Or the meaning of the Cross
Authority: 1Cor.5 / 7, Jn 1 / 29
For man
Demonstration of human wickedness
An instrument heinous and cruel torture that leads to a slow death. The aim is to deter others - 1Cor.1/23; Ps.22/17-19
Because of sin, man became wicked (Jér.17 / 9) no feeling of love - Act.3/13-15
With so many love what's your choice?
For God
meeting point of the Holy God with the sinner
Sin is the transgression of the law (1Jn 3 / 4) . Any transgression attracts Judgement - 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13
In addition to justice and of holiness, the Cross reveals God's love - Rom.5/6-9 . It is God who has taken the first step - 1Jn 4/9-10
God is a mighty God - Eph.1/19-21; Col.2/12
God looks at the misery of man and not remain indifferent - Rom.11/32
front such manifestations of God, what answer to Deut.30/19-20 ?
For Jesus Christ
The ultimate proof of His love - Jn 10/11
Because of sin Jesus was unrecognizable on the cross - Es.53 / 3 , so that God Himself (because of His holiness - Hab.1/13 ) turned away from Him - Marc 15/34
front such a manifestation of the love of Christ, what answer to His call - Matth.11/28 ?
For Christians
Represents his hello, his complete deliverance from sin - Gal.2/20
Three dimensions of our salvation:
Deliverance from the penalty of sin - Past
By accepting Jesus, I identify with His death on the Cross
Issue of the power of sin - This
Death to sin and alive to God - Rom.6/11-23
It bears the fruit of the Spirit - Gal.5/19-26
Hope of deliverance from sin's presence - Future
The hope of the removal and processing total and complete - Show: Phil.3/18-21; where: Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18
Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be beneficial in Since each bed in his own Bible references indicated.
Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!
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