Thursday, September 30, 2010

Extigy Windows 7 Installation


On Friday afternoon, the sun was again installed in the late morning, the gorges of Ardeche are scheduled as expected.
To do this, the meal had been brought forward to 12:00, then finally postponed at the usual time 12:30, okay.

A half hour later, everyone is ready.
The walkers will leave, of course, by car, but also cyclists.
Indeed, the journey from VOGUE is considered too long, so you have to go to Vallon-Pont d'Arc.


The bikes are in the coffers (or on the rack), drivers driving, attention at the start ...
A heavy downpour falling on us!

No! Can not be!
What we did to God!

It remains only to unload the bikes, dress in civilian clothes and come what may we will still visit these gorges, hoping that the weather we will take a few shots.


That one is on the tourist route to the Gorges of Ardeche.

Here is the program of festivities: 1.The
Pont d'Arc
lookout 2.The Greenhouse Tourre
3.The balcony Autridge
4.The balcony of the Cros Olivier
5.The balcony 6.The Gournier
balcony of the Cathedral
7.The lookout balcony 8.The
Templar Templar
9.The balcony of Maladrerie
10.The balcony of the Belvedere Rouvière
11.The Grand
12.The Lookout Ranc Sharp

Obviously, no stopping each of them (some are closed due to refurbishment), viewpoints closest offering the same view from a different angle.


First stop at the Pont d'Arc, a stone arch 54 meters high and 59 m long, the only one in France over a river, still in operation.

As expected (we had studied the profile of cycling), a 2-km coast is presented.
bad, we would have made a good little climbing!

When we regretted not having tried the bike ride, a deluge, brief but very violent compels us to rush to the shelter!

Finally, it was good.


"Look, John Paul, you who has a great camera, stand there and take Bibi with the Ardeche in the background.
_ Yes Yes Do me a photo, if- you-please, "she whispers with her angelic voice!"
How could he resist? He gets up.
From then on, just shake the tree soaked in rain water in which it is located.
"Ah Cows! You had me right!"
Bibi who played his role perfectly, the Oscar for his perfidy was rightly awarded.
The saddest story is that the shot was missed.


We arrive in ST-MARTIN-d'Ardèche, term of the famous gorge.
Wow! The suspension bridge!
It dates from 1905, measures 160 meters long and is a hyphen between the departments of Ardeche and Gard.

Indeed, when one crosses the bridge, change of department and we were back to AIGUEZE village "character", one of the most beautiful in France.
Above all, do not pass without stopping!
me who loves the old stones, mosaics, sculpture, architecture "Character", I was served!

Moreover, the circular path, strongly crenate, dominates the landscape and offers an exceptional view of the river, yet we have had ample opportunity to admire this afternoon.


reour For, as I had expected, the GPS lady invites us to go through ORGNAC-l'Aven, in km shorter route but longer time (many turns), a road "bicycle" in short.
It ignores his instructions!

BARJAC, Vagner, SALAVAS, Vallon-Pont d'Arc.
Instead of going through RUOMS and D579, inadvertently we follow indication of our "Lady" and we find ourselves on the D1, a narrow road full of turns, SEVENIER, LAGORCE, Leyre and finally VOGUE

Despite hostile weather, we can not say we have wasted our time.

From now on, we must focus on tomorrow, which promises to be epic!


Au Pont d'Arc, the road begins to climb

the tunnel, the coast is almost over

A nice meander

The cliff has been (more that) planed

A grand spectacle! (This is where ... JP)

The road hugs the contours of the river

Hello! Hello!

plan lookouts

suspension bridge in ST-MARTIN-d'Ardèche

Bibi did penance and they got back together!


The crenellated tower


Which architecture !

Beautiful entry!

The grand staircase

It is solid!

A last glance at Ardeche

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Cat Has Not Had A Bowel Movement

Antraigues ... FERRAT

This Friday, September 24 at 7:30, everyone is ready for the bike ride along the gorges of Ardeche.
It has long hesitated, time is very uncertain, but this time it's decided, let's go!


During the breakfast, Rain drummed on the roof, the sky is still dark, no hope for improvement! Y
not be abandoned ...


Change Program, we will drive to Antraigues. We barter our
required cyclos cons of rainwear and go through St Sernin, Aubenas, VALS-LES-BAINS.

Antraigues SUR volans.
Crossed by the river Volan, who just Mézilhac and joins the Ardèche VALS-LES-BAINS, this village is perched on a basalt spectacular.


umbrella in hand, we go out on narrow streets.
On some houses, signs indicate that it is forbidden to take pictures.
Peter had warned us, the people are fed up of being "portrays" as curious animals, they are disturbed in their daily lives by swarms of tourists.


A sign reads "Trail of the bridge."
Let's go! Please note, stones, very smooth, extremely slippery slope is fairly steep. It is a bridge
quite ordinary. It
back, you take the winding streets lined with some beautiful stone houses as in all mountain village and here we are before the church can be visited.


Time does not improve.
Before leaving, like all good tourists that we are this morning, we must visit the grave of Jean Ferrat.

Thanks to (or because of) him that thousands of visitors descend every summer in this village, quiet until then.

A simple family vault, followed by a second mound where crowded jumble of grave markers, flowers, stones with inscriptions in honor of the poet singer.


It's time to go if you do not want to be late for dinner, which was advanced as this afternoon, for sure, we'll do the Gorges of Ardeche cycling!

in Aubenas, plug huge, time-cons unfortunate, the usual route is blocked, an accident has just occurred.
must improvise, not all that easy these days have replaced the GPS maps in vehicles!


We therefore change direction, but the GPS Antoine insists: "At 100 m, turn around. "
The female voice will continue for some time to tell us the opposite direction until she resigns herself to admit that it is we who decide, not her, but not!

In fact, the course was again displayed correctly on the screen, a new route has been recalculated.

A total detour of 7 km away, and we arrived on time at Lou Capitelle field.

Trail Bridge

The village church ...

... bell tower (old dungeon Castle)

The grave of Jean Ferrat

These friends and fans

The video

Monday, September 27, 2010

Star Wars Pinewood Derby Designs

BALAZUC Vogue ... ... ... UZER RUOMS

Depart 13:00 Cycling Thursday, September 23 for seven Hikers who for various reasons, could not accompany the main body of Bagnols-sur-Ceze VOGUE.

During this "walk", we will cross the Ardèche (river, not the county!) Four times.
This tributary of the Rhone, 120 km long, borders our accommodation, the area Capitelle Lou, and is thus for us the "star" of our stay from 23 to 26.


The first crossing occurs from the first kilometer, on a bridge we will cross that imposing also return.
From here you can see the railway viaduct spanning the river and ... our holiday! (Vincent would have even seen a train)

...................................... ....

At km 4, it "forgets" the small road to right, gps reminds us immediately, turn around, it has escaped beautiful. We circumvent
ST MAURICE D'ARDECHE BALAZUC and here we are, at km 11.
On leaving the village, emergency stop on the way down, a spectacle presents itself before our eyes. Again and again
Ardeche we will cross a bridge with three arches, one can see on the left the road cut into the vertical cliff!


Four km further, we take the D104 which passes along the river and UZER La Lande, very picturesque road at the foot of steep cliff.

At km 18, the D4 is now following another river, the line, then join us at km 23 again the Ardèche and the famous parades RUOMS.
Several tunnels were dug into the rock.
The road is narrow, a fire control alternating traffic, which does not allow me to take photos of the interior damage.


the outskirts of Vallon Pont d'Arc, to the 30th km, two riders from the corner to join us.
Cool! They make the same journey as us and will allow us to bypass the city, bottled at its center.


We will now go north and it the forest that will keep us company for many miles.
The show was so compelling from the beginning that we did not care all the bumps we have climbed, however, there has been and remains quite still, see profile.


SALLELES THE ST-MAURICE D'IBIE, Tournon, VILLENEUVE-DE-BERG, (that is inhabited by both our riders cool), so many villages and hamlets as we crossed under a shining sun, that we will fail in the following days ... Our two guides

push the kindness to accompany us a little longer, to allow us to avoid few major roads.
Then a festival of local roads and communal my GPS did not know from Adam or Eve, but he recorded with the professionalism that characterizes it for, who knows, next time!


After we have bailed out, our two friends, whom we thank warmly, go home, we have about 7 km to perform, ST GERMAIN, but it is known.

Shortly after our arrival, the reception opens at 17h, we can retrieve our keys, we install and then do "the tour of" pending everyone arrives by bike or car.

Cocktails, dinner, sleep and digestive stroll to prepare the next day with the program at Gorges de l'Ardeche Vallon-Pont d'Arc ST-MARTIN-d'Ardèche, return-ORGNAC l'Aven , it!

Leaving the car at Lou Capitelle VOGUE

At km 11, BALAZUC, 2nd crossing of the Ardeche

Mandatory stop

A beautiful natural theater

RUOMS parades and succession tunnels

Charming ...

RUOMS A, 3rd cross the Ardeche

The house of a poor winemaker ST MAURICE D'IBIE

Back to VOGUE (1st and 4th passage of the Ardeche) view of the viaduct

The accommodation

It is very small ...

... next to it!