Sunday, February 22, 2009

Confidentiality Clause For Group

Spiritual growth

Reading: 1Peter 2/1-3


The Word of God is clear by our new birth, we have become "new creations" (2Cor.5/17) . However, it reveals that we must "work" for our salvation, that is to say, implementing our action or hello (Phil.2/12) ; this because of our old nature that fights against us and we need to rob us, hence: Eph.4/20-25; Col.3/5-11 .

In v.1, Stone shows us that for good growth we must reject the old nature, to clean up.

Like newborn babes

Peter uses the image of a baby, not so that we still baby (to think about: 1Cor.3/1-2; Héb.5/12-14) , but to show the strength of the desire for a baby who demands his milk. Is to have the same appetite for a baby.

The Christian is born of the Word of God (1Pier.1/23) and to grow is dependent on that same Word (2Tim.3/16-17; Rom.10/17). Do we still this appetite vis-à-vis the Word of God?

pure spiritual milk

To grow, the baby needs to eat what is good and pure (This is why, on the natural, sterilized bottles so the milk is not contaminated by elements foreigners that are harmful to the health of the baby).

For us it is no different: 1Cor.2/1-5; 2Tim.4/1-4 .

Let us meditate on these few warnings given by the Apostle Paul: 1Tim.1/3-7; 6/3-5, 20-21, Titus 3 / 9; Show: 2Cor.4/1-2.

Reminder: Matth.4 / 4

order that you may grow up hello

Peter shows us that the source of our spiritual growth is the pure spiritual milk, that is to say, the Word of God (2Tim.3/16-17) . She is alive and effective (Héb.4/12) and eternal (Matth.24/35)

And, as believers, we are called to grow (Eph.4/11 -16) and do not always remain spiritual babies (Reminder: 1Cor.3/1-2; Héb.5/12-14)

Food for thought: 1Thes.4 / 1


Matth.7/21-27 ; Jacq.1/21-25

Video Version

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be profitable only to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless Jesus Christ!


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