Authority: Luke 6 / 40
Key Verse: Mark 10/45
Order of Jesus, after His resurrection, is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations ..." (Matth.28/19) .
A disciple is someone who follows a master and puts into practice his teachings - See: Luke 11 / 1 Jn 13/12-15, 14/12.
Example of Jesus: Jn 14/8-10 ; 5 / 7, 7 / 16 . It includes the accusation that he address the Pharisees: Matth.23 / 3
I. The disciple is not above his teacher
TOB: "The disciple is not above his master "
FC: " No student is superior to his master "
Model par excellence of all disciple is Jesus Himself:
1) Forgoing Himself : Phil.2/5-11
2) Obeying the divine order: Matth.3/13 -
3) Dressed in the power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 3 / 21 -22 .
Completely dependent
4) Perfect knowledge of the Scriptures: Jn 7/14-18
See Matth.4/1-11; 12 / 3, 5
5) Life of Prayer: Marc 1 / 35
See Matth.14/23, Luke 6 / 12; 22/40-45
II. But every disciple will be like his master
TOB: "but well-trained disciple be as his master"
FC: "but any student fully educated be as his master"
The disciple is not just a believer in Christ, but a living member of the full Body of Christ (the Church) that Christ is the head
Show: 1Cor.12/12-31; Rom.12/3-8
1) Saved to serve: 1Thes.1 / 9; 2Tim.1/8-9
2) training before the action: Marc 3/13-15
3) Anointing indispensable Luke 24/49; Act.1 / 8 - See: Gal.5/16-26
4) of Scripture Knowledge: 2Tim.3/16-17
5) Assessment activities: Mark 6 / 30, Luke 10/17 - See: Jn 17
Jn 13/16-17
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