Reading: Habakkuk 3/17-19
We do not know much about the prophet Habakkuk (whose name means kiss). He prophesied to Judah on the imminent invasion of the Chaldeans. The weight from the national life is the result of moral decline and spiritual people.
The key text: Hab.2 / 4. Text taken in Rom.1/17; Gal.3/11; Héb.10/38: "... the just shall live by faith"
I. The faith of the prophet Habakkuk
1) V.17: This verse describes a critical economic situation of the country.
2) V.18: Realistic but did not influenced by circumstances:
"However, I will rejoice in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation "
" But I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in the God of my salvation , " (Osty)
It is easy to rejoice when things go well. But when the trial comes, we have always the same state of heart? - See Phil. 4 / 4.
3) V.19: The secret of the Prophet:
a) ; "The Lord, the Lord is my strength " - See Eph.3/17; 2Cor.4/16-18.
b) "He makes my feet like hinds' - See Eph.6 / 15; Luke 10/19.
c) "And I am walking on my high places " - See Eph.2 / 6; Eph.1/20-21.
II. Practical Example: Job
Job is the classic example of a man experienced in all aspects and yet it came out victorious.
1) Job was tested on the material: Loss of all his worldly possessions (1/13-17).
Reaction spiritual "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return to the bosom of the earth" (1/21a)
2) Job was tested on emotionally: Loss of all his children - (1/13-18)
Reaction spiritual "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; the name of the Lord be praised! " (1/21b)
3) Job was tested on the physical plane: malignant ulcer (2/7-8 )
Reaction spiritual "Behold, He would kill me anyway, I continue to hope in Him" (13/15)
4) Job was tested as a couple: Encouraging his wife to curse God (2 / 9)
Reaction spiritual "You talk like a mad woman. What, we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?" (2 / 10)
A highlight:
- "In all this Job did not sin and confers no injustice in God" (1 / 22)
- "In all this Job did not sin with his lips" (2/10c)
The secret of the prophet Habakkuk, like Job, can rejoice even in the event, it is communion with God - Show: Ps.1; Jér.17/5- 8.
Exhortation: 1Thes.5/18.
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