Sunday, December 23, 2007

Can I Buy A Chi Straightener At Jcpenney

As His Master Men

Authority: Luke 6 / 40

Key Verse: Mark 10/45


Order of Jesus, after His resurrection, is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations ..." (Matth.28/19) .

A disciple is someone who follows a master and puts into practice his teachings - See: Luke 11 / 1 Jn 13/12-15, 14/12.

Example of Jesus: Jn 14/8-10 ; 5 / 7, 7 / 16 . It includes the accusation that he address the Pharisees: Matth.23 / 3

I. The disciple is not above his teacher

TOB: "The disciple is not above his master "

FC: " No student is superior to his master "

Model par excellence of all disciple is Jesus Himself:

1) Forgoing Himself : Phil.2/5-11

2) Obeying the divine order: Matth.3/13 - 17. A think about: Matth.21/23-27

3) Dressed in the power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 3 / 21 -22 .

Completely dependent Person of the Holy Spirit: Luke 4 / 1, 14; Matth.12/28; Act.1/1-2; 10/38

4) Perfect knowledge of the Scriptures: Jn 7/14-18

See Matth.4/1-11; 12 / 3, 5

5) Life of Prayer: Marc 1 / 35

See Matth.14/23, Luke 6 / 12; 22/40-45

II. But every disciple will be like his master

TOB: "but well-trained disciple be as his master"

FC: "but any student fully educated be as his master"

The disciple is not just a believer in Christ, but a living member of the full Body of Christ (the Church) that Christ is the head .

Show: 1Cor.12/12-31; Rom.12/3-8

1) Saved to serve: 1Thes.1 / 9; 2Tim.1/8-9

2) training before the action: Marc 3/13-15

3) Anointing indispensable Luke 24/49; Act.1 / 8 - See: Gal.5/16-26

4) of Scripture Knowledge: 2Tim.3/16-17

5) Assessment activities: Mark 6 / 30, Luke 10/17 - See: Jn 17




            Jn 13/16-17


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Are Chances Of World War 3

uneducated He tore

Lecture : Acts 4 / 13


"Uneducated" does not mean ignoring - (See 2Cor.11 / 6 ). When one reads the speeches of Peter, one quickly realizes that he was a man versed in the Scriptures. What religious definitely wanted to express is that Pierre had not the academic level of his time, because He had not gone through their schools.

I. "common people"

The world attaches more importance to external appearance - but it ' is normal, because that is the world.

The danger when it comes to believers - (Reminder: 2Cor.11 / 6)

- See: 2Cor.10/10-18.

II. "uneducated"

Without education or traditional academic course, but what biblical knowledge and spiritual!

1) Control of Scripture, simply read their speeches, including Pentecost (Acts 2 )

2) Courage and insurance against their opponents ( Act.4/17-20; 5/28-32)

; 3) spiritual power ( Act.3 / 6; 5/12-16)

III. "having been with Jesus"

The basic principle of an efficient service is to first sit down with Jesus - there is no other secret - See: Marc 3/13-15. See Deut.33 / 3; Jér.33 / 3.

is the extent of our communion with the Lord as we reflect His Person (2Cor.3/18) -

He, and not us, who must be the central message - 1Cor.2/1-5 Cf.


" Without instruction, and yet chosen and sent by the Lord to accomplish His work - see 1Cor. 1/26-31.

food for thought: 2Tim.3/1-9.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Incredible Lightshow By Gemmy

Reading: Hosea 6 / 1


Hosea means the LORD saves .

God condemns Israel's infidelity. It calls for repentance. A return to God. Repentance, only way to regain the House father (see Luke 15/11-24) .

Because of His love for us, God uses all sorts of means to bring us back to Him (Cf. Héb.12/5-11) .

There are several reasons that motivate us to take God:

I. Disobedience to His Word - Jonas 1-2

Obey to the Word of God is to have faith, He is to be pleasant - Héb.11 / 6; Rom.10/17 Cf.

Jonas sent to a nation of sinners - we understand their apprehension. However, God never asks to do something that is impossible for man - See Matth.28/19-20; Ex.3/9-12; 4/10-12.

It took a makeshift place of worship (fish stomach) to realize this truth Jonas (Jonah 2)

Food for thought: Jacq.4/17; Prov.28 / 9

II. Negligence in communion with God - 1Sam.30 / 1-6

The previous chapters reveal the compromise of David with the Philistines, enemies of Israel.

Cause: fear of dying by the hand of Saul - 1Sam.27 / 1; Prov.29/25 Cf. It was no longer relying on the Lord as reported in 1Sam.24/5-7, 26/10-11, 24 . David had no communion with God (prayer) - cf. Jn 15 / 5; 1Pier.5 / 8 .

God uses the Amalekites: 1Sam.30/1-5 .

A comparison with 1Sam.26/24 1Sam.30/6a .

Solution: Rely on God again - Show: v.8: "consultation" , v.9 : "began in works, " v.10: " continued ".

result 1Sam.30/18-20

III. Attentiveness divine - 2Cor.12/7-10

God is the One who keeps and preserves His children, hence the prayer: Matth.6/13 .

He preserved the apostle Paul to fall into the trap pride, because of the revelation he had, by allowing a trial.

1) Basic principle of the Christian life of the apostle

a) basis of his faith: the Word written - Rom.10/17; 2Cor.4 / 2.5; 2Tim.3/16-17

b) ; Object of his faith: the Word made flesh (Jesus) - 1Cor.2 / 2; Gal.2/20; Phil.1/21

2) Attentiveness divine (which goes to the purpose of doing good)

a) Paul was aware of his weakness: pride (v.6). See Phil.3/4-9. And what Satan is trying to wake him. Where: Marc 14/38

b) The prevenient grace of God: He sent an angel of Satan (v.7) .

The thorn seems to be painful enough for Paul prayed three times to remove him.

"My grace is sufficient" : What is natural (flesh) in man refuses suffering. But he that is born again does not place more confidence in what is earthly: Phil.3/17-21


                        Food for thought: Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18


God will make us never wrong. He allows the trials is an act of love for us to regain and maintain our communion with Him - Os.2/16; Job 36/15.

Food for thought: Jacq.1/12-15

Friday, September 21, 2007

Kates Playground Coffee Table

Reading: Héb.4/9-16


Grace is a provision essentially benevolent God to man.

prevenient grace is a grace that keeps us in communion with God. It is that which, anticipating the temptation, we will prepare and puts us in a position to confront it, to win and not to sin.

Each temptation of the enemy is preceded by a special grace from God.

I. Illustration: Abram - Gen.14/17-24

1) Temptation - v.21

After the victory against the five kings who removed all the riches of Sodom and Gomorrah and his nephew Lot (v.14-16), Abram was met by the king of Sodom who made this request: "Give me the persons, and take you to the riches" .

This was an unexpected temptation to Abram, but not for God.

2) prevenient grace - v.18-20

Meet the king of Salem, Melchizedek, who blessed the Name of God Most High "and to whom Abram gave " tithes of all ". This blessing will enable it to deal with temptation.

3) Using prevenient grace - V.22-24

Abram received the revelation of a new name given to God "The Most High God, Lord of heaven and earth" . He used it as a shield.

Accept the proposal of the King of Sodom means accepting compromise and domination (slavery).

"Nothing for me" - In other words: "My God is All-sufficient."

II. Example of Jesus - Luke 3/21-22, 4/1-13

At baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Jordan succeeds a temptation for Jesus to forty days in the desert.

After approval the words of His Father, came the tempter's words, loaded with doubt and presumption.

Interesting: Luke 4 / 1, 14.


Do not confuse sin and temptation - See: Jacq.1/13-15; 1Cor.10/13.


No wonder it is said in the blessing of the Lord (Nomb.6/24): "The Lord bless you and keep you. " There is no need to be kept by God but he who is blessed by Him.

Each special blessing of God, the enemy is looking for a reply. But God forbid! Hallelujah!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Deformatio Of Character Lette

prevenient grace ye are complete in Him

Reading: Col.2/9-10


The apostle Paul describes and defends the rule of Christ. It is the center of divine revelation - Col.1/12-23.

I. In Him dwells all the fullness of divinity

Why was the incarnation of the Son of God?

1) Answering a need: To redeem man from his sins - Heb. 10/1-18.

The wages of sin is death (Rom.6/23) . To God be pleased that the sinner must die.

man can pay the wages of sin? No! Ps.49/7-10.

Our salvation is based on the Sacrifice of Jesus Man: Eph.2/8-10; 1Pier.1/17-25; 1Tim.2 / 5-6.

He was a man without sin - hence the incarnation of Jesus - Rom.8/1-4; Phil.2/5-11; 1Jn 3 / 4-5.

2) Helping man to confront the problems of life - Heb.2 / 17-18, 4/14-16.

Jesus knew hunger (Matth.4 / 2; Marc 11/12) , thirst (John 19/28) , fatigue and sleep (Mark 4 / 38) , sadness and tears (Jn 11/35, Luke 19/41) , joy (Luke 10/21) , etc..

His humanity was complete in order to be able to more effectively help the man, hence: Matth.11/28; 1Pier.5 / 7.

3) destroy Satan's power

The first man (Adam) was defeated by the devil and because of that sin entered the world (Rom .5/12).

Jesus, man, resisted and defeated Satan - Matth.4/1-11; Héb.2/14-18; 1Jn 3 / 8; Act.10/38 Cf.

II. You are fully

The Believer, freed from sin and the influence of Satan, now now, in Jesus Christ , free access to God's blessing - Héb.10/19-25; 4/14-16; 1Jn 2/1-2; Rom.8/34; Héb.7/25; 9 / 24.

Exhortation of Jesus: John 14/11-14, 16/24.


Christ is the Head of all rule and authority.

Is it your head?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where Is Pin On Alias 2

Seduction spiritual

Reading: 2Thes.2/3-12


The Word of God is clear enough to warn us about the events of the end of time - especially on the spiritual deception. The Lord Jesus Himself warns us in His Word: Matth.24/23-25; See 1Tim.4/1-3; 2Pier.2/1-3, 1 Jn 4/1- 6.

Note "seduce" - Lit. "Drive away".

I. Apostasy

1) Definition of: Apostasy, Greek "apostasia" action = depart, which can also result by the rebellion, the deviation, abandonment, defection.

2) On the spiritual plane, it's someone "having the appearance of piety " but deliberately rejects the truth revealed - 2Tim.3/1-5; 1Jn 4/1-3; Phil.3/18-19.

3) Apostasy is a grave sin, it attracts the Judgement of God ; - 2Thes.2/10-12, 2 Pier.2/17, 21, Jude 11-15; Apoc.3/14-16.

II. Warning Holy Spirit - 1Tim.4 / 1

This text emphasizes the fact the warning of the Holy Spirit a solemn and urgent manner. It is good for us to pay attention. It answers many questions that many Christians arise concerning the spiritual confusion in the Church.

1) "The Spirit says ..." : There is no doubt, an inspiration of the Holy Spirit, like the rest of the revelation of Scripture (2Tim.3/16; 2Pier.1/21).

2) "expressly ..." : the Greek "Alexi", meaning: "expressly", "literally", that is to say, something that is clearly stated, with certainty and unquestionable. These things will happen, that's undeniable, inevitable.

3) " in recent times ... " : Greek" hueterois "means" is back "or more clearly" the end of the last. " This corresponds exactly to our time.

4) "some will drop ..." : Lit. "Apostasy" - as we saw on the verb "apostasia" which means "action to depart." It describes a person who moves from one position to go in another. One step after another, it moves slowly and gradually abandoning the faith.

5) "faith" : This is good doctrine - Jude 3.

6) "to attach" : Lit. "Apply his mind to "or" turning his thoughts in another direction. " This describes the Christians who have consciously opened their minds to new thoughts.

7) "seducing spirits" : from the Greek " ; planos ", which means" who is wandering, "who wrong, "" liar, "" seductive ". It's taking someone's hand and lead him so slowly out of the way, he does not even realize he is leaving this way. See 2Tim.3/6-7.

8) "doctrines of demons" : The Greek word "didaskalia" consists of the word "didasko" (I teach) and "Kali" (good or wonderful). This talking about a gifted teacher and talented. Seducers are often very good speakers that impress others with their talents. To emphasize the origin "of demons."

III. Why some Christians are deceived?

1) In 2Thes.2/10, the apostle speaks of those "who did not receive the love of truth and so be saved."

2) In 2Tim.4/3-4, he speaks of those "who will not endure sound doctrine."

This shows that these are people who never really made a profound experience with the Word of God, they do not have strong roots.

Exhortation: Matth.7/21-27; Act.17/11; Héb.12/1-2.