Lecture : Acts 4 / 13
"Uneducated" does not mean ignoring - (See 2Cor.11 / 6 ). When one reads the speeches of Peter, one quickly realizes that he was a man versed in the Scriptures. What religious definitely wanted to express is that Pierre had not the academic level of his time, because He had not gone through their schools.
I. "common people"
The world attaches more importance to external appearance - but it ' is normal, because that is the world.
The danger when it comes to believers - (Reminder: 2Cor.11 / 6)
- See: 2Cor.10/10-18.
II. "uneducated"
Without education or traditional academic course, but what biblical knowledge and spiritual!
1) Control of Scripture, simply read their speeches, including
2) Courage and insurance against their opponents ( Act.4/17-20; 5/28-32)
; 3) spiritual power ( Act.3 / 6; 5/12-16)
III. "having been with Jesus"
The basic principle of an efficient service is to first sit down with Jesus - there is no other secret - See: Marc 3/13-15. See Deut.33 / 3; Jér.33 / 3.
is the extent of our communion with the Lord as we reflect His Person (2Cor.3/18) -
He, and not us, who must be the central message - 1Cor.2/1-5 Cf.
" Without instruction, and yet chosen and sent by the Lord to accomplish His work - see 1Cor. 1/26-31.
food for thought: 2Tim.3/1-9.
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