Friday, April 30, 2010

Why Did Melissa Ferris Kill Corrie Duckett

Eyes on Jesus

Reading: Héb.12/1-2


"We also ... So, that is to say that we too are part of those considered as heroes of faith - see Héb.11/39-40

V.1: Looking back

The great cloud of witnesses does not mean they were spectators but actors - models for us.

The word "witness" in the original Greek means "martyr".

Reminder: Luke 9/23-27, 21/8-19; 2Tim.3/12

Like these witnesses, we are engaged in the same race whose goal is heaven - Show: Phil.3/12-21 cf. Rom.8/18; 2Cor.4/16-18

Two important conditions:

- aside every weight: Matth.6/27; 1Pier.5 / 7

- reject sin: 1 Jn 3 / 8, 1 / 9; Prov.28/13

V.2: Looking forward

Glance Jesus, Our Model for Excellence: See 1Pier.2/21-25

- Cessation Model: Phil.2/5- 11

- Model of endurance and perseverance in the race: Héb.4/14-16; 5/7-10

to remember: John 15/18 -20; Luke 6 / 40


1Cor.9/24- 27