Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Free Eye Exams In Dalls Texas

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Reading: Acts 1/9-11

The Ascension of Jesus is the confirmation or approval of God the Father as to His mission - cf. Jn 16/28

I. The purpose of the coming of Jesus on earth

1) Responding to the need of man - John 3 / 16

2) Answer of Jesus to God's call - Heb. 10/5-10

II. The work of Jesus

1) Remove the sin and its consequences - 1Jn 3 / 4-8; Act.10/38

2) Pay the price of sin by dying on the Cross - Phil.2 / 8

III. The rise

1) Approval of the divine work of Jesus - Jn 19/30

2) Now we have an intercessor with the Father - 1Jn 2/1-2


"Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? "-
must now work, obeying the command of the Lord - Act.1 / 8, Mark 16/15.

"This same Jesus ... will come ..." Do you
among those who will be removed?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Swollen Tongue And Sore Throat

Party Bingo Blabla IBM

A particular form of platitudes is the logorrhea (or blah), which seeks to drown the listener in a flood of useless words, for example in order to advance an ideology or evading a sensitive issue. .. This

advertising IBM declined in several languages pin interminable meetings and unproductive based on repetitive speeches and during which the employees are totally passive.

During a meeting, frustrated employees of such meetings, launch a game of "Bingo blabla" where each word belonging to the grid is gradually delivered by the presenter. Instead, look!

This advertising IBM is exciting for three reasons:

  1. Because it focuses on waffle in business, a poorly non-reserved policy. By refusing to express the truth (laziness, fear, conformism ...) turning around the pot and are used unclear words, words, suitcases, buzzwords. In the enterprise, this practice can seem intelligent and consistent.
  2. The pub IBM betrays the reality of corporate life. We often get bored. You lose a lot of time in meetings and unnecessary long (or gossip at the coffee machine). It talks a lot and badly. It has little effect. Result! it is not necessarily productive.
  3. People of the High-tech and web specialists USED BY too often words that suggest they are part of a sort of secret society . It's like they wanted to speak in a language only they can understand. Why make it simple when they can make it complicated? In reality, people who abuse the Jargon impress person. They look more like people trying to impress. What is not at all the same ...

There is no use hiding behind the speech extending or jargon to talk about Web 2.0. When I fall in endless notes of Adscriptor , I just want to say to Mr. Jean Marie Le Ray : Talk less Mr. Ray! Take Action! Summarize! Keep it simple, KISS, Keep It Short Simple, give me a call;)

Or better reread George Orwell giving a series of relevant advice for writers :

  • Never use a metaphor, comparison, or other figure of speech that you normally see.
  • Never use a long word when a short is appropriate.
  • If it is possible to delete a word, always delete the.
  • Never use the passive where you can use the asset.
  • Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word , or a jargon word if you can think of an equivalent current.
  • Violate any of these rules rather than say anything to frankly barbaric.
Relevant Sources: