Monday, March 30, 2009

What Does Cervical Lymphadenopathy Means

The skin of the Holocaust

Reading: Leviticus 7 / 8


The Skin is the outer covering of the body.

The holocaust is a sacrifice completely consumed by fire for the expiation of sin - the symbol of the sacrifice of the Cross .

The flesh of the sacrifice must be cut into pieces and burnt on the altar of sacrifice. There remains only the skin returns to the priest. But what is skin?

evokes the death of an animal

This happened for the first time in the garden Eden - made by God Himself: Gen.3/21

When the man realized he was naked made a habit fig leaf - Gen.3 / 7 . Image of self-righteousness - Es.64 / 5 , which does not take away sin - See Eph.2 / 9 .

To be forgiven and justified, it takes blood, symbol of life - Lév.17/11; Héb.9/22 .

About: 2Cor.5/21; Rom.4/25; 1Jn 2/1-2

evokes memories a sacrifice

The priest recalls the scene of sacrifice on the altar of burnt offering.

About: Matth.26/26-29 .

Last Supper is a means to recall the work of Jesus to redeem us from all sin - 1Cor.11/23-26 cf. Rom.8/1-4

Evokes rest and communion

The skin serves as a rug to sit and even sleep. This evokes the rest (Matth.11/28-30) and communion - sat together on the carpet - 1Jn 1/5-7, 4/19-21, 13/34-35 John


If the priest, because of the many sacrifices to be renewed, has a collection of skins for us Jesus has accomplished once and for all - Héb.10/11-18

Note ;: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be profitable only to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sew In Weave Side Effects


Tiger Woods struck again by producing a spectacular eagle at the 3rd round of the 2008 U.S. Open.

The 2 pictures below are demonstrate the movement of the legs to climb: the right leg straightens and the left leg bends.

is a picture of Tiger Woods just after the impact.

As you can see pelvis and right knee went right around the left leg. As the right foot is lifted off the ground but not too much.
iger Woods Tiger Woods
It is funny that we find in Tiger Woods the small forward movement of the left wrist, recommended by Mike Austin .

After presenting the swing of Tiger Woods in profile and front view, here in a shooting unusual but very informative.

This observation angle shows very well the movement of the leg gauche.En Indeed, one can see that during the climb left leg bends progressivement.On also suspect that for this purpose, the left knee moves toward the ball .
the descent, it is obviously the reverse movement that produit.La left leg straightens gradually until finish. Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Woods
I have always felt that Tiger Woods also had a component artistique.Je am so glad that I did not proof trompé.La Video:

are collected below several clips of Tiger Woods playing horseshoes or even bois.Dans the penultimate clip Tiger Woods drive the green of a par 4 of 300 m, passing over the trees.

Some links on Tiger Woods: The site

His Facebook
His Twitter
Its equipment
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Imagenes De Mujeres En Panty


very solid swing of Anthony Kim (AK), one of the most promising young players of the new génération.Anthony Kim is very souple.Au top of backswing for example, we may see a very important weapon is a sign of great flexibility of the wrists.

Anthony Kim "on plan!"

I gathered below the clips that I like about Anthony Kim.

last link on Anthony Kim: His