Reading: Hosea 6 / 1
Hosea means the LORD saves .
God condemns Israel's infidelity. It calls for repentance. A return to God. Repentance, only way to regain the House
Because of His love for us, God uses all sorts of means to bring us back to Him (Cf. Héb.12/5-11) .
There are several reasons that motivate us to take God:
I. Disobedience to His Word - Jonas 1-2
Jonas sent to a nation of sinners - we understand their apprehension. However, God never asks to do something that is impossible for man - See Matth.28/19-20; Ex.3/9-12; 4/10-12.
It took a makeshift place of worship (fish stomach) to realize this truth Jonas (Jonah 2)
Food for thought: Jacq.4/17; Prov.28 / 9
II. Negligence in communion with God - 1Sam.30 / 1-6
The previous chapters reveal the compromise of David with the Philistines, enemies of Israel.
Cause: fear of dying by the hand of Saul - 1Sam.27 / 1; Prov.29/25 Cf. It was no longer relying on the Lord as reported in 1Sam.24/5-7, 26/10-11, 24 . David had no communion with God (prayer) - cf. Jn 15 / 5; 1Pier.5 / 8 .
God uses the Amalekites: 1Sam.30/1-5 .
A comparison with 1Sam.26/24 1Sam.30/6a .
Solution: Rely on God again - Show: v.8: "consultation" , v.9 : "began in works, " v.10: " continued ".
result 1Sam.30/18-20
III. Attentiveness divine - 2Cor.12/7-10
God is the One who keeps and preserves His children, hence the prayer: Matth.6/13 .
He preserved the apostle Paul to fall into the trap pride, because of the revelation he had, by allowing a trial.
1) Basic principle of the Christian life of the apostle
a) basis of his faith: the Word
b) ; Object of his faith:
2) Attentiveness divine (which goes to the purpose of doing good)
a) Paul was aware of his weakness: pride (v.6). See Phil.3/4-9. And what Satan is trying to wake him. Where: Marc 14/38
b) The prevenient grace of God: He sent an angel of Satan (v.7) .
The thorn seems to be painful enough for Paul prayed three times to remove him.
"My grace is sufficient" : What is natural (flesh) in man refuses suffering. But he that is born again does not place more confidence in what is earthly: Phil.3/17-21
Food for thought: Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18
God will make us never wrong. He allows the trials is an act of love for us to regain and maintain our communion with Him - Os.2/16; Job 36/15.
Food for thought: Jacq.1/12-15
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