Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Walk Without Creasing Your Shoes

Glance back

Reading: 1Sam.7/12


To understand the overall context of the life Israel at the time of Samuel, we must meditate on the book of Judges, which is summarized by these words: "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what seemed good " (Jg 21/25) . See also: Jg 3/1-7, 12. must also remember the family of the priest Eli (1Sam.2) . The country was in need of revival. God raised up Samuel (God has heard).

Principle: Every sin attracts the Judgement of God. To bring His people to Him, He can use any element (event).

Groans beneficial (v.2-3)

The hand of the Philistines hung over Israel For twenty years, despite the presence of the Ark (a symbol of God's presence). The adversary is not impressed by religion - See Act.19/13-16

Counting volunteer (v.3-4)

Repentance is a return to self and God: The only condition to find communion with God and receive His help. See Luke 15/17-24; Prov.28/13

A formidable weapon: prayer (v. 5, 9)

The effective prayer that is stripped of hypocrisy and iniquity: Ps.66/18; Pr.28 / 9; Luke 18/9-14.

Prayer is more effective than any weapon of war: Ps.20/8-9.

Defeat the enemy (v.10-11)

The Lord Himself fight for Israel. When conditions are established, God works.

for thought: Es.30 / 1; Matth.18/18-20.

Looking back (v.12)

Samuel attributes the victory to God, so be it for us too: Jn 15 / 5; 2Cor.3 / 5; Ps.60/13-14.



Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be beneficial in Since each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!