Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Free Eye Exams In Dalls Texas

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Reading: Acts 1/9-11

The Ascension of Jesus is the confirmation or approval of God the Father as to His mission - cf. Jn 16/28

I. The purpose of the coming of Jesus on earth

1) Responding to the need of man - John 3 / 16

2) Answer of Jesus to God's call - Heb. 10/5-10

II. The work of Jesus

1) Remove the sin and its consequences - 1Jn 3 / 4-8; Act.10/38

2) Pay the price of sin by dying on the Cross - Phil.2 / 8

III. The rise

1) Approval of the divine work of Jesus - Jn 19/30

2) Now we have an intercessor with the Father - 1Jn 2/1-2


"Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? "-
must now work, obeying the command of the Lord - Act.1 / 8, Mark 16/15.

"This same Jesus ... will come ..." Do you
among those who will be removed?


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