Reading: Micah 6 / 8
The man who is born of God are called to walk with Him and find Him motivation, happiness and hope.
Walking is not a place to another. Walking with God is to live one step at a time, one day at a time in the path of life he has drawn.
Walking with God characteristic of the early believers
Enoch (dedicated educated) - Gen.5/22, 24: The LORD honors because Enoch he walked with Him
Noah (consolation) - Gen.6 / 9: the midst of a perverse generation, Noah found favor with God and his life is characterized by the simple phrase: "Noah walked with God"
Abraham (father of many) - Gen.17: After the error of the flesh, with Hagar, for posterity, the Lord asks him walk before His face.
Walking with God
is the call of God for His ultimate creature Micah 6 / 8
is to be contrasted with walk in the course of this world: Eph.2 / 2
the road to happiness is everything along the path: Ps.1/1-2
is also the constant challenge of the believer often asked to follow their own paths: Ps.139/23-24; 143/10; See Prov.14/12
How to walk more intimately with God?
Walking is synonymous with driving. In Eph.4 and 5 to 6 times, Paul says the conduct of Christian
4 / 1: walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Ps.112 / 5; Prov.4/26)
4/17-24: walk in righteousness and holiness
5 / 2: walk in love
5 / 15: walk as children of light
1Thes.4 / 1 ;
Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can not be profitable to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.
Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!
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