Thursday, March 20, 2008

Romeo And Juliet Apollo Allusion

The Passover and Christ

Reading: Ex.12/1-12; 1Cor.5/6-8



The Passover is a Jewish holiday and non-Christian. However, the ritual Passover reveals a spiritual truth: The sacrifice of Christ on the Cross .

The New Testament presents Jesus as the Lamb of God (Jn 1 / 29) ; slain from the foundation of the world (Apoc.13 / 8).

Ex.12/1-12 Parallels between Jesus and Christ

I. The lamb must be without blemish - v.5

Christ, the Lamb without blemish - 1Pier.1/19; cf. 1 Jn 3 / 5, John 8 / 46, 14 / 6.

II. It must be sacrificed as SUBSTITUTE - v.6

Christ was slain - 1Cor.5 / 7; Apoc.5 / 6.

He died for our sins - 1Cor.15/3-6.

It is our SUBSTITUTE - Rom.3/23-26.

III. His blood must be applied on the upper ... - V.7

Blood, symbol of life: Lév.17/11.

The hello, this is not only believe in Jesus (Matth.7/21) , but must also receive Him in his heart - Jn 1/12-13; where: Apoc.3/20.

Show: Gal.2/20; God wants to dwell in us - John 14/23 , otherwise: Matth.12/43-45.

IV. The flesh should be roasted ... - V.8

A. Fire: Symbol of Judgement - Christ was judged in our place: 2Cor.5/21; Gal.3/13; Es.53/4-5.

B. should feed on lamb:

a) The believer's strength comes from Christ - Jn 6/53-57 = Jn 6 / 35.

With unleavened bread:

b) Bread: symbol of malice (evil inclination) and wickedness (1Cor.5 / 8)

and hypocrisy (Luc12 / 1).

c) The Christian life must be pure and true (1 Cor.5 / 8 , see: Héb.12/14)

With bitter herbs:

d) Tests of the believer - Luke 9/23-27; Marc 10/28-31; See 2Tim.3/12;


V. We must eat with the loins girt ... - V.11

Ready for departure. It is true of the Christian - Luke 12/35.

It should be ready for the big trip: Removal of the Church.

Why should we be ready?

a) is not known yet - Matth.24/36.

b) It will be a sudden way - Matth.24/2è-28.

c) There will be a selection - Luke 17/34-37.



Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Difference Between Acrylics And Polyester

The choice of Moses

Reading: Héb.11/23-26


Moses from his infancy, had an extraordinary testimony of divine intervention to end his life.

His Hebrew name "mashah" means removed - hence: derived from water.

Moses, but despite his youth was guided by his faith in God. However, being guided by faith does not exclude any difficulties or temptations.

Moses How, then it was he gone?

Three verbs in the text reveal the attitude of Moses refuse, prefer to watch.

I. He refused (v.24)

He refused or abandoned to be called son of Pharaoh's daughter.

Meaning: wealth, honor and power ground - to the detriment of faith in God. Egypt is the symbol of the world.

No Compromise: Matth.6/24; Rom.12/1-2; 2Cor.6/14-18.

Rulers of the World: 1Jn 5 / 19; Eph.2/1-2; 6 / 12.

II. He preferred (v.25)

His choice identified membership: the people of God.

Note the contrast drawn by his choice:

- be abused or suffer (contrary to our nature)

- enjoyment of sin (much more in line with the sinful nature)

But this "enjoyment" does not last long - See 1Jn 2 / 15-17; Show: Matth.16/26.

III. He looked (v.26)

The reproach of Christ: That's the main thing. Eyes on things eternal.

When you realize what living the life of God and his blessed hope, the earthly things are secondary - Show: 2Cor.4/16-18; Rom.8/18.


What looks do you wear?

Eyes of faith in God or enjoyment of sin?

Exhortation: Héb.12/1-3.