Sunday, December 21, 2008

Canada Food Guide Mayonaise

Commit your way to the LORD

Reading: Psalm 37/1-6


David recommends not to watch or envy those who do evil. Their success is ephemeral (v.1-2) - See Ps.73/12-17

His exhortation is to turn the eyes toward God and do what He asks.

His personal prayer: Ps.143/10

Trust in the LORD and do good

There is a notion of safety or security. We can confide in someone if we did not have the assurance of his help or his aid.

See Ps.46 / 2; Phil.4 / 6, see: Matth.6/24-34


"and do good" : It means conform his life to the will and direction of the Lord - See Rom.12/1-2; 1Pier.4/1-2

Make the LORD thy delights

That put him in his joy and reason to live - Gal.2/20; Phil.1/21; Col.3/1-4

Promise "and he shall give thee the desires of your heart" : His life was in conformity with the will of God, the believer does not ask what is consistent with this commitment: 1Jn 5 / 14-15

Food for thought: Jacq.4 / 3



"Put your life to the Lord, taking upon him, and he would ensure" (CFB)

"It is the Lord that you must put your whole future. Have confidence in himself and he will act " (Sower)

In other words, if the rule believing his actions according to the will of God, he has no fear the future.

a Happy New Year to everyone,

and God fill you

of His great and rich blessings

in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,

New Year 2009.