Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Samsung Scx-4521f Replace Toner


Authority: Nomb.25/1-8

Objective: "How to be victorious against the enemy"


Israel was chosen by God based on love and the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (See Deut.7/6-8) .

About: Saved on the basis of God's love in Jesus Christ (Titus 3/3-7) .

Background: Israel is at the door of Canaan, having won many victories against different nations. These victories cause fear around. Nevertheless, the enemy does not disarm. The struggle continues.

I. Spiritual attack - divine protection

Balaam (swallowing) is a soothsayer, prophet corrupt, hired by Balak, with wealth, to curse Israel - Nomb.22/1-7 .

But Balaam failed through occult means -

Note: Nomb.23/23 . Any attack, unknown to us, nothing can be against us. God custody.

Divine Protection

1) Ps.34 / 8 : "The angel of the Lord encamped ..." ("on guard")

2) 1/6-12 Job : "Have you not raised as a bulwark of protection around him, around his house and around his property? " (v.10)

3) Jn 10/27-29 : "... no one can snatch them out of my hand ..."

4) 1Jn 5 / 18 : "... for the Son of God protects him. So the devil can not be anything against him " .


1) Ps.34 / 8 : "... those who fear Him ..." - See Prov. 8 / 13

2) Job seventh : "integrates ... ... ... right ... God fearing turning away ..."

3) Jn 10/27 : "... hear my voice ... follow me ..." - See Matth.7/24-27

4) 1Jn 5 / 18 ; : "... born of God ... does not practice ... sin is careful ... "

Like Israel, no evil or occult power can do nothing against any true child of God in communion with the Lord.

II. Carnal attack - personal responsibility

Balaam did not succeed in its occult means will use conventional means. Unfortunately, in this area Many believers die.

Show: Nomb.25/1-3; 31/7-18.

We must heed the warnings of the Lord: Matth.26/41; Gal.5/16-26 .

few exhortations Héb.12/1-2; Jacq.4 / 7; 1Pier.5 / 8.


Our security is conditional - Jn 15 / 5 .

for thought: 1Jn 4 / 4


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