Reading: 2Thes.2/3-12
Note "seduce" - Lit. "Drive away".
I. Apostasy
1) Definition of: Apostasy, Greek "apostasia" action = depart, which can also result by the rebellion, the deviation, abandonment, defection.
2) On the spiritual plane, it's someone "having the appearance of piety " but deliberately rejects the truth revealed - 2Tim.3/1-5; 1Jn 4/1-3; Phil.3/18-19.
3) Apostasy is a grave sin, it attracts the Judgement of God ; - 2Thes.2/10-12, 2 Pier.2/17, 21, Jude 11-15; Apoc.3/14-16.
II. Warning Holy Spirit - 1Tim.4 / 1
This text emphasizes the fact the warning of the Holy Spirit a solemn and urgent manner. It is good for us to pay attention. It answers many questions that many Christians arise concerning the spiritual confusion in the Church.
1) "The Spirit says ..." : There is no doubt, an inspiration of the Holy Spirit, like the rest of the revelation of Scripture (2Tim.3/16; 2Pier.1/21).
2) "expressly ..." : the Greek "Alexi", meaning: "expressly", "literally", that is to say, something that is clearly stated, with certainty and unquestionable. These things will happen, that's undeniable, inevitable.
3) " in recent times ... " : Greek" hueterois "means" is back "or more clearly" the end of the last. " This corresponds exactly to our time.
4) "some will drop ..." : Lit. "Apostasy" - as we saw on the verb "apostasia" which means "action to depart." It describes a person who moves from one position to go in another. One step after another, it moves slowly and gradually abandoning the faith.
5) "faith" : This is good doctrine - Jude 3.
6) "to attach" : Lit. "Apply his mind to "or" turning his thoughts in another direction. " This describes the Christians who have consciously opened their minds to new thoughts.
7) "seducing spirits" : from the Greek " ; planos ", which means" who is wandering, "who wrong, "" liar, "" seductive ". It's taking someone's hand and lead him so slowly out of the way, he does not even realize he is leaving this way. See 2Tim.3/6-7.
8) "doctrines of demons" : The Greek word "didaskalia" consists of the word "didasko" (I teach) and "Kali" (good or wonderful). This talking about a gifted teacher and talented. Seducers are often very good speakers that impress others with their talents. To emphasize the origin "of demons."
III. Why some Christians are deceived?
1) In 2Thes.2/10, the apostle speaks of those "who did not receive the love of truth and so be saved."
2) In 2Tim.4/3-4, he speaks of those "who will not endure sound doctrine."
This shows that these are people who never really made a profound experience with
Exhortation: Matth.7/21-27; Act.17/11; Héb.12/1-2.