Sunday, December 21, 2008

Canada Food Guide Mayonaise

Commit your way to the LORD

Reading: Psalm 37/1-6


David recommends not to watch or envy those who do evil. Their success is ephemeral (v.1-2) - See Ps.73/12-17

His exhortation is to turn the eyes toward God and do what He asks.

His personal prayer: Ps.143/10

Trust in the LORD and do good

There is a notion of safety or security. We can confide in someone if we did not have the assurance of his help or his aid.

See Ps.46 / 2; Phil.4 / 6, see: Matth.6/24-34


"and do good" : It means conform his life to the will and direction of the Lord - See Rom.12/1-2; 1Pier.4/1-2

Make the LORD thy delights

That put him in his joy and reason to live - Gal.2/20; Phil.1/21; Col.3/1-4

Promise "and he shall give thee the desires of your heart" : His life was in conformity with the will of God, the believer does not ask what is consistent with this commitment: 1Jn 5 / 14-15

Food for thought: Jacq.4 / 3



"Put your life to the Lord, taking upon him, and he would ensure" (CFB)

"It is the Lord that you must put your whole future. Have confidence in himself and he will act " (Sower)

In other words, if the rule believing his actions according to the will of God, he has no fear the future.

a Happy New Year to everyone,

and God fill you

of His great and rich blessings

in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

New Year 2009.



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Musical Notes Friendship Bracelet

proclaim the Good News of yesterday

Lecture de base : Marc 16/15 


Lecture complémentaire : Rom.1/16-17 ; Eccl.9/10



The slogan of our Lord is clear: "Go!" . This requires immediate implementation!

Objective: Advertise the Good News to all creation .

I. The vocation of the Church: Proclaiming the Gospel

The Gospel is the only answer given by God to human problems.

1) Prayer of the early church: Act.4/23-31

2) Affirmation the apostle Paul: 1Cor.1/21; 2 / 2, 9 / 16

3) Report of Proceedings: Act.6 / 7, 12/24, 16 / 5

II. The means of dissemination

1) Examples Bible

a) Preaching by departments-donations: Act.2/14; 4 / 33

b) Preaching by the deacons, preachers: Act.6/8-9; 8 / 5


c) Evidence of individual members: Act.8 / 4; 11/19-21

d) Home visits: Act.5/42; 9/32-34; 20/20

e) Printed Pages: Col.4/16; 1Thes.5/27

2) We

All means are good (Reminder: Eccl.9/10)

Cells, outdoors, visiting hospitals, detention center, radio, television, tapes, CDs , DVD, MP3, printed pages (treaties, church newspapers, magazine of the movement, etc..) Internet (websites, blogs, podcasts, (example: ) ...


The Lord's command is clear: "Go!" . We have the means. What answer do we give Him?

To think about: Eccl.11/4-6; Es.6 / 8

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Matlab R2007a Plp .txt

Pentecost and Pentecost today

Reading: John 16 / 7


The Church of Pentecost as the root base Acts 2. It is the experience of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life from the day of Pentecost of Act.2 until the rapture of the Church, of which only God the Father knows the time and the time (Matth.24/36) . To think about: Eph.1/13-14; 4 / 30 .

The "Pentecost, 50 days after Passover is a Jewish holiday also called the" feast of weeks "or" harvest festival ".

I. Meaning for Christians

Fulfilling the promise of God - Joel 2/28-32

Birth of the Christian church and a great start to perform the order of the Lord Jesus - Matth.28/19-20; Act.1 / 8 .

How can Jesus be with us? Through the Holy Spirit.

See: Jn 14/15-21 : an "other" = allos (other similar).

Comforter: gr "parakletos" = "He who called themselves around for this or that" or "he who comes to our rescue, revives, gives us his power, which sanctifies, which encourages and makes us safe from ourselves. "

applied to Jesus: 1Jo 2 / 1 .

II. Fulfillment of Acts 2

1) The outpouring: v.1-4

Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience essential - Act.8/15; 9 / 17; 19/1-6.

is a necessity Eph.6/12; Es.59/19; Zach.4 / 6 .

Wind, fire, signs guys before Pentecost. now "speaking the" initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit that will be repeated to assure that the same experience - Act.10/44-46; 19 / 6; Show: Act.11/15 .

2) Evidence: v.5-11

More than 14 nations represented to hear the testimony "wonders of God." The Holy Spirit gives power to the testimony - Act.1 / 8, 4 / 31, Jn 15/26-27; Matth.10/20, Luke 21/13-14; Act.6 / 8-10 .

3) The reaction: v.12-13

Surprisingly, mockery ... We can not remain insensitive to the event "Pentecostal ; '= it awakens!

4) Proof: v.14-20

See Luke 12/11-12; Jn 14/26: The Holy Spirit enlightens our minds. Experience "Pentecostal" is according to Scripture.

5) The message: v.21-36

Jesus Christ and His work. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus - Jn 16/12-15.

6) Doctrine: v.21-36

Repentance = born again

Water Baptism = obedience to the Lord's command

Gift of the Holy Spirit: power coating. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is separate from the new birth.

7) Practice: v.42-47

Perseverance in

the teaching of the apostles


the breaking of bread


The Holy Spirit brings UNITY DIVERSITY despite ;

It builds up the Body of Christ of which Christ Himself is the HEAD - 1Cor.12/12-13.


more than ever we need the Holy Spirit - Act.9/31.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Free Eye Exams In Dalls Texas

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Reading: Acts 1/9-11

The Ascension of Jesus is the confirmation or approval of God the Father as to His mission - cf. Jn 16/28

I. The purpose of the coming of Jesus on earth

1) Responding to the need of man - John 3 / 16

2) Answer of Jesus to God's call - Heb. 10/5-10

II. The work of Jesus

1) Remove the sin and its consequences - 1Jn 3 / 4-8; Act.10/38

2) Pay the price of sin by dying on the Cross - Phil.2 / 8

III. The rise

1) Approval of the divine work of Jesus - Jn 19/30

2) Now we have an intercessor with the Father - 1Jn 2/1-2


"Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? "-
must now work, obeying the command of the Lord - Act.1 / 8, Mark 16/15.

"This same Jesus ... will come ..." Do you
among those who will be removed?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Swollen Tongue And Sore Throat

Party Bingo Blabla IBM

A particular form of platitudes is the logorrhea (or blah), which seeks to drown the listener in a flood of useless words, for example in order to advance an ideology or evading a sensitive issue. .. This

advertising IBM declined in several languages pin interminable meetings and unproductive based on repetitive speeches and during which the employees are totally passive.

During a meeting, frustrated employees of such meetings, launch a game of "Bingo blabla" where each word belonging to the grid is gradually delivered by the presenter. Instead, look!

This advertising IBM is exciting for three reasons:

  1. Because it focuses on waffle in business, a poorly non-reserved policy. By refusing to express the truth (laziness, fear, conformism ...) turning around the pot and are used unclear words, words, suitcases, buzzwords. In the enterprise, this practice can seem intelligent and consistent.
  2. The pub IBM betrays the reality of corporate life. We often get bored. You lose a lot of time in meetings and unnecessary long (or gossip at the coffee machine). It talks a lot and badly. It has little effect. Result! it is not necessarily productive.
  3. People of the High-tech and web specialists USED BY too often words that suggest they are part of a sort of secret society . It's like they wanted to speak in a language only they can understand. Why make it simple when they can make it complicated? In reality, people who abuse the Jargon impress person. They look more like people trying to impress. What is not at all the same ...

There is no use hiding behind the speech extending or jargon to talk about Web 2.0. When I fall in endless notes of Adscriptor , I just want to say to Mr. Jean Marie Le Ray : Talk less Mr. Ray! Take Action! Summarize! Keep it simple, KISS, Keep It Short Simple, give me a call;)

Or better reread George Orwell giving a series of relevant advice for writers :

  • Never use a metaphor, comparison, or other figure of speech that you normally see.
  • Never use a long word when a short is appropriate.
  • If it is possible to delete a word, always delete the.
  • Never use the passive where you can use the asset.
  • Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word , or a jargon word if you can think of an equivalent current.
  • Violate any of these rules rather than say anything to frankly barbaric.
Relevant Sources:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Romeo And Juliet Apollo Allusion

The Passover and Christ

Reading: Ex.12/1-12; 1Cor.5/6-8



The Passover is a Jewish holiday and non-Christian. However, the ritual Passover reveals a spiritual truth: The sacrifice of Christ on the Cross .

The New Testament presents Jesus as the Lamb of God (Jn 1 / 29) ; slain from the foundation of the world (Apoc.13 / 8).

Ex.12/1-12 Parallels between Jesus and Christ

I. The lamb must be without blemish - v.5

Christ, the Lamb without blemish - 1Pier.1/19; cf. 1 Jn 3 / 5, John 8 / 46, 14 / 6.

II. It must be sacrificed as SUBSTITUTE - v.6

Christ was slain - 1Cor.5 / 7; Apoc.5 / 6.

He died for our sins - 1Cor.15/3-6.

It is our SUBSTITUTE - Rom.3/23-26.

III. His blood must be applied on the upper ... - V.7

Blood, symbol of life: Lév.17/11.

The hello, this is not only believe in Jesus (Matth.7/21) , but must also receive Him in his heart - Jn 1/12-13; where: Apoc.3/20.

Show: Gal.2/20; God wants to dwell in us - John 14/23 , otherwise: Matth.12/43-45.

IV. The flesh should be roasted ... - V.8

A. Fire: Symbol of Judgement - Christ was judged in our place: 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13; Es.53/4-5.

B. should feed on lamb:

a) The believer's strength comes from Christ - Jn 6/53-57 = Jn 6 / 35.

With unleavened bread:

b) Bread: symbol of malice (evil inclination) and wickedness (1Cor.5 / 8)

and hypocrisy (Luc12 / 1).

c) The Christian life must be pure and true (1 Cor.5 / 8 , see: Héb.12/14)

With bitter herbs:

d) Tests of the believer - Luke 9/23-27; Marc 10/28-31; See 2Tim.3/12;


V. We must eat with the loins girt ... - V.11

Ready for departure. It is true of the Christian - Luke 12/35.

It should be ready for the big trip: Removal of the Church.

Why should we be ready?

a) is not known yet - Matth.24/36.

b) It will be a sudden way - Matth.24/2è-28.

c) There will be a selection - Luke 17/34-37.



Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Difference Between Acrylics And Polyester

The choice of Moses

Reading: Héb.11/23-26


Moses from his infancy, had an extraordinary testimony of divine intervention to end his life.

His Hebrew name "mashah" means removed - hence: derived from water.

Moses, but despite his youth was guided by his faith in God. However, being guided by faith does not exclude any difficulties or temptations.

Moses How, then it was he gone?

Three verbs in the text reveal the attitude of Moses refuse, prefer to watch.

I. He refused (v.24)

He refused or abandoned to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter.

Meaning: wealth, honor and power ground - to the detriment of faith in God. Egypt is the symbol of the world.

No Compromise: Matth.6/24; Rom.12/1-2; 2Cor.6/14-18.

Rulers of the World: 1Jn 5 / 19; Eph.2/1-2; 6 / 12.

II. He preferred (v.25)

His choice identified membership: the people of God.

Note the contrast drawn by his choice:

- be abused or suffer (contrary to our nature)

- enjoyment of sin (much more in line with the sinful nature)

But this "enjoyment" does not last long - See 1Jn 2 / 15-17; Show: Matth.16/26.

III. He looked (v.26)

The reproach of Christ: That's the main thing. Eyes on things eternal.

When you realize what living the life of God and his blessed hope, the earthly things are secondary - Show: 2Cor.4/16-18; Rom.8/18.


What looks do you wear?

Eyes of faith in God or enjoyment of sin?

Exhortation: Héb.12/1-3.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Samsung Scx-4521f Replace Toner


Authority: Nomb.25/1-8

Objective: "How to be victorious against the enemy"


Israel was chosen by God based on love and the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (See Deut.7/6-8) .

About: Saved on the basis of God's love in Jesus Christ (Titus 3/3-7) .

Background: Israel is at the door of Canaan, having won many victories against different nations. These victories cause fear around. Nevertheless, the enemy does not disarm. The struggle continues.

I. Spiritual attack - divine protection

Balaam (swallowing) is a soothsayer, prophet corrupt, hired by Balak, with wealth, to curse Israel - Nomb.22/1-7 .

But Balaam failed through occult means -

Note: Nomb.23/23 . Any attack, unknown to us, nothing can be against us. God custody.

Divine Protection

1) Ps.34 / 8 : "The angel of the Lord encamped ..." ("on guard")

2) 1/6-12 Job : "Have you not raised as a bulwark of protection around him, around his house and around his property? " (v.10)

3) Jn 10/27-29 : "... no one can snatch them out of my hand ..."

4) 1Jn 5 / 18 : "... for the Son of God protects him. So the devil can not be anything against him " .


1) Ps.34 / 8 : "... those who fear Him ..." - See Prov. 8 / 13

2) Job seventh : "integrates ... ... ... right ... God fearing turning away ..."

3) Jn 10/27 : "... hear my voice ... follow me ..." - See Matth.7/24-27

4) 1Jn 5 / 18 ; : "... born of God ... does not practice ... sin is careful ... "

Like Israel, no evil or occult power can do nothing against any true child of God in communion with the Lord.

II. Carnal attack - personal responsibility

Balaam did not succeed in its occult means will use conventional means. Unfortunately, in this area Many believers die.

Show: Nomb.25/1-3; 31/7-18.

We must heed the warnings of the Lord: Matth.26/41; Gal.5/16-26 .

few exhortations Héb.12/1-2; Jacq.4 / 7; 1Pier.5 / 8.


Our security is conditional - Jn 15 / 5 .

for thought: 1Jn 4 / 4

Monday, February 4, 2008

Gay Pick Up Spots In Nj

conditional power of darkness

Reading : Colossians 1/12-14


The apostle Paul, as the Lord Jesus, speaks of the existence of the power of darkness (Luke 22/53) . They are organized to serve spirits of Satan and govern with him our sinful world.

Despite the progress of science and knowledge, the world has never seen so much violence and corruption in our time.

Scripture reveals that the world is under the sway of the wicked (1Jn 5 / 19) . Satan is also called the prince of the power of the air (Eph.2 / 2) , the god of this world (2Cor.4 / 4) , the chief powers of darkness (Eph.6 / 12) .

But for the believer, having received Jesus Christ as His personal Savior, he has solid promises of Scripture: 1 Jn 5 / 18, 4 / 4, Luke 10/19 .

I. The existence of the spirit world

They are creatures, created beings, the invisible world (Col.1/16) .

Science can not enter the spirit world. Only the Bible gives accurate revelation of the existence of these spirits.

There are two kinds of minds:

1) Angels of Christ Matth.16/27; Héb.1/14

2) The angels of the devil, called demons: Matth.25/41; 2Cor.12 / 7; Eph.6/12; Apoc.16/14

At the time of Christ, we believed in the existence of ghosts (Greek "Phantasma" shadow, specter, ghost): Matth.14/26, Luke 24/36-37.

For followers of Christ are responding that they had a strange design on the existence of ghosts or spirits. Jesus made a good point: "... a spirit hath not flesh and bones ..." (Luke 24/38-39)

Ignorance leads to incorrect perceptions and reactions, but knowledge accurate revelations of Scripture and faith in Christ completely free: Jn 8/31-32.

II. Organized by the power of darkness

Scripture reveals a satanic organization in this world of darkness Col.1/16; Eph.6/12 . But note that these spirits have been vanquished by the Lord Jesus to the Cross : Col.2/15; See Eph.1/20-22; 1Jn 3 / 8.

We see in these texts cited, an organization using various ranks and authority based on a number of levels. It is an organization that stands against evil Lord and God's people.

We learn a lot about these spirits in their student chief.

A) It is called

1) Satan, which means adversary or opponent. It is primarily God's adversary, but also that of man: Zach.3 / 1; Matth.13/39; 1Pier.5 / 8.

2) The devil, which means slanderer. He accuses God before man (Gen.3/1-4) , before God and man (Job 1 / 9; Apoc.12/10)

3) The tempter, since causes man to sin. His method is to present the most logical excuse for sin (Matth.4 / 3; 1Thes.3 / 5 See Es.5/20

B) Being limited because it is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent nor omniscient, he uses different ways to oppose God. Unable to directly attack God, he attacks the man, crown of God's creation, and this in different ways:

a) he lies : John 8 / 44; 2Cor.11 / 3

b) he tries: Matth.4 / 1

c) he steals Matth.13/19

d) he torments: 2Cor.12 / 7

e) it creates obstacles 1Thes.2/18

f) ; he sift: 22/31 Luc

g) he disguises himself: 2Cor.11 / 14

h) he accuses: Apoc.12/10

i) it by sending plagues of disease: 13/16 Luc

j) it takes possession of the person: John 13/27

k) it kills and devours: John 8 / 44

To accomplish his purposes, and is therefore limited, Satan uses the spirits who rebelled against God like him (Jude 6) .

III. Their activities

Angels Fallen oppose God and His people. They are the powers of darkness which Satan is the leader. Some make the distinction between negative angelic spirits and demons, but there is no evidence to suggest they are not one and the same thing.

Their activities:

a) separate God of his own: Rom.8/38

b) oppose holy angels Dan.10/12 -11 / 1

c) afflict people in their imposing physical and mental illness: Matth.9/33 ;; 12/22; 5/1-16 Mark, Luke 9/37-42

d) spreading false doctrines: 2Thes.2/1-12; 1Tim.4 / 1

e ) capture human beings and even animals to possess: Matth.4/24, Mark 5/8-14 ;, Luke 8 / 2; Act.8 / 7 16/16

f) sometimes God uses them, unwittingly or unwillingly, to accomplish his purpose by punishing the wicked (Ps .78/49; 1Kings 22/23) and punishing or disciplining righteous (Job 1 and 2; 1Cor.5 / 5)

IV. Their ultimate fate

Satan and the fallen angels serve to illustrate what happens to those who are depraved, evil in moral terms.

a) They know they will be tormented: Matth.8/29 ;; Apoc.20/10

b) The eternal fire prepared them: Matth.25/41

c) They will be destroyed by the breath of the mouth of the Lord: 2Thes.1 / 8

d) They tremble before God Jacq.2 / 19

e) The devil has little time: Apoc.12/12


Satan and his angels are real creatures. They are organized power of darkness that stand against the Lord and His people. Defeated at the Cross through Christ, God still leaves act until their final crushing: Rom.16/20; 1Cor.15/24; Apoc.20/10.

But believers in Christ have the assurance of God's promises: 1Jn 5 / 18, 4 / 4; 1Pier.5/8-9; Jacq.4 / 7; Apoc.12/11

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Does Spottinglooks?

Church model

Reading: 1Thes.1/9-10


The Church of Thessalonica became a "model" for believers around (v.7-8).

2Cor.2/14-17 Cf.

A model is a benchmark or reference - see Héb.8 / 5 (see: 1Thes.1 / 6) .

I. Converted to God

"... you have forsaken the idols to turn to God" (current French version)

conversion is manifested by a visible change and manifest.

Abort = Quit, neglecting entirely renounce ... (Luke 9 / 23)

= Looking to change direction - hence: 2Cor.5/17; Gal.2/20; 6/14-15.

is a full recount of the old life or nature - Eph.4/17-5/1-14.

II. Serve the living and true God

Paul contrasts the true and living God to dead idols and false - Act.14/15.

Idols (person or object that is worshiped instead of God)

The vanity of idols - Es.44/9-20; Jér.7/18- 31

The danger of idolatry - 1Cor.10/19-22

Serve God

can serve God in different ways:

- to worship Him - in prayer - Jn 4/23-24 (See Matth.4/10), Luke 2/36-38 .

- Perform good works - Eph.2/8-10; Titus 3 / 8.

According Rom.12 , every child of God has something to do.

The notion of service can be summarized by 1Pier.4/10-11 .

III. Wait heavens

Hope blessed believers in Christ - Phil.3/20-21 .

The resurrection of Christ is a guarantee:

- From our resurrection and kidnapping - 1Cor.15/12-28; 1Thes.4 / 13-18.

- The issue for us from the wrath to come - Jn 3/36 ; Rom.1/18 ; 2Thes.2/7-12 .



