Reading: John 16 / 7
The Church of Pentecost as the root base Acts 2. It is the experience of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life from the day of Pentecost
The "Pentecost, 50 days after
I. Meaning for Christians
Fulfilling the promise of God - Joel 2/28-32
Birth of the Christian church and a great start to perform the order of the Lord Jesus - Matth.28/19-20; Act.1 / 8 .
How can Jesus be with us? Through the Holy Spirit.
See: Jn 14/15-21 : an "other" = allos (other similar).
Comforter: gr "parakletos" = "He who called themselves around for this or that" or "he who comes to our rescue, revives, gives us his power, which sanctifies, which encourages and makes us safe from ourselves. "
applied to Jesus: 1Jo 2 / 1 .
II. Fulfillment of Acts 2
1) The outpouring: v.1-4
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience essential - Act.8/15; 9 / 17; 19/1-6.
is a necessity Eph.6/12; Es.59/19; Zach.4 / 6 .
Wind, fire, signs
2) Evidence: v.5-11
More than 14 nations represented to hear the testimony "wonders of God." The Holy Spirit gives power to the testimony - Act.1 / 8, 4 / 31, Jn 15/26-27; Matth.10/20, Luke 21/13-14; Act.6 / 8-10 .
3) The reaction: v.12-13
Surprisingly, mockery ... We can not remain insensitive to the event "Pentecostal ; '= it awakens!
4) Proof: v.14-20
See Luke 12/11-12; Jn 14/26: The Holy Spirit enlightens our minds. Experience "Pentecostal" is according to Scripture.
5) The message: v.21-36
Jesus Christ and His work. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus - Jn 16/12-15.
6) Doctrine: v.21-36
Repentance = born again
Water Baptism = obedience to the Lord's command
Gift of the Holy Spirit: power coating. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is separate from the new birth.
7) Practice: v.42-47
Perseverance in
the teaching of the apostles
the breaking of bread
The Holy Spirit brings UNITY DIVERSITY despite
It builds up the Body of Christ of which Christ Himself is the HEAD
more than ever we need the Holy Spirit - Act.9/31.
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