Friday, March 4, 2011
Can Stopping Smoking Cause Hallucinations
Evangelical Church of Bastia: Against the pressure of ecumenism. : "Should we help the ungodly and love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, the Lord is enraged against you." (2 Chronicles 19.2 ... "
Ut Austin Private Dorms Dobie
Today, Thursday, March 3, the wind has finally calmed down!
No time to lose.
A course is ready, waiting for the whim of the weather.
ON BOUTENAC then Gasparets and three ribs broken-legged (if they are rising quickly) of about 300 m.
A short descent, we arrived in STE-MARIE-OLLIEUX and the D613.
Eight km further, branch Palace, former railway station (the train came up Mouthoumet).
It leaves the road to ST-LAURENT-DE-LA-Cabrerisse, highly popular village and turn right towards Fabrezan.
On leaving the village, a big dog is coming too close to my calves, I descend to biking and hunting.
He fled.
soon as I leave, he rushed back to me, I am obliged to descend to biking, very nervous.
Its owner watched the scene in his car (he would start) and eventually intervene.
eternal problem of unrestrained dogs in the villages ...
Here are the photos that I had done in April 2009: (right click - New Tab)
Deception very little water despite the rains of recent weeks, the show is sad ...
This side is easy, 2.2 km to 4 or 5%.
On the other hand, descent is much more serious
3.2 km 6 or 7% over the entire length with, culminating in the bend of the horseshoe,
brace yourself, 16%!
This afternoon there, it's nice, but it is better to wear a windbreaker for the descent ...
The usual route leads to SOFT and FONTCOUVERTE.
We left the D357 up Blomac.
Here, to avoid the D610, very crowded, we must find the street Fallois, right that will lead us to Puichéric a moderately passable road of 3.5 km.
Coast 1 km outside the village, the new side entrance MONTBRUN before the climb of Portanelle, 1.8 km, easy percentages.
A descent of 2 km brings us to Conilhac-Corbieres. The
Street Laundry, very narrow, leading directly to the traffic lights.
Unfortunately, it is closed, it must pass through the Place de l'Horloge and the Rue des Ecoles.
What? Encore!
The road (D111) which runs FERRALS-les-Corbières is closed, impossible to pass even a bike!
No detour signs, for bowlers we say "street Platanes then Lavoirs street."
And we find ourselves on a path quite smashed on more than one kilometer, before returning to the D111.
A donkey pulling a cart travels through the village.
That means green transportation!
Until we later discovered a pile of dung in the middle of the street ...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Is Aloe Vera Safe For Lips
__ Wow! You have a new meter, what it's like brand?
__ Garmin Edge 800.
__ You've paid the price?
__ Yes, but it's the best present for cyclists.
__ What he more than others?
__ Autonomy 15h
Touchscreen very bright, even in bright sunlight
fixation on the gallows handy
Large amount of useful data for cycling
fastness, tightness
very fast connection the Satellite
Software Garmin Connect and Training Center for the Analysis
__ Complicated?
__ Not too much.
I put it on its stand, a quarter turn, it is fixed.
Long press on button 1 to turn it on.
When the satellites are received, pressing the button 3 to start the stopwatch.
__ That's it?
__ During the course, I can read three pages of data and the profile.
__ How much data at all? __
can cram in 3x10 = 30
I configured a main page for the dish, a second page to the coast (with the profile page), a third for medium.
__ What is this button?
__ With button 2, I create intervals: I support the foot of a hill and then at the top, which allows me to know its length, its altitude, elapsed time, speed, ...
__ At the end of exit, you press the button 3?
__ I can also use it on top of a hill if I search for non-climbers back down, to avoid distorting the profile.
Do not forget to restart afterwards.
When the output is complete, must validate the registration by pressing the 2 button for 5 seconds, the file appears in the log.
__ To retrieve data on the computer?
__ Simply plug a USB cable, data is transferred to the two programs mentioned above.
The first is online, the Internet, the second hard disk, just in case.
__ And navigation?
__ I speak in my next article, okay?
__ OK, I'll wait ...
In an ascent
Averages for the end of the exit
A dot indicates where you are on the profile
Table created from the recorded intervals (button 2)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Why Does Soda Give People Hiccups
Ghjesù dopu disse to i na discìpuli: Ghjè per Quess Ch'e vi dicu: Ùn v'inquiitate EP Vostra Vita di ciò chi vo manghjarete, nè pil u vostru corpu ciò di chi vi vistar.
22 Jesus said to his disciples, "Therefore I tell you: Do not worry about your life, what you eat or about your body, what you will wear.
A vita più he ca u manghjà, è più corpu u ca u vistimentu.
Life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.
Cunsiderate i corbi: nè sumènanu, nè racòglienu a Hanu nè cantina nè granaghju ; è Diu i nutrisce. Or quantu ùn valete più ca l’acelli !
Considérez les corbeaux : ils ne sèment ni ne moissonnent, ils n’ont ni cellier ni grenier ; et Dieu les nourrit. Combien ne valez-vous pas plus que les oiseaux !
Quale hè di voi quellu chì pò, cù a so inquiitùdine, aumintà d’un bràcciu a durata di a so vita ?
Qui de vous, par ses inquiétudes, peut ajouter une coudée à la durée de sa vie ?
S’ì dunque vo ùn pudete fà mancu a mìnima cosa, perchè vo v’inquiitate pè u restu ?
Si donc vous ne pouvez pas même la moindre chose, pourquoi vous inquiétez-vous du reste ?
Osservate cum’elli crèscenu i gigli : nè travàglianu nè fìlanu ; eppuru èiu vi dicu chì mancu Salamone, in tutta a so glòria, hè statu vistutu cum’è unu d’elli.
Considérez comment croissent les lys : ils ne travaillent ni ne filent ; cependant je tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them.
S'i Diu jacket cusi if the arba chi li trova oghje in campi è chi sarà Duman brusgiata at high Quantu più ragione vi Vistar, di poca fede ghjente?
If God so clothe the grass which is now in the field and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more clothe you do does not, ye of little faith ?
È voi a di vi CONCERNS ciò chì vo manghjarete nè di ciò chì vo biarete, è ùn v’inquiitate.
Et vous, ne cherchez pas ce que vous mangerez et ce que vous boirez, et ne soyez pas inquiets.
Perchè tutte sse cose sò i pagani di u mondu chì e cèrcanu. U vostru Babbu sà chì vo n’avete bisognu.
Car toutes ces choses, ce sont les païens du monde qui les recherchent. Votre Père sait que vous en avez besoin.
Circate anzituttu u regnu di Diu ; è tutte sse cose vi saranu date in soprappiù.
But seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be over.
Ùn abbia paura, O bandigliola; chi u vostru Ha sceltu Babbu di u Davvi regnu.
Fear not, little flock, for your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
V indict ciò è chi vo avete dàtelu in limosine. Fàtevi borse Ùn frùstanu chi, senza fine in a Tesoru read celu, u duva latru Ùn è s'avvicina has Tignol Ùn distrughje.
33 Sell your possessions and give to the charity. Get scholarships that do not grow old, a treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, and where no moth destroys.
Chi duv'ellu he vostru Tesoru u, u vostru cula sarà ANCU core.
34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Does Your Cervix Move Down Before Your Period?
Larger Map
Next Sunday, March 6, are scheduled the first trips 60/80/90 km, organized by the club.
absolutely must leave this Sunday to review a few buddies and get back a little in the mood ...
The winter was harsh, too tough for me to fear the cold ... and pedal for fun!
I'm so good in my garage on my home trainer virtual!
yesterday I completed the last 30 km from Milan San Remo, with the Cipressa (5.3 km) and Poggio (4 km).
announced Wind: 30 to 55 kmh.
Let's go!
expected to roundabout Caroprix, a first group goes, I agree Lionel, then arrive Guy, Brigitte, ...
We follow them.
As expected, the crossing between ponds and BAGES PEYRIAC is perilous, wind coat the bike, you must hold onto the handlebars.
Later, another group catches up, with Louis, Andrew, Richard M, Francis R and M ... apparently no road captain is a bit helter-skelter with this wind that is heavily loaded with beefy and big calves. In
also causes the departure of the Palace of Labour is still as folk, no help from groups in order, fastest first. A
PEYRIAC, we take the cross to the left, leading to attention in the D6009, on a corner!
Few service on Sunday morning, well, it happens.
After the roundabout African Reserve first steep slope facing the wind. Other bumps
succeed him, cardio up to 165 beats this will be my best on the course, I can go up to 180.
At the exit of a turn, a 4X4 is balanced on the almost vertical slope, a few meters above the Berry!
The couple is sheltered under a tree and called for help with the laptop, they did not hurt!
But how afraid they must have had! A
Ripaud a fairly long climb into the wind up ahead MONTPLAISIR where initially we had to turn left and FONTJONCOUSE Coustouge.
The bursts are always violent, requiring maximum concentration and a lot of energy, we decided to go straight to DONOS.
Just before reaching it, a transition is particularly delicate, the wind on the left side, and the gap on the right, deep, is reaching out, phew! it happened this time ... A few km
difficult and here we are THEZAN, then the D613.
The output is virtually complete, although there is still more than twenty miles, the wind grows back, you can not force up to 40 kmh.
Ah! I almost forgot one detail: the rise of the Hauts de Narbonne in 800 m, with EPs in 9, 10, 11, 12 and up to 13%!
is my new Garmin GPS Edge 800, Gege for short, which told me.
can see the page at this address (click top right on "View Metrics" to avoid having miles)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Pokemon Soul Silver Arceus
Storms Solar: An inevitable danger
According to American astronomers, the sun's natural cycle should result in one to two years of powerful solar storms that can cause lasting dysfunctions of our communication satellites, which depend critically almost all our activities.
Collected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the remarks of some astronomers are not reassuring. According to them, the last peak of solar activity cycle - an average of about 11 years - dating back to 2001. The current year or the next should experience significant solar flares, potentially dangerous to our phones, our GPS, our computers, likely to nail the ground planes lack of navigation systems, and causing power cuts very important. The phenomenon
releases first waves of X-ray and UV reaching the Earth in minutes, disrupting radio signals and damaging the electronics of satellites. They are followed, at 10 or 20 minutes apart, by an emission of energetic particles even more destructive, then 15 to 30 hours later by the plasma collides with the Earth's magnetic field, causing the aurora borealis, but especially interruptions on power lines.
"It's not a question of 'what if ...?' it's just a question of 'when? " and 'how much?'. The last time we had a maximum in the solar cycle, about 10 years ago, the world was very different. Mobile phones are now ubiquitous. Many things we take for granted today are so much dependent on the 'weather' space before! ", warns Jane Lubchenco, the U.S. administration responsible for oceanic and atmospheric issues.
Recently Launched Blu-ray Dvd Player
die is gain
Paul said "To die is gain" (Philippians 1: 21). This type of language is quite foreign to our modern spiritual vocabulary. We became the kind of worshipers the life we desire to leave shortly to join the Lord.
Paul said: "I am a strait betwixt two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (Philippians 1: 23). However, to edify the believers, he thought it was better to "stay in the shell." Or, as he said: "abide in the flesh."
Paul Was Morbid? Was it an unhealthy fixation on death? Did he demonstrated a lack of respect for life and God blessed him? Not at all! Paul lived life to the fullest. For him, life was a gift and he used to fight the good fight. He had conquered the fear of "the sting of death" and could say: "I find it better to die and be with the Lord that remain in the flesh."
Those who die in the Lord are winners, others are losers. The final healing is not death is the resurrection. Death is that way. Sometimes this transition can be painful. But regardless of the pain and suffering that ravage the body. They are nothing compared with the indescribable glory that awaits those who must endure this passage.
messages concerning death bother us. We try not to think
. We tax those who talk about being morbid. From time to time
we talk about what may look like paradise, but most of
time, the subject of death is taboo.
Like the early Christians were different! Paul spoke many
death. Our resurrection from the dead is also invoked in the New Testament as
"Our blessed hope." But nowadays,
death is regarded as an intruder that separates us from the good old
life to which we are accustomed. We have so filled our lives with material things
that we got stuck in this life. The world we
trapped with materialism. We can no longer bear the thought of leaving our beautiful
houses, things we like and which we are attached
. We seem to think: "To die now would be a great loss
too. I love the Lord, but I need time to enjoy my
current state. I'm married. I still have to prove myself.
I need more time. "
Have you noticed that speaks very little these days, paradise, or the fact
to leave this old world? Instead, we are bombarded with messages
us how to use our faith to get more things. What vision
truncated projects eternal God! It is no wonder that so many Christians are afraid
at the thought of death. The truth is that we
are far from understanding Christ's call to reject the world and everything it implies
. He has called us to come and die. Die
without us build the memorial, without bothering about what we leave behind
us or how we will remember us. Jesus did not leave
autobiography, or headquarters, university or institute
Bible. He left nothing to perpetuate his memory, except the bread and wine
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
License Plate On Honda Pilot
Without warning and almost unnoticed, a new cross was introduced into popular evangelical circles of our time. It looks like the old one, but it is different, the similarities are superficial, the fundamental differences.
From this new cross has sprung a new philosophy of Christian life and philosophy of this new evangelical technique: a new style of meeting and a new kind of preaching. This new evangelism employs the same language as the old one, but its content is different and his power is no longer as before.
The old cross was unrelated to the world. For the proud flesh of Adam, it meant death. It put into effect the sentence imposed by the law of Sinai. The new Cross, it is not opposed to the human race it is, instead, a friendly partner, and if I understand correctly, it supplies a flow of legitimate and good fun and innocent joy. It lets Adam live without hindrance, with a motivation unchanged and can continue to live for pleasure and now, instead of rejoicing in doubtful sing while drinking strong drink, he rejoiced to sing hymns and watch movies religieux.L emphasis remains on the enjoyment ... who stands on a higher plane!
The new cross encourages it in the evangelization, a fresh approach and completely different. The evangelist does not claim more renouncing the old life that new life can take hold. He preaches not contrasts but similarities. He tries to get in tune with the public interest by showing that Christianity has no unpleasant demands, but instead it has everything the world offers, but at a higher level.
Anything after which the world corrupted by sin, sucks nowadays is very skillfully presented as exactly what brings the gospel, the religious product is obviously better.
The new cross does not bring the sinner to death, it redirects. She returns in a different direction in living healthier and happier, while maintaining its pride. A person who is bossy, she said, "Come up and says to Christ!". A person who is imbued with himself, she said, "Come and glorify you in the Lord." A person who is eager to emotions, she said: "Come and Get repais fellowship. The message of the Gospel is deflected obliquely in the direction of current in vogue to be accepted by the public.
philosophy which stands behind is undoubtedly sincere, but sincerity does not prevent him from being fausse.Elle is false because it is blind. It completely misses the fundamental significance of the cross.
The old cross is a symbol of death. It is the sudden and brutal end of a human life. Time of the Romans, who took charge of his cross and committed on the trail of death had already said goodbye to his friends. He knew he would not return. He started forever. The cross made no compromise, it did not change anything, it does not work, she spared nothing, she sacrificed everything in man, completely and permanently. She was not trying to stay on good terms with his victim. It hit hard and cruelly, and when she had finished her work, nothing remained of the man, he no longer existed.
The race of Adam is under death sentence. There can be no reprieve, no escape. God can not approve any of the fruits of sin, however innocent or attractive they may seem to human eyes. God has put man "looting" and "liquidate" totally, before the meeting in newness of life.
This preaching evangelism which draws parallels between the conciliatory ways of God and those men are a traitor to the Bible and cruel to the souls of listeners.
Faith in Christ does not parallel the world, on the contrary, it is cut.
Coming to Christ, we do not shrug our old nature to a higher level, we abandon the cross.
The grain of wheat must fall into the ground and die. We who preach the Gospel, we must not consider ourselves as public relations officer, sent to establish a good relationship between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves on mission to make Christ acceptable to the general trade, the press, the sports world, or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.
God offers life, but not the old life improved. The life He offers is life reborn from death. It still stands beside the cross. Anyone who wants to possess must pass "under the height gauge": he must renounce himself and approve the just sentence of God against him. What this means for anyone who is faced with Jesus Christ? How can this theology be translated into her life? He just needs to repent and believe. He must renounce his sins, and go further by renouncing itself. It hides nothing, nothing excuses, justifies nothing. He does not try to argue with God, but he bows his head in shock from the austere displeasure of God, and acknowledge himself worthy of death.
After that, it looks, with a simple faith in the risen Savior, has come to life, rebirth, purification and power. The cross that ended the earthly life of Jesus also put an end to that of the sinner, and the power that raised Christ from the dead will return as the sinner to a new life with Christ.
A person who wishes to object to this, or see a narrow conception of truth and personal, I would say that God put his seal of approval on this message, since the time of Paul until today.
That the terms were exactly the same or not, such was, throughout the centuries, the content of preaching, which has provided life and power in the world. That is what men of God of the past, reformers, the revivalists have emphasized, and the signs, wonders and mighty operations of the Holy Spirit testified of God's approval their message.
Dare we, as heirs of such legal power, to falsify the truth? Dare we, the blunt tip of our pens, touch up the path of God, changing the model revealed for us on Mount Calvary? God forbid!
Let us preach the old cross and we know the old power.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Teeth Cleaning For Dogs Sacramento
This thought, that of a sister in Christ, is published on facebook .
Today we are so anxious and eager to make plans, make plans and devote himself that perhaps we have lost sight of the most important
return our Lord and Master Jesus.
we believe it will not return not in a week, we plan things well in advance may be forgetting that we will never the opportunity to enter the realization of our wishes.
not make plans is not prohibited, nor bad in itself, but what is damaging that is to forget that Jesus comes back and tells us about his imminent return. Events rush, doors are wide open we are the Christians should evangelize rather than thinking about an entry on live for comfort.
live a quiet life, a good life or seed of faith we cherish, our security in God or live aware that Christ is at the door and we request to cause the greatest number of to life path?
And many believe that it is a question of being a Good Christian faithful, with his Bible, his little prayer, morning and evening;
But more than that!
Be ready when he returns because if we're not where we are busy with worldly affairs, we may fall into the condemnation and not leave with the church (2thess 1:8)
His church, while the Lord invites us to work with fear and trembling to our hello to watch and pray Jesus.
The sins are not condemned because of the number but the nature of sin, it is small or big sins, which bring the man and woman to rebel against God
, to the opposite of what he asks us you can hear the gospel message, and do your best to escape the destruction of this world.
if your eyes fixed elsewhere that his Jesus Christ and his word seriously you walk on the road to perdition.
sing hymns, but the stand, pray even, if faith does not turn you did not change your heart, you're going to hell. . .
Lot's wife was out of town but his heart and soul living in Sodom and just as perverted as the wicked people of the plains, but it was inevitably linked by love of the world.
can be separated from the world, its practice, to become religious and not be saved (héd10 :38-39).
God had commanded unto Lot, and each member of the family,
"Do not return to your life" (Gen19: 17).
Lot's wife never looked back if she had kept her eyes fixed on the mountain that stood before her.
Jesus said:
"Whoever my hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God...
Whoever wants to protect his life lose!
It is important for us to go to the front and not be part of those who are constantly running back, as not recovered in the past by what they opposed.
Jesus is coming soon, and he returned to search those watching step back!
watch this world becomes like the city of Sodom! look and see what happens anyway watch this world that lives completely in the debauchery.
Regarding the return of the master, we know neither the day nor the hour but we know that God thousand years is like a day and a day is as a thousand years ... get ready!
Receive dear brothers and sisters all the blessings of God supreme in our beloved Yeshua our Rabboni glory to God Amen.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Dehydration Gums Receding
I read that a man greeted his friends with a gentle rebuke: "You did I met praying? . What a great way to welcome friends. I wonder how many friends he kept.
I think my greeting to you this week is rather: "You do I encountered trying to relax? "Are you a quiet pond or an ocean in turmoil? Are you completely satisfied in Christ alone, or are you looking for another man who can add something to your walk with God? In the midst of the storm experiment you peace or do you see your foundation crumbling? Have you discovered the only thing, or are you troubled by "many things"?
I have good news for you. I encourage you to read on to discover the secret of resting in Christ, and the deeper meaning of the Sabbath.
"For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. "(Matt. 12:8)
The Sabbath (or any other thing belonging to the Old Covenant) had in mind a spiritual fulfillment in Christ. Jesus is not bound by any rules or tradition that says you should or you should not. He is the Lord of the Sabbath, the Sabbath does not reign on him.
We who are in Christ, respect the Sabbath but the Sabbath is not for us a day of the week. This is certainly not a day to attend religious services. It has nothing to do with the calendar. If we want to respect the Sabbath, we just need remain, continue to live in Christ as a branch remains constant and is connected to the Vine. Because the branch is based in the Vine. The branch does not fight by winning all sorts of trouble or effort to produce fruit at a price many contortions. Instead, he simply lives in union with the Cep, and in this sense he is resting. He confides in the Life of the Vine to produce fruit. This is the principle of Sabbath rest.
Now let this rest in Christ. You might assume that, as the Son of God, He had the freedom to say and do what He looked good. But it clearly says "I do nothing of myself. This is my Father who dwells in me does the works. "That's what the rest, my friend. He is the Master, the Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus excelled in the art of observing the Sabbath. What does this mean? This means say, I do nothing of myself. My teachings are not from me, but they belong to Him who sent me. And I do nothing except what I see to my Father and I said nothing apart from what I hear from my Father. It's extraordinary. That's what it means to rest in the Lord.
Well, our relationship with Christ must be exactly identical to the relationship of Christ with His Father. I do nothing outside of Christ. I said nothing apart from Christ. And I do not say nothing by my own strength, but I trust the Lord's life to Jesus in me and through me what I can not do by myself.
Or if you prefer, is what Paul describes in Galatians 2:20: "This is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me." I, but Christ. This is the secret of the Christian life. And can I afford to add: "More than I, but Christ," that's life normal Christian. That's how it should happen, and since the very beginning.
Remember the first day of Adam's life, just after its creation, was a day of rest. Well the Christian life begins the same way. If anyone is in Christ, the Bible says or she is a new creation. You are born again, you are born from above. And the first lesson you learn is that the spiritual life in Christ, not do is be, it is not working, but resting.
How it is disappointing that the church prostitute - the system does not teach religious-how to enter the rest. She wants you to work immediately. Therefore you overexerting yourself, trying to be holy, trying to be like Christ, trying to please people - the pastor, elders and members your church. You feel sometimes that you'll never do enough. You can never give enough, you're never quite available to do things you never attend enough meetings. And how guilty you feel, if you ever say 'no', or when you do not do enough.
Your first day in Christ is a day of rest. Do not be bound by a timetable. This first "day" in Christ can take weeks or years. We seek the spiritual principle of the Sabbath, we are not talking about a period of twenty four hours. It's one thing you will learn and live for the rest of your life. How are these unfortunate people that do not start in the rest of Christ. They were saved, and start working for the religion and are living as slaves in Egypt instead of staying in the Hebrew land flowing with milk and honey. Thus, after years of slavery, they become institutionalized, and they think that the Christian life is supposed to happen.
While it is true for many people, but it should be quite different. Your first day in Christ is a day of rest. The work will come later. But your first day as a new creation is one day of rest. It will be a day of rest as you learn what it means to abide in Christ, live in Him, resting on his work fully completed. This is the basis and foundation of everything else. If the word "season" helps you understand the word "day", well think of the Sabbath as a season.
But the first lesson is to learn to relax. This is the principle of the Sabbath.
I hope you begin to discern the length and depth of these things. From this perspective, you see how silly it is to make you a mountain on Sunday or Saturday, the Sabbath or Lord's day, what you can do and what you can not do. These are arguments for grandchildren. Let us toward maturity. Let's drop the childish things and become men and women with spiritual wisdom and discernment. God is looking for a spiritual condition, a spiritual result, and for this He will work in your heart deeply. This is the basis of the New Covenant.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My Legs Ache When I Go Tobed
We made the same picture as God, we have the same source of faith.
God's words express his will. His will is revealed by His words. Similarly, only utter words that are our control. We do not want to eat fruit.
We started by saying "Imagine". In fact, you do not need to imagine, it's real: Jesus has already told you in His Word!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Pokemon Dawn Swimsuit In Episode
this new century, so characteristic of an "absolute spiritual emergency" and an "imminent return of the Lord", and justifies a legitimate and strong appeal to all Christians general mobilization, for sharing the bread of eternal life and God's love with all people on earth, with a commitment and a dynamic implications, without reserves, in proclaiming the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, including the consideration effective means of solidarity projects "Christo-referenced" special physical, individual and collective material of men and women added to the Church-Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
What are thus exponentially increasing and multiplied in the direction of world evangelization initiatives holistic consideration of the overall reality of spiritual problems of the recipients of salvation by grace - out of all artificial divisions cons-productive - in hundreds or thousands of groups Christians raised, trained by the Lord of the harvest, to respond effectively to the needs of men and women of all countries, hungry and thirsty for the word of the Lord, the bread of eternal life.
Institutions Christian pastors and institutional are no longer sufficient to meet the challenge of spreading the gospel to 7 billion people - therefore a single solution: the reactivation of all departments, that contains the Body of Christ, and now ... "dormant."
Liberate all the gifts, talents and strengths that God has communicated to his Ekklesia - Realize, without delay, inventory and census of all our potential in Jesus, articulate them, according to the divine wisdom revealed in synergy and reciprocal interaction, systemic - buy back the time - we investing, do we involve, without limitation, all the resources received from the Master ! Let's go cheerfully, gleefully, in the last phase of implementation and accomplishment of the mandate given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 set - and look, well, the best of ways, the coming of the Kingdom of God , as expected!
YOU are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set to announce the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9)
The disciples are called to reach out to sinners, to the lost, not waiting for them - It is time to revive all gifts, talents, ministries, to launch a general mobilization, updating with effective, dynamic - in tune with the realities on the ground - the Universal Priesthood of Believers.
pray to the Lord asking him to that end, the way forward, to open sites, actions, projects to initiate, develop functional cooperation with other teams involved, and panels groups for implementation, various sizes depending on the objectives and goals that we have designated.
No person shall remain outside the divine process - Everyone is called by the Risen Christ in an active partnership, constructive, imaginative, full. It is his will, his expectations!
is my prayer: "Lord, make us more sensitive to your voice with regard to the general mandate global sharing the good news of salvation with all of this lost world, forgive us all moving working in your harvest. It is no small initiative or small project, on site, everything is immensely important if you want, and led, step by step, by you alone, Lord Jesus! "
A prerequisite for the revival of the Body of Christ, the messianic people on the field of history in these end times: to be led to deep repentance, a total restitution of the absolute sovereignty of Christ on his work and a perfect recognition of its legitimate demands against radical members of his body, which we are a constituent part, each for us.
Him Alone, Worship, Praise and Glory Worship - now here, now and forever!
by françois-marie.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Ap Bio Lab Five Answers
Eternal Father, God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I come before you as I am. I learned that in the beginning you have created man in thine image and likeness. In your great love, you've created to establish an everlasting covenant with him which has blessed you and gave you eternal life. Your Spirit of peace and holiness in him. For him, the man remained in permanent communion with you and you were his God. You gave him full authority over the work of your hands so that it dominates everything you've created on Earth. I understood that this covenant was broken by Adam, the first man, because he has eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you had expressly forbidden him to eat. This sin has signed the end of an alliance and an intimate communion of men with you God. Because of sin through the disobedience of Adam, death entered into all humanity. Deprived of thy glory and intimate communion with you, I now find myself in darkness, under the influence and under the domination of Satan, his slave and slave power of delusion sin what you hate God.
I understand that I am a sinner and that I have transgressed your laws because I'm away from thy holy and sanctifying power of your God. You say in your speech that the wages of sin is death and there is no forgiveness without bloodshed. That's why I understand that you sent your son Jesus Christ, the savior of the world announced by the prophets because you do not want me to be under condemnation and under the fearful expectation of trial because of sin. I understand he has been anointed to save what was lost, for some good news the poor and unfortunate, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to free the prisoners, to comfort the afflicted, to call sinners to repentance and to destroy the devil's work! You sent to pay my debt for me. He died in my place. His blood was shed in place of my blood. I understand that my pain has increased, he took charge of my pain, he was wounded for my sins, he was bruised for my iniquities. The punishment that gives me peace was upon him. By His stripes I am healed. He cleared the act condemned me and orders made against me by nailing to the cross. I have him in the redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Lord you set me free from the power of darkness, because Christ has disarmed the rulers, authorities, powers, dignities, spiritual wickedness in heavenly places in triumphing over them by the cross and I believe him. Because you wanted him to reconcile all things by yourself, whether things on earth that which is in heaven. I want to make peace with you, by the blood of the cross. God I was once your enemy abroad and by my thoughts and my bad deeds (to confess to God) and I think you got me now reconciled by the death in the body of the flesh of your son.
Today God, I come to ask forgiveness for the SALVATION of my soul because I want to restore the alliance that was broken because of sin. I am born again of water and the Spirit! I want to go in all your promises of blessings. I accept by faith the free gift of eternal life is why I CONFESS to the visible and invisible world that accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and my Lord! He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father but by Him! I think all these sins I have confessed and that I made the decision to divert me forgiven me now. I think now that you transported me the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and love your son that I am justified. I sign this new alliance between you and me by a deed land, the BAPTISM OF WATER accordance with your will written in your word, THE BIBLE! I need you to baptize me in your HOLY SPIRIT so that I can feel your presence CONSOLE AND HOLY bracing myself and I can serve you with POWER in obedience and submission to your voice according to your will! Be now the Lord of my life drive me on the path of eternal life! AMEN!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wax Before Or After Bath
New Birth
Maintenance of Jesus with Nicodemus (John Chapter 3)
1 But there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews 2 who came to him, to Jesus by night, and said: Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered, Verily, verily I say unto thee, if a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the womb and be born? 5 Jesus answered Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God . 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. (...)
9 Nicodemus said to him: How can this be done? 10 Jesus replied: "You are Israel's teacher, and you do not know these things! (...)
, must the Son of man be lifted 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. 16 For God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him not perish but have eternal life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God . 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved 21 but he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be manifest, that they are made in God.
what that the new birth for you? When we give birth, and then new, it makes you think what?
a newborn, coming into the world pure, spotless, clean, which is no
not defiled, which is not old, worn ...
What the new birth is not.
° it is not a natural birth, one born of Christian parents is not therefore a Christian.
° it is not the result of personal effort: not the will of the flesh. Nobody can be born him again even by his own efforts.
° No person can give new birth to someone else.
° this is not intellectually understand a theory.
° it is not a reform, improved morality of the human person who abandons his bad habits gradually. Many Christians try to follow God by reforming their old nature. This only leads to frustration and discouragement.
3. that is what the new birth?
. The new birth is becoming a new creature, which gives us access to the kingdom of God. The new birth is a supernatural act of God that creates in us a new nature.This is the only way to be saved.
The new birth is moving from state or spiritual death we were before conversion, to eternal life in Christ through the action of the Spirit of God within us.
Eph 4: 24 and put on the new man created by God in righteousness and holiness of truth.
2 Cor 5: 17 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away behold all things are become new. 18 And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ
The new birth is compulsory and is the condition to be saved and go to heaven. "Except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God "(Jn 3:3)
4. Born of water and Spirit
Water : the a new birth takes place through the Word of God, represented by the water that purifies (Eph 5:26) and (Jn 15:3).
Spirit (Holy Spirit) who comes to live to create in us a new nature.This is to say that nature gives us a holy and pure from God. Titus 3: 5 " he saved us, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit 6 he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 That being justified by his grace we might become, in hope, heirs of eternal life. "
Reminder, do not forget that we are saved by grace, through faith, and not by works (Ephesians 2:8).
A man reduced to his own strength, do not receive what comes from the mind of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he can not know them (1 Cor 2: 14).
So the new birth, man becomes a new being, because God has granted him a new nature (through the Holy Spirit) in us. The Holy Spirit regenerates us and gives us life and God's nature.
The four ways that produce the new birth
A. God's (Jaq 1: 18 begat he us according to His will, By the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.)
B. The death and resurrection of Christ (Jn 3:14-16) which is the engine.
C. The word of God (1 Peter 1: 23 since you have been reborn, not by corruptible seed, but by an incorruptible seed, the living and enduring word of God. )
D. The Holy Spirit which is the true agent of new birth and we just seal
Eph 4: 30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. (see also Titus 3:5)
Born Again = part of worldly things
2 Corinthians 7 : 1 Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
7 Born Again = Victory over sin, death and evil
By accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord, you are freed from the curse of Adam and Eve. Jesus delivers you from sin, your past and you are reconciled with him toujours.Votreavenir is in heaven and nothing can rob you of his hand.
8. The call of Jesus to be born again
Moving from a life centered on oneself, to a life centered on God, this is also born again . It's a fresh start our life, but in the kingdom of God. The new birth is birth to real life. Without it, it does not have followers, nor Christian, nor a genuine child of God. "You must be born again" Jesus said shows that this is not an invitation, but a requirement sine qua non for our entry into the kingdom of God. This operation occurs only times in our lives when we sincerely repent of their sins, and where we put all our faith in the sacrifice of Christ. That's when the Holy Spirit come to us, to bring us the blessings of salvation, and create in us a new nature. It is the spirit that does everything.
is the cross of Christ that makes possible the new birth, and it is by faith that we can appropriate the work of Jesus, and enter his kingdom.
9. Why should we be born again?
For his disobedience, Adam gained a fallen nature, and this natures'est forwarded to all its descendants (Rom 5:12). such as not committing sins which separate us from God (Isaiah 59:2) and it can not submit to his law. Since the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), man is lost in hell, far from God when he died.
The new birth is the miracle by which man receives a spiritual nature which is really of divine nature. This nature coexists with our old nature in us, but it allows us to experience the things of God and be saved from hell.
Man lifeless spiritual death (1 Tim 5:6) = this is the man unconverted
Man born again is alive (1 Jn 5:13) = c'estl man converted
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Prayer: "God, Creator of all things, I know I've marchéloin you, by Dumala around me and to yourself. I apologize for any mespéchés, I repent and I placem faith in the sacrifice of your son Jesus on the cross. T I accept as my Lord and personal savior. Thank you because now you open me the gates of your kingdom. Amen "
Friday, February 4, 2011
How To Do A Hollywood Wax Images
"He is a liar and the father of lies ..." John 8 / 44
- In Corsica, I spoke with a man in his thirties, computer, who told us he had practiced "Phosphenism" occult technique of setting a long light bulb until later, we had hallucinations. It was this extraordinary process, because he could do after several months of practice, an "astral travel" (allegedly out of his body) during the night.
- In the student district of Paris, a woman has on a mini-stand the benefits of Kabbalah, and offers courses on passersby.
- In a high-circulation women's magazine, two large pages tout the amazing effects of Transcommunication. This technique communication with the dead, invented by a priest of the Catholic Institute and researchers in electronics, can receive messages and apparitions of deceased loved ones in photographs, audio or video.
- A recent film, the USA, presents high school girls who engage in the occult and practicing magic powers on others.
- In France, a film about two witches that was once the poster
- I also knew this woman, drawn to a New Age cult, after meditation sessions and anointing oil to receive "light" she had disabilities severe enough demonic origin. She was freed after putting his faith in Christ.
- "Occultism" comes from the Latin Occultus = hidden.
- At a time which is also "scientific" and "rational", it is surprising to see the occult as much progress. We thought it was obscurantist practices of the Middle Ages, and yet millions of people around the world, West and East, South and North, practice the occult in all its forms.
- Some are directly Satanism (Satan worship), but others go by statues, idols, and still others, more sophisticated in appearance, talk of "parapsychology" (study of psychic phenomena unexplained) or "psychometry" (clairvoyance technique that identifies an individual by an object belonging to it) ...
- here I show why the occult is so popular, then in a second step, show what God says about all these practices.
A great need.
- The official churches, both Catholic and Protestant, have not responded to questions and needs spiritual men.
- For this man has more on animals, he needs to worship, he knows there is something above and what he seeks. If religion does not meet his expectations, he is tempted to turn to spirituality occult.
- Psychoanalysis, some considered the greatest discovery of the century, leaving a big disappointment: few results and even more problems to solve!
- Materialism has disappointed us and leaves a great void in his heart.
- Politics and Humanism did not managed to make us happy and make us live in peace. They provide no answer or no comfort regarding death and the afterlife.
- Despite current technical means overpowered the man is distraught and does not know how to cope with life.
- Where is the Good, which is Evil? Why is there injustice? Why evil seems to dominate us when we would do good? Our loved ones can they help us connect elements? etc..
- Occultism came with dramatic responses.
A great revolt.
- But beware: the attraction to occultism is also a great revolt against God.
- In a survey on television witchcraft, you saw a witch who chose the immediate happiness and power with Satan rather than obedience to God ...
- There is in us a morbid curiosity, a desire of power, seduction and easy wealth (the Lottery does not reply ...) instead of purity and self-sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ ...
- Teens are stuffed with things occult and fed in their revolt against all authority and, beyond, the highest authority, God.
- Here are some titles raves organized for them: "Journey to Hell", "Land of Dreams," "In the city erotic," "Hell Revealed", etc ...
- We want EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW ... As the saying goes: "Eat and drink for tomorrow we die ..." The devil makes us believe that we can offer the world now, if we do trust him . This he did with the Lord Jesus: "I'll give all this power and glory of these kingdoms, for it was given to me and I give it to whoever I want. So if you worship I think it will be all yours. Jesus replied: Begone Satan: for it is written: 'Thou shalt worship the Lord your God and serve him alone. " (Luke 4:7-8)
- Do not be fooled by the mirage of power, wealth, seduction. For the pact with Satan leads to hell. Do not believe him when he makes you believe that life with God is sad, gloomy, monotonous, uninteresting. Religion gives this picture probably but life with Jesus Christ is anything but boring! "Jesus said," If anyone thirsts, let him come unto me and drink. Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water flow from within him, as Scripture says. He said that of Spirit were to receive those who believed in him. " (John 7:37-39)
A great diversity.
- Many believe that it is only Occultism Satanism, deliver his soul to the devil, make a blood pact with Satan, etc. ... It exists but there is something else.
- + To attract the large numbers of Occultism took all forms, clairvoyance, astrology, psychics, turntables, the ouija board, tarot cards, lines of hand, spiritualism, white magic, hypnosis, mantras, sects and Eastern practices, and all superstition!
- Everyone, or nearly, was hit by Occultism. Some consult regularly seeing or astrologer. It works! they say. Yes, it works, but at what price ...
attracts many people, especially if one has lost someone dear recently ...
- A medium supposedly puts you in communication with the dead. There may be, a materialization of the dead, a trance medium, a dialogue through the ouija board.
- Actually, this is not the dead who speak to you, but a demon who is impersonating him. This practice always leads to serious psychological disorders.
- In an article in Le Figaro in 1990, it said the suicides of two teenage Swiss (13 and 14 years) as a result of séances with a Ouija. The spirit was said that one of the girls died in the month ahead. They were so impressed by the prediction that they committed suicide the same day, but their separate ways, leaving a word of explanation. They jumped out the window of their building ...
White Magic
is a practice in vogue (see the French film) that is "beneficial" and not "evil" as black magic. It is a more seductive as white magic and black magic are the same satanic origin!
- healers, although they say they have their power of God, are in fact handled by Satan.
- I have personally encountered a great healer of the Perpignan region. He had amazing powers, he exercised free from people saying that this gift came from God. A pastor friend approached him and they became friends. This healer confessed one day that he was often forced to use his power for evil. He told his friend he wanted to kill him because he spoke of Jesus Christ. Increasingly worked by God's words that he quoted the pastor, he repented of his power and threw everything that was related to the occult. He put his faith in Jesus Christ and was saved by the grace of God.
- In magic, there is a principle of compensation . Magic (white or black) gives you what you want, but has terrible consequences: severe mental illness, demonic possession, suicide, violent death, etc. ...
- EX: the Swiss peasant had his son (the only heir ) paralyzed by polio. He went to see a healer who cures him "miraculously". Everything was wonderful until the day when the father found his 16 year old son dead in the barn, severed an artery in the neck. He found an amulet around his neck saying: "The soul belongs to the devil."
- Suicides are common among those who practice such things are sadly psychiatric hospitals filled with people who have touched clairvoyance, astrology, magic, spiritualism ..
- Many who have achieved a dramatic recovery become alcoholics, disturbed or evil.
- This woman, for example. boasted of having "eliminated" her husband by magic. She confessed to a friend: "I am forced to hurt. I do not want to do, but I have to. The Devil compels me ..."
A great seduction.
- In Genesis 3, we discover a strange dialogue between Satan (the serpent) and the first men to read v.1 5.
- there are lies of the devil here 2: "You will not die ..." and "Ye shall be as gods" . In fact, Adam and Eve are dead and they are not at all become gods. Their children, Cain killed his brother, Adam hid from God, and mankind has sunk into chaos.
- The New Age, Eastern carrier moving the occult, announced these two lies: Reincarnation (you will not die) and Magic or parapsychology (you will be like gods).
- The occult is to father the devil, the devil is the Father of Lies. When you seer predicts your future, when the astrologer (or horoscope) tells you the future, when a death is to you in a seance (or transcommunication) ...
Let me reveal a few secrets of the occult, and particularly those of astrology, clairvoyance and spiritualism.
- First, it is recognized that a majority of astrologers and other psychics have no real power. They are fine and psychologists earn very good living.
- There are a number of people who have real powers magic, witchcraft, healing and are guided by superior minds (guides).
- The astrologer will advise you to do this or that and sometimes you announce future events. If he has real powers and if you trust them, these things happen.
- One might say then: "He really saw my future and we all have a destiny that must be accomplished! "Those who believe this are very unfortunate.
- This woman, eg., learned from his astrologer that his sick child does not regain health. She has thus killed.
- The believer who would be making a horoscope to prove that it does not work, lives fulfilled all the predictions! He repented of his act and immediately stopped the predictions come true ...
- What to say? The astrologer, like seeing sees no future . You suggests things, and as you believe, they accomplished more or less.
- Often, it is a demon who suggested he tell you some things, and this demon is then responsible to accomplish in your life.
- No, there is no "destiny" absolute. God, our creator gives us opportunities to choose our destiny and our eternal destiny earth: if we obey His Word and His Son, we're on the road of life. If we neglect the teachings of the Bible and that it refuses to submit to Jesus Christ, we are on the road to perdition.
Much conviction.
- Some practice these things while claiming to believers and pious.
- There are a lot of spiritualism and superstition in human religions, eg., Visions, trances, contacts with the dead (Mary and saints ...).
- But the Word of God condemns such practices and without appeal:
spiritualism, clairvoyance, magic is condemned by God
"Do you turn point to those that evoke minds, nor to the wizards do not seek, to be defiled with them. I am the Lord your God. "(Leviticus 19:31)
" If a man or a woman have in them the spirit of a dead or a spirit of divination, they will be punished by death ; they were stoned, their blood is upon them. "(Lev. 20/27)
" Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices the craft seer, astrologer, augur, a magician. "(Deuteronomy 18/10)
ASTROLOGY is condemned by God:
"He may find yourself in the middle of one of the cities which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman doing evil in the eyes of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, going after other gods to serve them and worship them, after the sun, moon, or the Army of Heaven. That is not what I have commanded. " (Deuteronomy 17/2-5)
"Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and do not fear the signs of heaven, because nations fear them." (Jeremiah 10 / 2)
"You're tired dint see: they get up and let them save you, those who know the sky, who observe the stars who advertise, according to new moons which should happen to you! " (Isaiah 47/13)
- Why is God so harsh? Because He loves us and He knows that this practice will destroy us.
God's love is stronger.
- This article aims to publicly warn people ignorant of the pitfalls of the occult, and reveal the lies and hazards.
- This article is also about the work of Jesus Christ on the cross: He came "to destroy the devil's work" and "deliver the captives."
- Jesus cast out many demons and those who, today, presented him with their lives, have been delivered from vices, passions, sins, and sometimes demons.
- I heard from Doreen Irvine, a former English witch. It was considered "the Queen of Witches" as she went further into the occult. She could levitate, move remote objects, cast spells on people terrible. She lived a life of debauchery and perversion. She called herself "the wife of devil", not a provocation but because it had gone very far in Satanism. She thought she was invulnerable.
- Having learned that an evangelist would hold conferences in her town, she decided to oppose him. The meetings were well underway, attracting the world to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Doreen came to one of her and tried to disrupt the meeting by using his powers. Nothing happened and she began to realize that there was there a higher power. She returned several times and each time tried to ruin the meeting but it was a total defeat. The Word of God made a black hole in her soul and she ended up giving his soul to Jesus Christ, not without completely renounced the devil.
- His life was completely transformed, and when she testified in church that had been his life before knowing Jesus Christ, many could not believe her, as she looked pure and innocent.
- If Doreen Irvine and has been forgiven, delivered and processed, it is possible for anyone who has practiced these things.
- Many people suffer the devastating effects of the occult in their lives, sometimes without knowing where it may come. People who consult an astrologer or a seer, who draw the maps, or have psychic powers, psychic disorders, anxiety terrible, desires of suicide, violent outbursts, self-destruction, perversity, etc. ... They are slaves of evil spirits and can not find peace and deliverance in Jesus Christ.
- The Lord Jesus Christ, after His sacrifice on the cross, rose again death, and raised above all the demons. He crushed Satan and reign over all evil spirit. Whoever entrusts his life to Jesus Christ will not have to fear the power of the devil and demons:
"And demons also came out from many, crying and saying, Thou art the Son of God. But he threatened them and did not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Christ. " (Luke 4:41)
"The unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him and cried, You are the Son of God." (Mark 3:11)
"Those who were troubled by unclean spirits were healed." (Luke 6:18)
"God has delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son." (Colossians 1:13)