Reading: 1Thes.1/9-10
The Church of Thessalonica became a "model" for believers around (v.7-8).
2Cor.2/14-17 Cf.
A model is a benchmark or reference - see Héb.8 / 5 (see: 1Thes.1 / 6) .
I. Converted to God
"... you have forsaken the idols to turn to God" (current French version)
conversion is manifested by a visible change and manifest.
Abort = Quit, neglecting entirely renounce ... (Luke 9 / 23)
= Looking to change direction - hence: 2Cor.5/17; Gal.2/20; 6/14-15.
is a full recount of the old life or nature - Eph.4/17-5/1-14.
II. Serve the living and true God
Paul contrasts the true and living God to dead idols and false - Act.14/15.
Idols (person or object that is worshiped instead of God)
The vanity of idols - Es.44/9-20; Jér.7/18- 31
The danger of idolatry - 1Cor.10/19-22
Serve God
can serve God in different ways:
- to worship Him - in prayer - Jn 4/23-24 (See Matth.4/10), Luke 2/36-38 .
- Perform good works - Eph.2/8-10; Titus 3 / 8.
According Rom.12 , every child of God has something to do.
The notion of service can be summarized by 1Pier.4/10-11 .
III. Wait heavens
Hope blessed believers in Christ - Phil.3/20-21 .
The resurrection of Christ is a guarantee:
- From our resurrection and kidnapping - 1Cor.15/12-28; 1Thes.4 / 13-18.
- The issue for us from the wrath to come - Jn 3/36 ; Rom.1/18 ; 2Thes.2/7-12 .
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