Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is It A Pimple Or Herpes

implacable hardness of Jesus! ALMIGHTY GOD YOU REIGN

(J esus ) "No, I tell you. But if ye repent, ye shall all likewise " (the world, demotions, carnal and the lukewarm, those who father the Devil) "
arrest Jesus you're scaring everyone, you lack of love and wisdom, but what he Jesus this is hard !!!!!!
When Christians cease to confuse love and kindness?

Jesus is there not a God of love ... and yet his words are sharp but just because he hates the lukewarm, inequity, religiosity.
Are not you warn not enough words ...

Choose your camp or your wages will be death!
Populu di Diu! Scegli to the kind o Retribuzione to be death!



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