Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Does Spottinglooks?

Church model

Reading: 1Thes.1/9-10


The Church of Thessalonica became a "model" for believers around (v.7-8).

2Cor.2/14-17 Cf.

A model is a benchmark or reference - see Héb.8 / 5 (see: 1Thes.1 / 6) .

I. Converted to God

"... you have forsaken the idols to turn to God" (current French version)

conversion is manifested by a visible change and manifest.

Abort = Quit, neglecting entirely renounce ... (Luke 9 / 23)

= Looking to change direction - hence: 2Cor.5/17; Gal.2/20; 6/14-15.

is a full recount of the old life or nature - Eph.4/17-5/1-14.

II. Serve the living and true God

Paul contrasts the true and living God to dead idols and false - Act.14/15.

Idols (person or object that is worshiped instead of God)

The vanity of idols - Es.44/9-20; Jér.7/18- 31

The danger of idolatry - 1Cor.10/19-22

Serve God

can serve God in different ways:

- to worship Him - in prayer - Jn 4/23-24 (See Matth.4/10), Luke 2/36-38 .

- Perform good works - Eph.2/8-10; Titus 3 / 8.

According Rom.12 , every child of God has something to do.

The notion of service can be summarized by 1Pier.4/10-11 .

III. Wait heavens

Hope blessed believers in Christ - Phil.3/20-21 .

The resurrection of Christ is a guarantee:

- From our resurrection and kidnapping - 1Cor.15/12-28; 1Thes.4 / 13-18.

- The issue for us from the wrath to come - Jn 3/36 ; Rom.1/18 ; 2Thes.2/7-12 .






Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sharringan Eye Contacts

Rejoicing even when everything goes wrong

Reading: Habakkuk 3/17-19


We do not know much about the prophet Habakkuk (whose name means kiss). He prophesied to Judah on the imminent invasion of the Chaldeans. The weight from the national life is the result of moral decline and spiritual people.

The key text: Hab.2 / 4. Text taken in Rom.1/17; Gal.3/11; Héb.10/38: "... the just shall live by faith"

I. The faith of the prophet Habakkuk

1) V.17: This verse describes a critical economic situation of the country.

2) V.18: Realistic but did not influenced by circumstances:

"However, I will rejoice in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation "

" But I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in the God of my salvation , " (Osty)

It is easy to rejoice when things go well. But when the trial comes, we have always the same state of heart? - See Phil. 4 / 4.

3) V.19: The secret of the Prophet:

a) ; "The Lord, the Lord is my strength " - See Eph.3/17; 2Cor.4/16-18.

b) "He makes my feet like hinds' - See Eph.6 / 15; Luke 10/19.

c) "And I am walking on my high places " - See Eph.2 / 6; Eph.1/20-21.

II. Practical Example: Job

Job is the classic example of a man experienced in all aspects and yet it came out victorious.

1) Job was tested on the material: Loss of all his worldly possessions (1/13-17).

Reaction spiritual "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return to the bosom of the earth" (1/21a)

2) Job was tested on emotionally: Loss of all his children - (1/13-18)

Reaction spiritual "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; the name of the Lord be praised! " (1/21b)

3) Job was tested on the physical plane: malignant ulcer (2/7-8 )

Reaction spiritual "Behold, He would kill me anyway, I continue to hope in Him" (13/15)

4) Job was tested as a couple: Encouraging his wife to curse God (2 / 9)

Reaction spiritual "You talk like a mad woman. What, we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?" (2 / 10)

A highlight:

- "In all this Job did not sin and confers no injustice in God" (1 / 22)

- "In all this Job did not sin with his lips" (2/10c)


The secret of the prophet Habakkuk, like Job, can rejoice even in the event, it is communion with God - Show: Ps.1; Jér.17/5- 8.

Exhortation: 1Thes.5/18.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Helms Bakery Applesauce Cake


Reading: Acts 9/36-43


Dorcas (Aramaic name) and Tabitha (Greek name) means: gazelle, antelope, symbolizing grace. She did many good works, especially for the needy. Certainly it has received the gift of helping (1Cor.12/28; See Rom.12 / 8).

Aside from his resurrection, study its qualities (pious, generous and careful) and derive practical instruction for our lives.

Dorcas, a pious woman

It is unclear how and when she converted her generosity but shows its real and profound conversion (See Eph.2/10; Titus 2 / 14).

A highlight: "she was among the disciples."

To understand what piety, study what the Bible said what is not: Rom.1/18-32.

Here are some texts that exhort us to piety: 1Tim.2/1-2; 4 / 8, 6 / 11; Titus 2 / 12; 2Pier.3/11.

So, piety is not only faith in Jesus for the salvation of his soul but also a walk in the sanctification by the principles established by the Word of God.

Let us love and study the Bible to live according to God's plan and not "form of godliness" only - 2Tim.3/1-5; Jn 14/23.

Dorcas, a woman active and generous

produce good works is the result of a genuine conversion - it is the test of true piety (See: Matth.19/21 ;; see Matth.26/11; Deut.15/11).

Principles the Word of God: Prov.11/24, 19/17, 21/13, 28/27, Luke 6 / 38; See Act. 20/35.

Dorcas, a woman carefully - V.39

The Bible warns against negligence (Jér.48/10) and laziness (Prov .12/27, 19/24, 22/13, 26/13-14, 20 / 4, 24/30-34).

Exhortation: Rom.12/11


Being a devout woman, generous and careful is the typical woman, according the Word of God, who "more than rubies" , according Prov. 31 , describing the virtuous woman.