Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Edu Science Telescope Uk


Saturday, June 19, third day of our trip Narbonne, the weather was mild until there, it will not last.


At 8:00, we start the Foyer SEGALA near ST-MARTIN-LAGUEPIE.
Passing near (but not too much) from the coast climbed yesterday, we give him a quick hello, the next time ...

Today, distance reduced, but the profile is not very engaging.
Three-quarters of an hour later, we are CORDES-SUR-CIEL, it must at all costs stop to see this curiosity.

Problem: the ascent to the castle is steep and long, some have no shoes for walking biking, so they will stay there and watch the bikes. Jeannot
found the solution, he takes off his shoes.


A pure wonder!
Built in 1222 by Raymond VII, ROPES, resisted the Inquisition until 1312 before submitting to the Catholic Church.
D'Albert Camus: "STRING, everything is beautiful, even regret".


Three-quarters of an hour later, the visit ended, he must don raincoats, mist appeared.
the road again, in this case the D600, which leads to the ALBI.


Again, impossible to pass without making a stop at the Cathedral of St. Cecilia!
Its brick architecture gives it a unique look.
No luck (especially for the deceased), a burial is taking place, we can not, with our bikes and our attire, we sneak inside without seeming intrusive and disrespectful.
bad! Anyway, it's cold, rain continues to harass us, we decide to take refuge in a bar adjacent to swallow a hot coffee.

Louis, who is driving, the blessed, can not park there, he toured the city pending be called to retrieve Jackie and Solange.


LAFENASSE A, we know that coast 10 km ahead.
It is more than 13.00.
Should you eat before hitting the coast or after?
Opinions are divided.
We attack the climb, but two km further ahead with Louis van, he found shelter, we stop to eat with, to maneuver, Jackie and Solange, who are sorry to see us run well under driving rain.


The rise is less severe than had been anticipated in 3 to 4% average. A-
MONTREDON Labessonnié, one takes refuge in a bar again.
A title on the newspaper TEAM scandal, insult uttered by a player in the National Coach is reproduced in large print, what a shame for this newspaper (for the player too)!
On the big screen (it's a modern coffee!), Parading images of a rugby match, the English score a try just to the Australians, Eliane is happy (his daughter lives in England).


Half an hour later, we resume our horses, it is 25 km, downhill (except for some dents, as always), we reach Roquecourbe.
The van is left, we turn right, both roads lead to Burlats.
We learn right from the entrance to the village to prevent the mishap from ST-MARTIN-LAGUEPIE is left before the bridge.


We now before the entrance of the Mill of SITEL.
Quick, safe, we had enough of the incessant rain! Chance
invaluable director tells us that we can use reduced the boiler room to dry our business, shoes for!


It rains more and more impossible to leave the village to visit and take pictures. I hope to catch up
setbacks tomorrow morning early, before leaving, but without much hope it rains violently all night!


Everyone falls asleep, wondering what will happen the next day, last day, may there be to climb the Pic de Nore as expected?

One approach CORDES-SUR-CIEL

The plan of the city

Beautiful facade, beautiful frames ...

Woodwork ...

Porch, cobbled streets ...

Stones, still rocks, I love it!

The city and the market at the bottom

door Winners

On the way round

Is not that adorable?

The magnificent cathedral of Albi (the rain)

The main entrance

The Mill at Sittelles Burlats

bikes are safe (we)

A colorful mural

Outside it's raining ...

Fortunately, there's the World Cup (CAMEROON-DENMARK 1-2)

Monday, June 28, 2010

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Leapers Scope Reviews


Thursday, June 17, 8:00 am, it is 9 in front of the Palace of Labour, Jackie, Susan and John will join us later with the van.


This first step is as the hardest:
122 km, 1950 m altitude, climbing the Col de Ste Colombe, the CABARETOU by RIOLS, around the lake Laouzas ...


Cool temperatures, 14 °, wind reasonable. First
break RIEUSSEC after 40 km.
A question concerns us:
can we reach the top of CABARETOU before eating or will it stop at RIOLS, before attacking the neck? Without
draw on reserves, one arrives on time at the top of the rise of RIOLS, 10 km with several passes to 10%.


Each brought his sandwich, cubi dew will not stay long in the van, we savor the hardest seems to have been achieved.

The two km to reach the CABARETOU are a breeze, it connects with the neck of the hut, after a short descent, 2 small km.

a coffee table to SALVETAT Forest is not too much to perk us.


At km 90, it passes into the Tarn.
The dam is not far Laouzas, built in the '60s, fueled by Vèbre, a tributary of the agouti, 300 m long and 50m high.

A MURAT SUR Vèbre was exceeded 100 km.


Just before reaching LACAUNE, we cross the Col de la Croix de Deux Sous which is not even one. We
appears Castle Calmels, this is where we stand? "

What splendor!
If Xavier had been there he would undoubtedly have uttered "I buy!"


The originality of this house:
all food was prepared and stored in the refrigerator, let's warm (oven at 180 °, Johnny!), To establish ourselves as desired and when desired , autonomy what!

For a first meal, phew! it has swallowed too!
charcuterie platter, difficult to say no, coq au vin and roast potatoes delicious, they say yes, apple pie, go, yes!
And it's not over! That
Jackie turns in a layer cake for his birthday, but we can take no more!

Output essential digestive walk after dinner ...
Ah! But there's the World Cup match! Go
Domenech, we are with you (or against you, it depends).

Small Blues had also eaten too much before the game, they are heavy and slow ...

Now, sleep, hope there are no ghosts or vampires, what castle life!

After the neck of ETS and the rise of DOVE RIOLS,
it's time to eat!

The van, our savior!

RIOLS in the Herault, 500 m lower and the forest of SOMAIL

A strange totem on top of CABARETOU

many young foals this year!

A beautiful work at the entrance of La Salvetat-sur-AGOUT

A welcoming bistro SALVETAT

We crossed the border

Dam Laouzas

A beautiful body of water


1 000 inhabitants, Murata

Beautiful wall decoration

A beautiful department !


Castle Calmels, our accommodation!

The fireplace, the floor (shoes required!) ...

The staircase ...

all in the fridge (or almost)!

Happy Birthday, Jackie!

To digest, visit the Tower of Pisa

is still believed (though slightly)!

Even the mascot could not do anything (France - Mexico: 0-2)