Without warning and almost unnoticed, a new cross was introduced into popular evangelical circles of our time. It looks like the old one, but it is different, the similarities are superficial, the fundamental differences.
From this new cross has sprung a new philosophy of Christian life and philosophy of this new evangelical technique: a new style of meeting and a new kind of preaching. This new evangelism employs the same language as the old one, but its content is different and his power is no longer as before.
The old cross was unrelated to the world. For the proud flesh of Adam, it meant death. It put into effect the sentence imposed by the law of Sinai. The new Cross, it is not opposed to the human race it is, instead, a friendly partner, and if I understand correctly, it supplies a flow of legitimate and good fun and innocent joy. It lets Adam live without hindrance, with a motivation unchanged and can continue to live for pleasure and now, instead of rejoicing in doubtful sing while drinking strong drink, he rejoiced to sing hymns and watch movies religieux.L emphasis remains on the enjoyment ... who stands on a higher plane!
The new cross encourages it in the evangelization, a fresh approach and completely different. The evangelist does not claim more renouncing the old life that new life can take hold. He preaches not contrasts but similarities. He tries to get in tune with the public interest by showing that Christianity has no unpleasant demands, but instead it has everything the world offers, but at a higher level.
Anything after which the world corrupted by sin, sucks nowadays is very skillfully presented as exactly what brings the gospel, the religious product is obviously better.
The new cross does not bring the sinner to death, it redirects. She returns in a different direction in living healthier and happier, while maintaining its pride. A person who is bossy, she said, "Come up and says to Christ!". A person who is imbued with himself, she said, "Come and glorify you in the Lord." A person who is eager to emotions, she said: "Come and Get repais fellowship. The message of the Gospel is deflected obliquely in the direction of current in vogue to be accepted by the public.
philosophy which stands behind is undoubtedly sincere, but sincerity does not prevent him from being fausse.Elle is false because it is blind. It completely misses the fundamental significance of the cross.
The old cross is a symbol of death. It is the sudden and brutal end of a human life. Time of the Romans, who took charge of his cross and committed on the trail of death had already said goodbye to his friends. He knew he would not return. He started forever. The cross made no compromise, it did not change anything, it does not work, she spared nothing, she sacrificed everything in man, completely and permanently. She was not trying to stay on good terms with his victim. It hit hard and cruelly, and when she had finished her work, nothing remained of the man, he no longer existed.
The race of Adam is under death sentence. There can be no reprieve, no escape. God can not approve any of the fruits of sin, however innocent or attractive they may seem to human eyes. God has put man "looting" and "liquidate" totally, before the meeting in newness of life.
This preaching evangelism which draws parallels between the conciliatory ways of God and those men are a traitor to the Bible and cruel to the souls of listeners.
Faith in Christ does not parallel the world, on the contrary, it is cut.
Coming to Christ, we do not shrug our old nature to a higher level, we abandon the cross.
The grain of wheat must fall into the ground and die. We who preach the Gospel, we must not consider ourselves as public relations officer, sent to establish a good relationship between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves on mission to make Christ acceptable to the general trade, the press, the sports world, or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.
God offers life, but not the old life improved. The life He offers is life reborn from death. It still stands beside the cross. Anyone who wants to possess must pass "under the height gauge": he must renounce himself and approve the just sentence of God against him. What this means for anyone who is faced with Jesus Christ? How can this theology be translated into her life? He just needs to repent and believe. He must renounce his sins, and go further by renouncing itself. It hides nothing, nothing excuses, justifies nothing. He does not try to argue with God, but he bows his head in shock from the austere displeasure of God, and acknowledge himself worthy of death.
After that, it looks, with a simple faith in the risen Savior, has come to life, rebirth, purification and power. The cross that ended the earthly life of Jesus also put an end to that of the sinner, and the power that raised Christ from the dead will return as the sinner to a new life with Christ.
A person who wishes to object to this, or see a narrow conception of truth and personal, I would say that God put his seal of approval on this message, since the time of Paul until today.
That the terms were exactly the same or not, such was, throughout the centuries, the content of preaching, which has provided life and power in the world. That is what men of God of the past, reformers, the revivalists have emphasized, and the signs, wonders and mighty operations of the Holy Spirit testified of God's approval their message.
Dare we, as heirs of such legal power, to falsify the truth? Dare we, the blunt tip of our pens, touch up the path of God, changing the model revealed for us on Mount Calvary? God forbid!
Let us preach the old cross and we know the old power.
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