Reading: Colossians 2/16-17
After giving instruction clear and precise about the true basis of Christian life. Paul warns against doctrinal deviation.
Let no one judge you
The trap of religion is to think better compared to others. That is why some religious authorities who do not practice the same as them - Show: Rom.14/1-6
The ruling here is about rituals and ordinances that Jesus completed for us - v.14, cf. Jacq.2/10
The hello is based on
The shadow of things to come
A shadow is not reality but which can lead to this reality.
What was that shadow which the apostle speaks?
ritual practices. See for comparison: Héb.8 / 5 .
All these services from the Old Testament as having visible landmark: the Tabernacle.
Around the Tabernacle, there are all the rituals (sacrifices, offerings, festivals, ...) all of which typify Christ - Show: Héb.10/1-22
The body is in Christ
That is to say, reality. The center of the revelation, whether in the OT as the NT, but Christ.
It is the culmination / completion of all rituals, hence: Matth.5/17 Jn 19/30
Reminder: Cols. 2/9-10; see 2Cor.5/19
Work of Jesus Col.2/14-15 . This is the heart of the Gospel, the Good
Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible "can be profitable to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.
Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!
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