Friday, April 10, 2009

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Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed

Or the meaning of the Cross

Authority: 1Cor.5 / 7, Jn 1 / 29


Passover is a Jewish holiday (Ex.12) , symbol of the liberation of a nation, Israel, from slavery in Egypt. For us, it speaks of the resurrection of Christ after being crucified on the Cross to liberate man from his sins - is the heart of the Gospel (1Cor.15 / 3) .

What Cross ?

For man

Demonstration of human wickedness

Cross is an instrument of torture invented by man

An instrument heinous and cruel torture that leads to a slow death. The aim is to deter others - 1Cor.1/23; Ps.22/17-19

Because of sin, man became wicked (Jér.17 / 9) no feeling of love - Act.3/13-15

Cross is where God because of us, put the bad on the shoulder of His Son: the sin of man - 2Cor.5/21 (Hence: Matth.26/46 cf. Hab.1/13) Gal.3/13

Cross is inevitable path of salvation offered by God (John 3 / 16) is the price of our sins (Rom.6/23) - Marc 10/45; Es .53/5-6; 1Pier.2/24

With so many love what's your choice?

For God

meeting point of the Holy God with the sinner

Cross reveals the holiness and justice of God

Sin is the transgression of the law (1Jn 3 / 4) . Any transgression attracts Judgement - 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13

Cross reveals God's love

In addition to justice and of holiness, the Cross reveals God's love - Rom.5/6-9 . It is God who has taken the first step - 1Jn 4/9-10

Cross reveals the power of God

God is a mighty God - Eph.1/19-21; Col.2/12

Cross reveals God's mercy

God looks at the misery of man and not remain indifferent - Rom.11/32

front such manifestations of God, what answer to Deut.30/19-20 ?

For Jesus Christ

The ultimate proof of His love - Jn 10/11

Cross reveals the ugliness of sin.

Because of sin Jesus was unrecognizable on the cross - Es.53 / 3 , so that God Himself (because of His holiness - Hab.1/13 ) turned away from Him - Marc 15/34


Cross reveals God's answer to the need of sinful man by giving His Son - Jn 3 / 16; Rom.5 / 8

Cross reveals Christ doing the will of God - Héb.10/4-10; See: Luke 22/39-46

Cross reveals the obedience of Christ disobedient to redeem man from nature - Phil.2/6-8, see: Mark 8 / 31, 9 / 31, 10/31-34

front such a manifestation of the love of Christ, what answer to His call - Matth.11/28 ?

For Christians

Represents his hello, his complete deliverance from sin - Gal.2/20

Three dimensions of our salvation:

Deliverance from the penalty of sin - Past

By accepting Jesus, I identify with His death on the Cross - Rom. 6/5-7 , hence: Rom.8 / 1, cf. 2Cor.5/17 . Reminder: Col.2/14-15

Issue of the power of sin - This

Death to sin and alive to God - Rom.6/11-23

It bears the fruit of the Spirit - Gal.5/19-26

Hope of deliverance from sin's presence - Future

The hope of the removal and processing total and complete - Show: Phil.3/18-21; where: Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18


Passover Christian is more a celebration of the resurrection of Christ but the victory of Christ in the lives of sinners who accept His salvation and walk in sanctification pending removal - Reminder: Héb.12/14

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be beneficial in Since each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!


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