Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cool Whip Acid Reflux


July 12, 2009: Alexandre Kaleka, turned professional in July 2009, won the Open de Lyon, a test of the Challenge makes Tour.Il card - 16 4 tours.A just 22 years, his career looks promising.

There Kaleka Alexander in this video makes the little forward movement of the left wrist so characteristic of Mike Austin . This can be seen at 1 min 57 .

Some links on Alexandre Kaleka:
His site
His twitter
Its equipment

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Zx1000.1 Stabe At 1ohm


Here's a video with Mike Austin , a genius who drive the golf ball to 471m in 64 years! He achieved this feat in 1974 in Las Vegas.

to succeed his swing:


1-Make a small forward movement of the left wrist

Spread 2-laterally the left arm by turning the left wrist about the axis of the arm (pronation) of 1 / 8 tour.Cette of action leads to the rotation of the torso.

3-Arm "vertically" left wrist

IMPORTANT: Move both knees on the rise because this action facilitates movement of the lower body on the descent .


the early downswing:

4-Launching the club with his right hand and move the lower body as recommended Ben Hogan . So the club is placed in the swing plane and we obtain the regularity of which all golfers dream!

NOTE: The movement of the lower body can be done either consciously or in a non-consciente.Chacun must choose between these two methods that produces the best golf shots. Please do not go too fast with the lower body when the action is done consciously.

"ONE, TWO, THREE." Is how Mike Austin summarizes the technical front swing Champion Mike Dunaway drive.

"ONE" for the small forward movement of the left wrist, "TWO" to climb, and "THREE" for both fundamental descente.Une assimilated, this swing is easy to succeed.

The video below shows the pronation of the left hand at the beginning of swing (phase 2). It also allows you to view the famous swing plane thanks to the Iron Byron.

Photography by Mike Austin below aims to show that it is possible to obtain an angle of about 90 ° between the club and left arm even though it launches the club soon the start of the descent. The technique is taught launched by Mike Austin and Mike Dunaway in a DVD available at:


To enlarge image click it.

And finally here are several clips in which one can see in particular the writer Philip Reed sing the praises of Mike Austin.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Locate Corolla Neutral Safety Switch


Lee Trevino

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dealing With A Gay Crush In School


I present here the swing Mickey Wright . In short, this player has won 82 times on the LPGA tour and has won 13 majors. This shows the reliability of his swing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Building A Queen Headboard


Moe Norman

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Much Do Braces Go For?


By passing a chip that ends at 50 cm from the flag, Phil Mickelson and saves by wins the tournament.

The short game is crucial because the best statistics obtained so far by the professionals are around 70% of green in régulation.Autrement said, in the best cases, professional players are not on the green 3 times out of 10! And therefore 3 out of 10 times, a good short game can save a coup.Sur 18 holes, you win 5 rounds and 4 rounds of a major tournament we win 20!

As can be seen in the previous video, Phil Mickelson has a chip that runs on many green.Il is indeed easier to make a chip that rolled tomb at the entrance of the green rather than a sudden lobed near the falls drapeau.Et is exactly what explains Michaël Lorenzo Vera in the instructional video below.

Site Michael Lorenzo Vera

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tawnee Stone Playing Basketball


In this video, Phil Mickelson reveals a secret part of his game exceptionnel.Petit game whose quality is recognized by all specialists of golf.

Note that whatever binds Mickelson makes his move by placing the majority of his weight forward. Specifically, in this position, we feel that the pressure on the soles of the feet is stronger on the feet before the rear legs.

Phil Mickelson

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Can One Cigarette During Pregnancy Harm Your Baby


Jamie Sadlowski won the 2008 RE / MAX World Long Drive Championship with a drive of 418 yards, which equates to a distance of 376 m! But how does he do?

As can be seen in this video, Jamie Sadlowski straightens his right leg and bend the left leg montée.Autrement said, it has the same footwork as Mike Dunawway .

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Raisin In The Sun Symbol Thesis


Jason Zuback , the multiple world champion long-drive, is able to send the ball at 360 m during concours.Il still manages to be 60 m Tiger Woods ! Yet Zuback is far from be a giant.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Is Lauren London Hair Weage

Being pleasing to the Lord

Reading: Ephesians 5 / 10-11


The tendency of the human heart is to live a religion a la carte, that is to say, save for side requirements the Word of God - Show: 2Tim.4 / 3

Examine what is pleasing to the Lord

Literally "... discern what is pleasing to the Lord " = result of previous verses - see: v.8-9.

So it's not a walk with regulations (See Col.2/18-23) , but a natural reaction of one who is born again - Show: Eph.4/17-24 , which can be summarized by 2Cor.5/17 .

How behaves one born again? 1Jn 5 / 18, cf. 3/4-10 1 Jn.

Practice sin is incompatible with the nature of one who is born again ... unless ... 2Pier.3/20-22 cf. Luke 9 / 62.

How to be pleasing to the Lord?

Scripture gives us some indication of what is pleasing to the Lord


Provide his body as a sacrifice - See 1Cor.6/19-20

Do not conform to this world - 1Jn 2/15-17

Rom. 14/17-18

Living in the Spirit - Gal.5/16-26


Obey parents

1Tim.5 / 4

Take care of her family - see 1Tim.5 / 8


God's child is a child of light. He lives as a result and example of His Master (John 8 / 12, 29)

Note: The meditations in "Sharing Bible" can be profitable only to the extent that each bed in his own Bible references indicated.

Good meditation and God bless you in Jesus Christ!