Sunday, May 30, 2010

Formula On Roi With Mortgage Payments


A sign Input Bessède attracts our attention:
Tower Forest MIEYRO (MAYRA to IGN).
6.5 km, 2:20, it is in our strings.
We can do this hike before returning to Narbonne on Monday morning.

Excellent idea!
The cap, a little water in a bottle, do not bother to override, in two hours we're back ...


Depart 8:30 am, the markup is yellow, not without difficulty, located at the exit of the village and we get on the road to Col of Dent.

After 1.5 miles, we leave the road, step over a fence and continue in a field.
markup seems to point, hopefully this will continue.

.................................. After

an hour's walk, there is over 1200 m altitude, it dominates the village and a meadow where a flock of peacefully grazing sheep.

We find ourselves on a wide path that we follow on 500 m.
A yellow line indicates that we should leave this path to penetrate into the forest.
long as the markup is at the height!
(It was!)


We walked without any problems between the trees and ferns, without ever losing track.
The forest has suffered, fallen logs litter the ground, sometimes forcing them to find work around the track.


700 m away, we came out on the road to the left neck Dent, who has so much suffering to the bike and ensures a right at the neck of Pas del Corps.

A stele recalls the sacrifice of American soldiers in 1944.

It is 10am, we have not yet reached the CLAT, weird ...
continue, we'll see.


We therefore follow the D83 road to the village that we reach after 1.5 miles.

It is almost 10:30.
This time, no doubt, the panel has misinformed, duration indicated only for the round but not the entire loop, which requires 4 hours of walking ...

It is time to ration water carried away because, contrary to what is shown here too, no drinking water in CLAT ...


The hardest part still lies ahead, climb the side of the forest MAYRA.

We arrive after about 2.5 km from trekking, it is more than 11h, it must remain 4 km to perform, this time down in the shade, a formality ..

At noon, we are almost there.


Balance of the trip:
markup super perfect 20/20
circuit very varied and enjoyable 20/20
billboard with many errors 10/20

In fact, we do not regret that he was misinformed about the actual duration of the hike, we would have perhaps not taken.
And it was a shame because it's a great ride, urged!


The sign at the entrance of the village

Pass road Dent

Right in the field

Ca grazing in the valley of Aulen

Bessède, 300 m above

After the pass of Campels

We plunge into the forest (of Artigues Fage)

Pause and ask

A stele in Pas del Corps

One approach CLAT

We're only halfway

Bottom panel that displays the hike

must go to the top!

Soon it will rise!

It's been there

All right, left, not there ...

's go for the climb


Fortunately, the lighting is perfect!

A short break ...

... before a difficult

Phew! It joins the road to Bear No

More than 4 km ...

The fold is not very far

Friday, May 28, 2010

Kates Playground 2010-11-15


last leg of our "Tour of the Falls" on the bike Sunday, May 23, the most beautiful in my opinion.


Ascent of 1 km to the Notre Dame and then to pass the same name.

Party flat 6-km Aunat Rodom and then reached down and NIORT Sault.

We will not follow the D107 which leads to the Col du Pradel, still closed, we turn right onto the D20.
This forest road, very shady, 7 km up to 6.5% average slope and culminates at 1300 m altitude.

After 3 km of flat, we came to the neck of the Seven Brothers, near CAMURAC.


The road is now down to almost 38 km! We cross

BELCAIRE on the D613 and will stop at Espezel to refresh ourselves at the fountain in front is a bakery, the opportunity to buy a croissant.

After a nice downhill switchbacks 3 km we turn left onto the D107 and go to BELFORT-SUR-Rébenty.


A small wonder ahead: some tunnels, impressive cliffs, especially the omnipresent river that can be seen at any time break on the right side of the road.
Joucou is the parade, for me much more beautiful than the grooves of Nesque, although a thousand times less famous.


Joucou After, we continue to descend to Mars.
It is time to eat, we're a few miles from AXAT, Col Dent ahead.
was nice joke about it, we do not lead off.
me back a souvenir on this.


was in 1996, in August, we start the bike, we planned a short trip through MARSA, Joucou, the opposite of what we did today.
Regrettably, after March, a motorist warns that a swarm of wasps had invaded the road and it would be dangerous for us to continue.
So we turned back and we started on this road not knowing what to expect.
slope, heat, flies, uncertainty, ...
We have not forgotten these moments of hardship.


For those who do unaware of the neck of tooth, you should know that culminates at 1236 m, it measures 13 km, 820 m elevation, 6.5% average, with EPs to 10%, 12.5% 13.5% and even 16.5%.


Part 8 km to the pass of Quiere, is hell. The neck of
Nadieu, 2 km away, is slightly less harsh. Two
km longer, and we reach the Pas del Corps, at the junction of the village CLAT.
After a slight descent, and yes, you do not dream, it still ends with a breathtaking final, 1.5 km with maxis to 12.5% and 13.5 %.


Phew Phew! It came to pass Dent. No action
with the year 96, the training pays.
Anecdote: 1h10 for the climb, just like on the home trainer, where I programmed the same coast!


Only 6 km downhill to reach the house.

Thus we end our stay in cycling apotheosis in real fireworks. Thank

mété, your predictions were correct, the weather accompanied us during these four days.


As a reward, we decide to stay one more day, tomorrow hiking in the forest of Myeres.


The first in a series

small supply of wood for the winter

The Rebenty in NIORT Sault

Soon time to ruminate

The small village of Merial, deep!

CAMURAC is right next


BELCAIRE and some Belcairoises

A fountain very welcoming Espezel

A double tunnel in the parade Joucou

Another one!

output, already? We never tire of it!

Always Rebenty, Mars

Crossroads QUILLAN / AXAT and two cubs sympathetic

AXAT, we are already in the rise

The first eight miles, endless!

The climb was softened somewhat

A little respite ... before a final hell!

Phew! We did it!

Go, a last little pass to finish off

A short descent ...

... and now the house