Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Walk Without Creasing Your Shoes

Glance back

Reading: 1Sam.7/12


To understand the overall context of the life Israel at the time of Samuel, we must meditate on the book of Judges, which is summarized by these words: "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what seemed good " (Jg 21/25) . See also: Jg 3/1-7, 12. must also remember the family of the priest Eli (1Sam.2) . The country was in need of revival. God raised up Samuel (God has heard).

Principle: Every sin attracts the Judgement of God. To bring His people to Him, He can use any element (event).

Groans beneficial (v.2-3)

The hand of the Philistines hung over Israel For twenty years, despite the presence of the Ark (a symbol of God's presence). The adversary is not impressed by religion - See Act.19/13-16

Counting volunteer (v.3-4)

Repentance is a return to self and God: The only condition to find communion with God and receive His help. See Luke 15/17-24; Prov.28/13

A formidable weapon: prayer (v. 5, 9)

The effective prayer that is stripped of hypocrisy and iniquity: Ps.66/18; Pr.28 / 9; Luke 18/9-14.

Prayer is more effective than any weapon of war: Ps.20/8-9.

Defeat the enemy (v.10-11)

The Lord Himself fight for Israel. When conditions are established, God works.

for thought: Es.30 / 1; Matth.18/18-20.

Looking back (v.12)

Samuel attributes the victory to God, so be it for us too: Jn 15 / 5; 2Cor.3 / 5; Ps.60/13-14.



Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be beneficial in Since each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How To Decorate An Auction Basket

To read this blog translated into ENGLISH go to : LEGSANDGOLF
Boutique Maxigolf
BLOG ..... BEN HOGAN ..... Tiger Woods ..... Tournois ..... Mike Austin

Article putter Brolly ........ Site putter Brolly

--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Presentation: Intro
...... .................... Golf Olympics 2016

---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
The current swing:
Anthony Kim ............. Camilo Villegas .......... Sergio Garcia
Rory Macilroy ........... David Tom ................. Adam Scott
Mike Weir .................. Ernie Els .................... Trevor Immelman

French players: Alexander

The Legend of swings: Moe Norman
............. Mikey Wright ........... Knudson
Lee Trevino

The long-drivers: Jamie Sadlowski
...... Jason Zuback

-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Small game:
flop shot ..... ............. Chip

--------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Science ........... ......... Mental
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marvel Heroes Invitations

The body is in Christ

Reading: Colossians 2/16-17


After giving instruction clear and precise about the true basis of Christian life. Paul warns against doctrinal deviation.

Let no one judge you

The trap of religion is to think better compared to others. That is why some religious authorities who do not practice the same as them - Show: Rom.14/1-6

The ruling here is about rituals and ordinances that Jesus completed for us - v.14, cf. Jacq.2/10

The hello is based on the Word of God and not on rituals - To think about: Matth.15 / 6

The shadow of things to come

A shadow is not reality but which can lead to this reality.

What was that shadow which the apostle speaks?

ritual practices. See for comparison: Héb.8 / 5 .

All these services from the Old Testament as having visible landmark: the Tabernacle.

Around the Tabernacle, there are all the rituals (sacrifices, offerings, festivals, ...) all of which typify Christ - Show: Héb.10/1-22

The body is in Christ

That is to say, reality. The center of the revelation, whether in the OT as the NT, but Christ.

It is the culmination / completion of all rituals, hence: Matth.5/17 Jn 19/30

Reminder: Cols. 2/9-10; see 2Cor.5/19

Work of Jesus Col.2/14-15 . This is the heart of the Gospel, the Good News.



Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible "can be profitable to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pain In Lower Back Chills Sore Throat


This video shows the swing of Ben Hogan all angles :

His swing is as elegant a formidable efficacité.Je remind you that Tiger Woods has said that he was the best player in the history of golf with Moe Norman .

Here's a video in which Ben Hogan said the essential movement of the lower body to rise and descente.Je let you admire the grace of this type of is simply wonderful!

to succeed his swing:


1-Flatten left wrist in early swing, bending the right leg

Spread 2-laterally left arm while turning the left wrist about the axis of the arm (pronation) of 1 / 8 of tour.Cette action results in the rotation buste.Attention well up the left arm in the swing plane.

3-Arm "vertically" in the left wrist.

IMPORTANT: Move both knees to the rising because this action facilitates the movement of the lower body on the descent.


the early downswing:

4-Launching the club with your left hand (or right hand) and move the lower body as recommended Ben Hogan.Ainsi, club is placed in the swing plane and we obtain the regularity of which all golfers dream!

NOTE: The movement of the lower body can be done either consciously or in a non-consciente.Chacun must choose between these two methods that produces the best golf shots. Attention not to go too fast with the lower body when the action is done consciously.

The right arm of Ben Hogan is slightly bent at the beginning of his swing.Cette design feature allows it to have a right arm relaxed during the rise and therefore raise the left arm in the swing plane.

The photo below shows the change Ben Hogan at the top of his swing to make it so regular. With his movement in his right knee early in the swing, he manages to change the position of his left wrist in sommet.Plus Specifically, the left wrist is no longer in a flat position (flat) position but in a cup-shaped ("cupped"), ie slightly curved.

This photo shows the secret revealed by Ben Hogan in August 8, 1955 Life Magazine :

Here is how to get a left wrist cupped at the top: bending the right leg in early swing.

Why seek such a form of the left wrist at the top? The response with the dynamic Gary Player.

The swing of Tiger Woods of course has evolved since this video from 2006.

In this video we observe very clearly the movement of the lower body of Ben Hogan to climb.

The stills below show that Ben Hogan straightens his right leg and bend the left to climb.

The photo below shows the ideal position of the club to mid- descente.En effect, extending the club down crosses the ball.

To enlarge images click on it.

I love these pictures because they show how Ben Hogan Mike Austin and are alike in this time of swing.C is really disturbing!

Here are two videos of Ben Hogan's swing digitized.

And finally, I gathered in the video player below the best clips to Ben Hogan met on You Tube.

Some links on Ben Hogan: Ben Hogan company


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do You Wash Pecans After Shelling?


site putter Brolly

The article below presents a new way to align the aimpoint (aiming point) during a putt.Cette method to be sure that the putter face is perfectly oriented aimpoint when we started putting the motion. Gone are the intermediate point to 30 cm in front of the ball! Finite approximations! Brolly with the putter alignment is perfect and the ball rolls in exactly the target direction.

To enlarge the article, published in March 2009 in the magazine GolfSuisse, click it.

To better understand the concept of sight with the putter Brolly, please view the videos below below.

This graphic success rate in putting, seen in professional golfers should be a target for amateur players.

The sight of the putter Brolly should help amateur players to reach the high level of putting golfers professionnels.Tout the world will have Hope to putt like Tiger Woods!
Moreover, it is reasonable to think that the intent of the putter Brolly improve the statistics of professional golfers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Instructions


Tennis has a number of similarities with golf.Parmi these, we can evoke the movement of the wrist which is a power factors used by a tennis player at precisely service.Plus he served with pronation of the right hand.

In the clip below, the commentator said on the swing by Chad Campbell, supination of the left wrist at the approach of impact. However, we can also consider that the player performs a pronation of the right hand since the movements of both hands are tied.

The golf swing and the backhand in tennis are very proches.Certes positions are reversed, but you can find similitudes.Je thinking for example of supination of the hand holding the end of the handle (left hand golf and tennis right hand) during the second part of the gesture.
Looking back on the tennis court well Roger Federer, one can observe a reorganization of the front leg almost identical to that of Ben Hogan :

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birthday Money Tree Verse


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U.S. PGA Championship (13-16 August 2009, in Chaska, Minn.)

YE Yang won the U.S. PGA Championship with a final score of 15 -8 and by making birdies and 2 eagles.

The video below tells the confrontation that took place between Tiger Woods and YE Yang Yang at the turn passes a pretty final.YE birdie on the 18th, a par 4 of 430 m.Pour do this, he had to play a hybrid three ultra precisely over a tree and stop the ball a few yards from the flag, only to return a putt sloping from right to left .

YE Yang tries to swing the club through the swing plane to climb and descent, but also after the impact, ie during the traversée.Autrement said, it does try not to send the club towards the target but rather to keep in the plan swing.Les last 2 videos from the series below attests that remark.

As Tiger Woods he finished in 2 nd place.Son first round - 5 was impressionnant.Il has indeed made a card without any bogey.

Rory Macilroy ranks 3rd and confirms its Top 10 U.S. Open 2009.Au seen his swing and his meteoric rise, Rory Macilroy should not delay to win a Major.

Ernie Els, after 16 birdies, finished 6 th out of 79 players who made the cut. The French

Thomas Levet is positioned at the 51 th place tied with Camilo Villegas, Anthony Kim and Retief Goosen.

U.S. PGA Championship:

----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
EVIAN MASTERS (23-26 July 2009 in Evian France)

18, the Evian Masters is a par 5 of 418 m where the eagle requires a very precise second coup because of the streams and bunkers right of the green.

Therefore, the players generally prefer to reach the green in three coups.Par also They carefully calculate the length of the second blow to their third shot could be played in full coup.Il can then stop the ball at 1 m from the flags to get a nice birdie.

Ai Miyazato won the Evian Masters with a total score of -14, and after a play-off with Sophie Gustafson.

To get there, she took the chance to play the green in 2 shots instead of 3 for its adversaire.Et after a bunker shot successful, it returns the putt and gets birdie.Quant Sophie Gustafson plays 2 putts and finished in par.

His swing is very sobre.On it detects no movement parasite

It is important to note Ai Miyazato bend the left leg up and straightens to a descente.Voilà nice swing.

As for French, the best part is performed by Karine Icher who finished in 23 th place with a final score of -5 and not less than 15 birdies.

The Evian Masters: Leaderboard

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-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
British Open (July 16-19, 2009 at Turnberry in Scotland)

The course Turnberry presented below for aircraft can easily realize its level of difficulty . According to the French player Thomas Levet all missed shots will pay heavily at the score.Autrement said, players are forced to perfection.

Click photo to enlarge.

Stewart Cink (-2) Wins British Open 2009 after a play-off on 4 holes with golf legend Tom Watson Watson.Tom was leading the first 3 tours.Il but cracked on the end of the 4th round by missing a putt of 3 m, forcing him to face Stewart Cink in play-off.Les two players produced a fine performance.

Here Stewart Cink shot swing at the Doral tournament 2008.Il plays a 2 iron.

Tom Watson was leader during the first 3 tours.Il would be unfair not to show his swing.

For the record, Tom Watson has won the British Open five fois.Tom Watson and Lee Trevino were the only players to challenge the supremacy of Jack Nicklaus, the man in the 18 major. As for the French

Thomas Levet, he finished in 38 th place with a hole in one on 15 to 4 th round. Congratulations to Thomas Levet for eagle on the par 3.

Unusually in a major, Tiger Woods failed to pass the cut.Et yet, Tiger has already won the British Open 3 times.

The British Open:
Live on Twitter

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OPEN DE FRANCE (2-5 July 2009)

After two days of fierce battle, the French players are a summary of their day and their impressions.

Here is a summary of the 3 rd day of the French:

And finally the 4 th day:

is finally the German Martin Kaymer wins the Open de France Alstom 2009 after a play-off with Englishman Lee Westwood.

Here filmed his swing at the British Open in 2008.

Kaymer equaled the course record in the first round by making a card of 62 (-9). With a final score of -13 face a very demanding course, is surely Kaymer very heureux.D even more, he earns an endowment of 666,660 euros.

the French side, the best score is obtained by François Delamontagne.Il makes a card - 3 despite a first lap well below expectations (+4).

Open de France

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U.S. OPEN 2009 (15-21 June 2009)

Lucas Glover won the 2009 U.S. Open with a score of-4.Son second round was exceptionnel.Il has indeed made a map of -6.

swing Lucas Glover.Le recovery of the left leg on the descent is clearly visible in this video.

U.S. Open 2009

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
MASTERS (6-12 April 2009)

Easy golf when the ball goes exactly in the right direction! This video was filmed at the Augusta Masters 2009.

Angel Cabrera is the winner of the 2009 Masters, with a total score of player-12.This is not to his first Major since he has already won the U.S. Open in 2007.

M asters

Friday, April 10, 2009

Unblock Farmville Facebook Feed

Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed

Or the meaning of the Cross

Authority: 1Cor.5 / 7, Jn 1 / 29


Passover is a Jewish holiday (Ex.12) , symbol of the liberation of a nation, Israel, from slavery in Egypt. For us, it speaks of the resurrection of Christ after being crucified on the Cross to liberate man from his sins - is the heart of the Gospel (1Cor.15 / 3) .

What Cross ?

For man

Demonstration of human wickedness

Cross is an instrument of torture invented by man

An instrument heinous and cruel torture that leads to a slow death. The aim is to deter others - 1Cor.1/23; Ps.22/17-19

Because of sin, man became wicked (Jér.17 / 9) no feeling of love - Act.3/13-15

Cross is where God because of us, put the bad on the shoulder of His Son: the sin of man - 2Cor.5/21 (Hence: Matth.26/46 cf. Hab.1/13) Gal.3/13

Cross is inevitable path of salvation offered by God (John 3 / 16) is the price of our sins (Rom.6/23) - Marc 10/45; Es .53/5-6; 1Pier.2/24

With so many love what's your choice?

For God

meeting point of the Holy God with the sinner

Cross reveals the holiness and justice of God

Sin is the transgression of the law (1Jn 3 / 4) . Any transgression attracts Judgement - 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13

Cross reveals God's love

In addition to justice and of holiness, the Cross reveals God's love - Rom.5/6-9 . It is God who has taken the first step - 1Jn 4/9-10

Cross reveals the power of God

God is a mighty God - Eph.1/19-21; Col.2/12

Cross reveals God's mercy

God looks at the misery of man and not remain indifferent - Rom.11/32

front such manifestations of God, what answer to Deut.30/19-20 ?

For Jesus Christ

The ultimate proof of His love - Jn 10/11

Cross reveals the ugliness of sin.

Because of sin Jesus was unrecognizable on the cross - Es.53 / 3 , so that God Himself (because of His holiness - Hab.1/13 ) turned away from Him - Marc 15/34


Cross reveals God's answer to the need of sinful man by giving His Son - Jn 3 / 16; Rom.5 / 8

Cross reveals Christ doing the will of God - Héb.10/4-10; See: Luke 22/39-46

Cross reveals the obedience of Christ disobedient to redeem man from nature - Phil.2/6-8, see: Mark 8 / 31, 9 / 31, 10/31-34

front such a manifestation of the love of Christ, what answer to His call - Matth.11/28 ?

For Christians

Represents his hello, his complete deliverance from sin - Gal.2/20

Three dimensions of our salvation:

Deliverance from the penalty of sin - Past

By accepting Jesus, I identify with His death on the Cross - Rom. 6/5-7 , hence: Rom.8 / 1, cf. 2Cor.5/17 . Reminder: Col.2/14-15

Issue of the power of sin - This

Death to sin and alive to God - Rom.6/11-23

It bears the fruit of the Spirit - Gal.5/19-26

Hope of deliverance from sin's presence - Future

The hope of the removal and processing total and complete - Show: Phil.3/18-21; where: Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18


Passover Christian is more a celebration of the resurrection of Christ but the victory of Christ in the lives of sinners who accept His salvation and walk in sanctification pending removal - Reminder: Héb.12/14

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be beneficial in Since each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!