Thursday, January 3, 2008

Helms Bakery Applesauce Cake


Reading: Acts 9/36-43


Dorcas (Aramaic name) and Tabitha (Greek name) means: gazelle, antelope, symbolizing grace. She did many good works, especially for the needy. Certainly it has received the gift of helping (1Cor.12/28; See Rom.12 / 8).

Aside from his resurrection, study its qualities (pious, generous and careful) and derive practical instruction for our lives.

Dorcas, a pious woman

It is unclear how and when she converted her generosity but shows its real and profound conversion (See Eph.2/10; Titus 2 / 14).

A highlight: "she was among the disciples."

To understand what piety, study what the Bible said what is not: Rom.1/18-32.

Here are some texts that exhort us to piety: 1Tim.2/1-2; 4 / 8, 6 / 11; Titus 2 / 12; 2Pier.3/11.

So, piety is not only faith in Jesus for the salvation of his soul but also a walk in the sanctification by the principles established by the Word of God.

Let us love and study the Bible to live according to God's plan and not "form of godliness" only - 2Tim.3/1-5; Jn 14/23.

Dorcas, a woman active and generous

produce good works is the result of a genuine conversion - it is the test of true piety (See: Matth.19/21 ;; see Matth.26/11; Deut.15/11).

Principles the Word of God: Prov.11/24, 19/17, 21/13, 28/27, Luke 6 / 38; See Act. 20/35.

Dorcas, a woman carefully - V.39

The Bible warns against negligence (Jér.48/10) and laziness (Prov .12/27, 19/24, 22/13, 26/13-14, 20 / 4, 24/30-34).

Exhortation: Rom.12/11


Being a devout woman, generous and careful is the typical woman, according the Word of God, who "more than rubies" , according Prov. 31 , describing the virtuous woman.


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