Thursday, October 7, 2010

How To Cure Gall Bladder


From the start, Tuesday, Oct. 5, descending on the brakes on 800 m of the street and the street Cup Figuiers (it is important not to think back with a max 15%).

We find ourselves in the Rue Saint-Hippolyte, then rue Nicolas Leblanc (The Pitchouns nursery) and finally ended in the streets, that of Antoine Becquerel (coast to 800 m).


must follow the D6009 for 400 m, go under the road and we were in the Playground Montplaisir, we're just crossing: Football, rugby, tennis, dance and buildings for the Gymnastics, for archery, ... We are borrowing

Road BAGES only about 400 m turn left into the Arboretum, and finally a little ground under the wheels.


Encore 1 km to cross the tar MARINE, passage of two steel bridges and the last 3 km of asphalt to get to the lock Mandirac via the Equestrian Centre and the crossing of the line Narbonne-PORT-BOU.
The 100 km railway line allows the passage of the TGV, TER, Coral, Talgo and freight wagons, what scroll through a lot of trains ...


bike trail in the ground and in good condition, follows up Robine PORT-LA-NEW. We're not far
Roc Conilhac, headquarters of the League for Protection of Birds, the opportunity to see for sure egrets, flamingos or other waders.

Nearby areas Tournebelle-the-new Grand Tournebelle, Petit Tournebelle with herds of bulls that we look with curiosity on the other side (solid?) Screens.


From the Old Customs, the water runs everywhere.
the right, the canal and, after a thin strip of land (where the rails are laid railway), the Bages and SIGEAN.
left, ponds and Campignol Ayrolles.

That day, all that water is deep blue incomparable digital is in his case!

Lots of cyclists or walkers encountered, it makes sense in a place so enchanting!


At km 23, you have to cross the channel to access the Island of St. Lucia, the bike must be pushed to the rear wheel, moving the lock is very narrow.

This island is protected, prohibited animals, do not leave the marked trails, ...
The traces of the last wind storm are still visible, many felled trees were removed.

Max Altitude 35 m Roc Saint-Antoine.
Panoramas beautiful in many parts of the island.


The counter shows 29 km, there are still 24 for the return, it is time to return, beautiful pictures in my head (and the camera).

Sure, we'll come back, we never tire of such a spectacle of nature!

Crossing the channel

The channel and the off NAUTICAL

The second bridge to cross

The crossing Mandirac

Ding ! Dong! Enter!

The Lock Mandirac

What flirty, this Oscar!

The beautiful blue!

We are not far ...

3 km or 7 km

nice paths to walk

green and blue (the pond Ayrolle)

Island and the Aute PORT MAHON


The video

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sample Letter Of Price Reduction


The day after our epic exit at Mont Gerbier-de-Rush, Sunday 26th is the day you return to our household gods.

must first rid the rooms and then stored in the car business.

There is still much time before lunch at 12:30.


A visit to the village is needed, we can not leave without having done!

The magnificent castle is visible from afar and attracts attention, but it's not just that.

We cross the Ardeche on the metal bridge and we are in the thick of it.

First Esparre the tower, then the wheat mill, all this along the River.


obliquons We left here the Porte St-Benoit Roussel and home ... Street flea market, which is aptly named because some had to go ... profile!

I take a photo, I cross the last:
"What, you did not see the snake?
_ A snake?" Where? "
I put my foot on the tip of her tail, she is alive! They are five
failing to walk on it without noticing ...


This is where we meet our first guide in the "person" a tricolor cat, very meek who will accompany us to the top of the village.

The snake is not interested, he seems sated.

We continue instead of Gadabielle, walk along the castle, pushing up the street of balconies and the church.


It is barely 10 o'clock, we have plenty of time to traverse a hiking recovered to home, for example this one, VOGUE-station which is not very long.

First, a little lesson guidance for these ladies, who hold the plane upside down, wanting more than you astray ...

We follow a paved road, lined with (beautiful) house and arrive at a small stone bridge which spans the railway.


We continue the road, again guided by a cat, black this time, and very bouncy.
Decidedly, these animals are terribly well trained.
Despite the presence of this native, I'm tweaking the map in any direction, it does not stick, he must return to the bridge and take the left path.

Neither one nor two, turn contact.
Alain and Jean-Pierre, who's previous low and deep in conversation, turn without asking any question.
Gag: we will turn again to see their reaction, one two three, turn around ...
While there, they responded, their mine disillusioned expressing their frustration of having to run again without knowing why, until our laughter make them understand our joke.


few hundred meters more, we have yet to discover a huge fig tree groaning under figs ... not too bad.

arrived at the bridge we turn left onto a narrow path sandwiched between the railway and a campground.
The black cat is still with us, he will leave us when we reach the road, 1 km from Lou Capitelle.


After lunch, return drive to Narbonne from the highway without incident.
balance of stay positive, but could have done better to blame the weather, always unpredictable. A
when a weather map?

Vincent made a demonstration in the parking lot!

Not bad in terms of space, but beds "children"!

access to the terrace

The castle of Sleeping Beauty

Cuckoo! I see you!

Roussel House?

Another way to test his form!

She is alive!

note, another snake!

Domaine Lou Capitelle right

The metal bridge in the distance

Our first "guide chat

the top of the stone bridge

The trail between the railroad and camping

The last meal

Friday, October 1, 2010

Double Translated In Norwegian


Saturday September 25 is the great day out on the day with a picnic on Mount Gerbier-de-Rush.
Center Director announces the weather, by the way, if wrong, he pays us a drink, provided it rains (do not talk about bad luck!).


At first, nineteen Hikers are just as smart and dashing, as long as it lasts.
We know what awaits us (well, not quite to that, there are always surprises, this will be the case).


The first twenty-five kilometers are flat. A
Aubenas, we want to subvert bulk of GPS leads us even borrow a "Sense prohibited except for residents," bof! barely a hundred meters ... A
UCEL, one is saved, it only remains to follow the D578.


Until then, the peloton was together. A
Antraigues-SUR-Volan, beginning the long climb (the summit is 31 km) commotion of battle is the stampede, the group broke up, we will not find that small packs of 3 or 4 .
"But the mountain is beautiful,
How can we imagine
Seeing all these bicycles
What's it all going at Mont Gerbier!"


I do not care about the frenzy that grips everyone, I stop when I deem it necessary to take a picture, I'm paid for it (very expensive).


Mézilhac the neck, after 16 km of climbing, there is another 15 km to Gerbier.
temperature has dropped remarkably, the wind blows.
Instead of freezing my pending gruppetto, I go down to meet her on 1200 m.
Back neck, left turn, the wind, you must scrape the bottom of the bag to remove anything that can protect them from freezing cold (and rain).
Alain stops to put on his K-Way: the sleeves are literally glued, welded as it will take more than five minutes to get to the end!


At the summit at 1400 m, it is 4, it rains!
I shiver, you can not control the tremors that shook me.
Fortunately, Carmen has two other suits me, but I was still cold!


The picnic is fast sloppy, can not wait to go back down to warmer climes. By
excess precipitation we embark on the D378 instead of D116.
"Rene, you move away from the track on the GPS! We are not in the right direction!"
We stop, we look at the printed circuit board, no doubt, we must return.
All others (below) before we do that?
Unable to catch up, it was too late.

As we had planned to return to the top and send a car to retrieve the group, Francis arrives, a puncture occurred at a few hundred meters.
"U-turn all!"
We return to the crossroads in question (we had eaten in two steps without realizing it!) And we take the D116 to Ste-Eulalie, we will leave to take the right direction SAGNES-AND-Goudoulet.
"Obviously, it is by that?"
A glance at the GPS, yes, this time it's good.
Review of Operation: 7 km extra round trip, but it could have been multiplied by 3 the distance if it had continued ...


The time-cons have not been completed, two more punctures will occur.
We began the descent towards BURZET ten km of pure bliss!
What a great climb it should be!


"There they are! They coming! "
These are the marchers who made a stop in the village.
We regrouped in the parking lot, a good coffee, some biscuits and undressing for the sun shining brightly, too soon.


The group is now compact, everyone is aware that to avoid the N102, it will take back roads.

MEYRA After, we head JAUJAC then PRADES.
We had heard of a small hill, that of Farges, we will hear about it much longer!
Only 3 km, but a slope of nearly 7% that hurt us the end of term with 110 km in legs.


12 km from the finish, at the entrance to AILHON the irreparable happens, Francis fell sharply, missing lead in its fall three cyclos. No big bobos
apparent, but it had to be hard to finish the course!


was still well deserved aperitif promised by the Director!

The departure of Vogue for 19 riders still smiling

The common Laviolle

Which is the wiser of the two?

Patou The house retains ...

... oddly ...

... decorated!

A single file

Caution to the wind after the left turn!

Just before Lachamp RAPHAEL

Go! Almost there!

Mount Gerbier-de-Rush

The bravest eat outside ...

... Most are cautious crammed inside

It is high time to leave (4)!

comfort to BURZET

The summit of the Col de Farges