Saturday, February 28, 2009

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Camilo Villegas , the 7th world really does not like anyone monde.Au top of his drive, for example, the shaft is not parallel to the ground as in Tiger Woods . Camilo stop the club before the parallèle.Cette feature does not prevent him from getting the ball to 330 m on a very good drive because it produces good acceleration in the descent!

In putting, posture to read the slope is equally surprenante.Il goes squarely face down on the green, which earned him the nickname Spiderman!

Camilo Villegas is one of the few players to start his swing doucement.En Indeed, it is as strong from the top of the swing.

See the video player below a series of videos on Camilo Villegas.On can see for example the contents of his bag and his victory at the BMW Championship 2008.

Some links on Camilo Villegas His Facebook

His Twitter Profile

Friday, February 27, 2009

Best Jacuzzi Suites Las Vegas


Trevor Immelman during a demonstration to introduce the new driver Nike.Encore once we observe the small forward movement of the wrist gauche.Un slow start can be seen.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Do You Say I Do In Spanish Wedding


Here Sergio Garcia, the world No. 2, which drive the ball with great control of his swing même.Son always impressed me because you can see it arrives on the ball inside and in the swing plane.

This video shows some modern players do the famous little forward movement of the left wrist recommended by Mike Austin . In other words, Ernie Els is not the only one to do it!

Perhaps with such a swing Sergio Garcia one day challenge the supremacy of Tiger Woods on the golf mondial.Pour get there, I think he will have continue to improve his putting putts to go as easily as Tiger Woods .

In this series of videos, there is such a beating Sergio Garcia Iron 4 to 225 m of the green!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Confidentiality Clause For Group

Spiritual growth

Reading: 1Peter 2/1-3


The Word of God is clear by our new birth, we have become "new creations" (2Cor.5/17) . However, it reveals that we must "work" for our salvation, that is to say, implementing our action or hello (Phil.2/12) ; this because of our old nature that fights against us and we need to rob us, hence: Eph.4/20-25; Col.3/5-11 .

In v.1, Stone shows us that for good growth we must reject the old nature, to clean up.

Like newborn babes

Peter uses the image of a baby, not so that we still baby (to think about: 1Cor.3/1-2; Héb.5/12-14) , but to show the strength of the desire for a baby who demands his milk. Is to have the same appetite for a baby.

The Christian is born of the Word of God (1Pier.1/23) and to grow is dependent on that same Word (2Tim.3/16-17; Rom.10/17). Do we still this appetite vis-à-vis the Word of God?

pure spiritual milk

To grow, the baby needs to eat what is good and pure (This is why, on the natural, sterilized bottles so the milk is not contaminated by elements foreigners that are harmful to the health of the baby).

For us it is no different: 1Cor.2/1-5; 2Tim.4/1-4 .

Let us meditate on these few warnings given by the Apostle Paul: 1Tim.1/3-7; 6/3-5, 20-21, Titus 3 / 9; Show: 2Cor.4/1-2.

Reminder: Matth.4 / 4

order that you may grow up hello

Peter shows us that the source of our spiritual growth is the pure spiritual milk, that is to say, the Word of God (2Tim.3/16-17) . She is alive and effective (Héb.4/12) and eternal (Matth.24/35)

And, as believers, we are called to grow (Eph.4/11 -16) and do not always remain spiritual babies (Reminder: 1Cor.3/1-2; Héb.5/12-14)

Food for thought: 1Thes.4 / 1


Matth.7/21-27 ; Jacq.1/21-25

Video Version

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be profitable only to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nancy Drew Icicle Creek Wii Shoveling Pond


At just 20 years, Rory Macilroy demonstrated mastery technique.Après beating a record of precocity being the youngest player in history to finish in the top 50 world, he finished in 10th place at the 2009 U.S. Open.

Like Ben Hogan , Rory Macilroy bend the left leg up and straighten the descente.Ce technical detail is highlighted very clearly in the second video from this series -dessous.Et in the first video, we can notice that Rory Macilroy plays well the club in the swing plane.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friendship Bracelet Patterns Pokemon


In this video where David Tom drive the ball, we can notice the small forward movement of the left wrist. Mike Austin is still there !

David Tom driver is a very précis.Du statistical standpoint, its success rate is 75% drive, while the average on the PGA Tour is 61% (63% for Tiger Woods). Another interesting technical detail, just like Ben Hogan David Tom straightens his left leg during the descent.
During his career, David has won 14 tournaments Tom including one major: the PGA Championship in Atlanta in 2001.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

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This video of Adam Scott highlights flexion left leg to climb. On the descent, the same leg straightens up finish.Cette action of the left leg is found in many champions in levels more or less important.

And finally here is a video series on Adam Scott.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Names For A Water Park


In this video, we see that Mike Weir has a swing in the plane.

Indeed, making a Freeze mid-descent, we can see that as an extension to Ben Hogan club meets the balle.Mais the resemblance does not stop there since the movement of the legs to climb is very similar to Ben Hogan .

Here the swing of Mike Weir actual speed under the watchful eye of Gary Player , a living legend of golf.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cartoon Maxine With Wine

walk humbly with God

Reading: Micah 6 / 8


The man who is born of God are called to walk with Him and find Him motivation, happiness and hope.

Walking is not a place to another. Walking with God is to live one step at a time, one day at a time in the path of life he has drawn.

Walking with God characteristic of the early believers

Enoch (dedicated educated) - Gen.5/22, 24: The LORD honors because Enoch he walked with Him

Noah (consolation) - Gen.6 / 9: the midst of a perverse generation, Noah found favor with God and his life is characterized by the simple phrase: "Noah walked with God"

Abraham (father of many) - Gen.17: After the error of the flesh, with Hagar, for posterity, the Lord asks him walk before His face.

Walking with God

is the call of God for His ultimate creature Micah 6 / 8

is to be contrasted with walk in the course of this world: Eph.2 / 2

the road to happiness is everything along the path: Ps.1/1-2

is also the constant challenge of the believer often asked to follow their own paths: Ps.139/23-24; 143/10; See Prov.14/12

How to walk more intimately with God?

Walking is synonymous with driving. In Eph.4 and 5 to 6 times, Paul says the conduct of Christian

4 / 1: walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Ps.112 / 5; Prov.4/26)

4/17-24: walk in righteousness and holiness

5 / 2: walk in love

5 / 15: walk as children of light


1Thes.4 / 1 ;

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can not be profitable to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ringworm Images On Dogs


In this article I present a swing I like that is beaucoup.Il of Ernie Els :

to succeed his swing:


1-Make a small forward movement of the left wrist

2-Spread laterally left arm while turning the left wrist about the axis of the arm (pronation) of 1 / 8 tour.Cette of action for Therefore the rotation of buste.Attention well up the left arm in the swing plane.

3-Arm "vertically" left wrist

IMPORTANT: Move both knees rising as this action facilitates the movement of lower body on the descent .

The left wrist of Ernie Els is not flat on top of swing.Il is cup-shaped ("cupped") as Ben Hogan in .

This video swing of Ernie Els shows the two planes climb and the descent path indicated by the letter P. Down the club in the plane P is important because this increases regularity.

I gathered in the video player below the best clips on Ernie Els . His swing is a technological marvel.