Reading: Ex.12/1-12; 1Cor.5/6-8
The New Testament presents Jesus as the Lamb of God (Jn 1 / 29) ; slain from the foundation of the world (Apoc.13 / 8).
Ex.12/1-12 Parallels between Jesus and Christ
I. The lamb must be without blemish - v.5
Christ, the Lamb without blemish - 1Pier.1/19; cf. 1 Jn 3 / 5, John 8 / 46, 14 / 6.
II. It must be sacrificed as SUBSTITUTE - v.6
Christ was slain - 1Cor.5 / 7; Apoc.5 / 6.
He died for our sins - 1Cor.15/3-6.
It is our SUBSTITUTE - Rom.3/23-26.
III. His blood must be applied on the upper ... - V.7
Blood, symbol of life: Lév.17/11.
The hello, this is not only believe in Jesus (Matth.7/21) , but must also receive Him in his heart - Jn 1/12-13; where: Apoc.3/20.
Show: Gal.2/20; God wants to dwell in us - John 14/23 , otherwise: Matth.12/43-45.
IV. The flesh should be roasted ... - V.8
A. Fire: Symbol of Judgement - Christ was judged in our place: 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13; Es.53/4-5.
B. should feed on lamb:
a) The believer's strength comes from Christ - Jn 6/53-57 = Jn 6 / 35.
With unleavened bread:
b) Bread: symbol of malice (evil inclination) and wickedness (1Cor.5 / 8)
and hypocrisy (Luc12 / 1).
c) The Christian life must be pure and true (1 Cor.5 / 8 , see: Héb.12/14)
With bitter herbs:
d) Tests of the believer - Luke 9/23-27; Marc 10/28-31; See 2Tim.3/12;
V. We must eat with the loins girt ... - V.11
Ready for departure. It is true of the Christian - Luke 12/35.
It should be ready for the big trip: Removal of the Church.
Why should we be ready?
a) is not known yet - Matth.24/36.
b) It will be a sudden way - Matth.24/2è-28.
c) There will be a selection - Luke 17/34-37.
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