneficial" and not "evil" as black magic. It is a more seductive as white magic and black magic are the same satanic origin!
- healers, although they say they have their power of God, are in fact handled by Satan.
- I have personally encountered a great healer of the Perpignan region. He had amazing powers, he exercised free from people saying that this gift came from God. A pastor friend approached him and they became friends. This healer confessed one day that he was often forced to use his power for evil. He told his friend he wanted to kill him because he spoke of Jesus Christ. Increasingly worked by God's words that he quoted the pastor, he repented of his power and threw everything that was related to the occult. He put his faith in Jesus Christ and was saved by the grace of God.
- In magic, there is a principle of compensation . Magic (white or black) gives you what you want, but has terrible consequences: severe mental illness, demonic possession, suicide, violent death, etc. ...
- EX: the Swiss peasant had his son (the only heir ) paralyzed by polio. He went to see a healer who cures him "miraculously". Everything was wonderful until the day when the father found his 16 year old son dead in the barn, severed an artery in the neck. He found an amulet around his neck saying: "The soul belongs to the devil."
- Suicides are common among those who practice such things are sadly psychiatric hospitals filled with people who have touched clairvoyance, astrology, magic, spiritualism ..
- Many who have achieved a dramatic recovery become alcoholics, disturbed or evil.
- This woman, for example. boasted of having "eliminated" her husband by magic. She confessed to a friend: "I am forced to hurt. I do not want to do, but I have to. The Devil compels me ..."
A great seduction.
- In Genesis 3, we discover a strange dialogue between Satan (the serpent) and the first men to read v.1 5.
- there are lies of the devil here 2: "You will not die ..." and "Ye shall be as gods" . In fact, Adam and Eve are dead and they are not at all become gods. Their children, Cain killed his brother, Adam hid from God, and mankind has sunk into chaos.
- The New Age, Eastern carrier moving the occult, announced these two lies: Reincarnation (you will not die) and Magic or parapsychology (you will be like gods).
- The occult is to father the devil, the devil is the Father of Lies. When you seer predicts your future, when the astrologer (or horoscope) tells you the future, when a death is to you in a seance (or transcommunication) ...
Let me reveal a few secrets of the occult, and particularly those of astrology, clairvoyance and spiritualism.
- First, it is recognized that a majority of astrologers and other psychics have no real power. They are fine and psychologists earn very good living.
- There are a number of people who have real powers magic, witchcraft, healing and are guided by superior minds (guides).
- The astrologer will advise you to do this or that and sometimes you announce future events. If he has real powers and if you trust them, these things happen.
- One might say then: "He really saw my future and we all have a destiny that must be accomplished! "Those who believe this are very unfortunate.
- This woman, eg., learned from his astrologer that his sick child does not regain health. She has thus killed.
- The believer who would be making a horoscope to prove that it does not work, lives fulfilled all the predictions! He repented of his act and immediately stopped the predictions come true ...
- What to say? The astrologer, like seeing sees no future . You suggests things, and as you believe, they accomplished more or less.
- Often, it is a demon who suggested he tell you some things, and this demon is then responsible to accomplish in your life.
- No, there is no "destiny" absolute. God, our creator gives us opportunities to choose our destiny and our eternal destiny earth: if we obey His Word and His Son, we're on the road of life. If we neglect the teachings of the Bible and that it refuses to submit to Jesus Christ, we are on the road to perdition.
Much conviction.
- Some practice these things while claiming to believers and pious.
- There are a lot of spiritualism and superstition in human religions, eg., Visions, trances, contacts with the dead (Mary and saints ...).
- But the Word of God condemns such practices and without appeal:
spiritualism, clairvoyance, magic is condemned by God
"Do you turn point to those that evoke minds, nor to the wizards do not seek, to be defiled with them. I am the Lord your God. "(Leviticus 19:31)
" If a man or a woman have in them the spirit of a dead or a spirit of divination, they will be punished by death ; they were stoned, their blood is upon them. "(Lev. 20/27)
" Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices the craft seer, astrologer, augur, a magician. "(Deuteronomy 18/10)
ASTROLOGY is condemned by God:
"He may find yourself in the middle of one of the cities which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman doing evil in the eyes of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, going after other gods to serve them and worship them, after the sun, moon, or the Army of Heaven. That is not what I have commanded. " (Deuteronomy 17/2-5)
"Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and do not fear the signs of heaven, because nations fear them." (Jeremiah 10 / 2)
"You're tired dint see: they get up and let them save you, those who know the sky, who observe the stars who advertise, according to new moons which should happen to you! " (Isaiah 47/13)
- Why is God so harsh? Because He loves us and He knows that this practice will destroy us.
God's love is stronger.
- This article aims to publicly warn people ignorant of the pitfalls of the occult, and reveal the lies and hazards.
- This article is also about the work of Jesus Christ on the cross: He came "to destroy the devil's work" and "deliver the captives."
- Jesus cast out many demons and those who, today, presented him with their lives, have been delivered from vices, passions, sins, and sometimes demons.
- I heard from Doreen Irvine, a former English witch. It was considered "the Queen of Witches" as she went further into the occult. She could levitate, move remote objects, cast spells on people terrible. She lived a life of debauchery and perversion. She called herself "the wife of devil", not a provocation but because it had gone very far in Satanism. She thought she was invulnerable.
- Having learned that an evangelist would hold conferences in her town, she decided to oppose him. The meetings were well underway, attracting the world to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Doreen came to one of her and tried to disrupt the meeting by using his powers. Nothing happened and she began to realize that there was there a higher power. She returned several times and each time tried to ruin the meeting but it was a total defeat. The Word of God made a black hole in her soul and she ended up giving his soul to Jesus Christ, not without completely renounced the devil.
- His life was completely transformed, and when she testified in church that had been his life before knowing Jesus Christ, many could not believe her, as she looked pure and innocent.
- If Doreen Irvine and has been forgiven, delivered and processed, it is possible for anyone who has practiced these things.
- Many people suffer the devastating effects of the occult in their lives, sometimes without knowing where it may come. People who consult an astrologer or a seer, who draw the maps, or have psychic powers, psychic disorders, anxiety terrible, desires of suicide, violent outbursts, self-destruction, perversity, etc. ... They are slaves of evil spirits and can not find peace and deliverance in Jesus Christ.
- The Lord Jesus Christ, after His sacrifice on the cross, rose again death, and raised above all the demons. He crushed Satan and reign over all evil spirit. Whoever entrusts his life to Jesus Christ will not have to fear the power of the devil and demons:
"And demons also came out from many, crying and saying, Thou art the Son of God. But he threatened them and did not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Christ. " (Luke 4:41)
"The unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him and cried, You are the Son of God." (Mark 3:11)
"Those who were troubled by unclean spirits were healed." (Luke 6:18)
"God has delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son." (Colossians 1:13)
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