Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ap Bio Lab Five Answers

a prayer a new birth!


Eternal Father, God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I come before you as I am. I learned that in the beginning you have created man in thine image and likeness. In your great love, you've created to establish an everlasting covenant with him which has blessed you and gave you eternal life. Your Spirit of peace and holiness in him. For him, the man remained in permanent communion with you and you were his God. You gave him full authority over the work of your hands so that it dominates everything you've created on Earth. I understood that this covenant was broken by Adam, the first man, because he has eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you had expressly forbidden him to eat. This sin has signed the end of an alliance and an intimate communion of men with you God. Because of sin through the disobedience of Adam, death entered into all humanity. Deprived of thy glory and intimate communion with you, I now find myself in darkness, under the influence and under the domination of Satan, his slave and slave power of delusion sin what you hate God.

I understand that I am a sinner and that I have transgressed your laws because I'm away from thy holy and sanctifying power of your God. You say in your speech that the wages of sin is death and there is no forgiveness without bloodshed. That's why I understand that you sent your son Jesus Christ, the savior of the world announced by the prophets because you do not want me to be under condemnation and under the fearful expectation of trial because of sin. I understand he has been anointed to save what was lost, for some good news the poor and unfortunate, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to free the prisoners, to comfort the afflicted, to call sinners to repentance and to destroy the devil's work! You sent to pay my debt for me. He died in my place. His blood was shed in place of my blood. I understand that my pain has increased, he took charge of my pain, he was wounded for my sins, he was bruised for my iniquities. The punishment that gives me peace was upon him. By His stripes I am healed. He cleared the act condemned me and orders made against me by nailing to the cross. I have him in the redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Lord you set me free from the power of darkness, because Christ has disarmed the rulers, authorities, powers, dignities, spiritual wickedness in heavenly places in triumphing over them by the cross and I believe him. Because you wanted him to reconcile all things by yourself, whether things on earth that which is in heaven. I want to make peace with you, by the blood of the cross. God I was once your enemy abroad and by my thoughts and my bad deeds (to confess to God) and I think you got me now reconciled by the death in the body of the flesh of your son.

Today God, I come to ask forgiveness for the SALVATION of my soul because I want to restore the alliance that was broken because of sin. I am born again of water and the Spirit! I want to go in all your promises of blessings. I accept by faith the free gift of eternal life is why I CONFESS to the visible and invisible world that accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and my Lord! He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father but by Him! I think all these sins I have confessed and that I made the decision to divert me forgiven me now. I think now that you transported me the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and love your son that I am justified. I sign this new alliance between you and me by a deed land, the BAPTISM OF WATER accordance with your will written in your word, THE BIBLE! I need you to baptize me in your HOLY SPIRIT so that I can feel your presence CONSOLE AND HOLY bracing myself and I can serve you with POWER in obedience and submission to your voice according to your will! Be now the Lord of my life drive me on the path of eternal life! AMEN!



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